
  1. S

    Is flirting dangerous for someone in a relationship?

    I have a friend who has a girlfriend who lives far from where he lives. This girlfriend has a man friend in the place where she lives and works. They seem close and the man friend keeps o posting on her wall in facebook postings like you have a good heart, you have a big smile, calling her dear...
  2. R

    Is she being too obvious with her flirting to be interested?

    Well there is a girl that Ive worked with for close to 2 years I'm 21 shes 18 and we were never really "friends" just a hi bye acquaintance and recently I noticed that she seems to be flirting with me alot. It started around valentines day asking if I had a valentine this year I said no kind of...
  3. J

    How to tell the difference in a guy flirting with you and a guy who wants... to be his future gf? Hes flirtatious but he gives off hints how im his future...and wants me to fill it in & i dont & we joke around callin each other punks & he always gives me a hug when he sees me and he says how beautiful i am & how i make his day when we talk & see each other and...
  4. M

    is he flirting or just joking around?

    there is this man who for some reason I feel a huge attraction to , when we are at group gatherings he is always looking at me from across the room and when I look back we maintain eye contact for several seconds. he has said little things like "little beauty queen, said i look like lady gaga...
  5. G

    The guy that I REALLY like is flirting with me on video chat, what should I say? ?

    I've known him for quite a while, and were pretty good friends, he is asking me questions, and making jokes, and standing up for me if his other friend makes a rude remark. I dont wasn't to seem desperate, but I want to take it a little further, Im still not sure if he likes me though, what...
  6. R

    Does complaining to another boy about my boyfriend count as flirting?

    apparently after doing all this, this boy 'likes me'. is this to do with the complaining?
  7. M

    I always have dreams of my ex flirting with girls and ignoring me what does that

    mean? i still like my ex..and I dream about him sometimes but the dreams I have aren't very nice. Most of the time its of him ignoring me completely and flirting with a girl right in front of me as if I don't exist! Its kinda a buzz kill.. We still talk and hang out sometimes so its not like he...
  8. V

    Why did i catch my really really religious friend tweeting about flirting

    with a lesbian in the middle? of a jewish shabat service or whatever it's called. isn't that going a little too far? i'm bi that's not the point but she's really really religious, i thought maybe she's a hypocrite for flirting AT the service i never understood religous people...............they...
  9. V

    Why did i catch my really really religious friend tweeting about flirting

    with a lesbian in the middle? of a jewish shabat service or whatever it's called. isn't that going a little too far? i'm bi that's not the point but she's really really religious, i thought maybe she's a hypocrite for flirting AT the service i never understood religous people...............they...
  10. L

    is laughing and smiling at a guy considered flirting ramdan?

    are these things flirting even if u have a pure heart and ur intention is not to attract guys smiling at them..just being polite laughing at a joke cuz it was funny wot other things would be considered flirting and how can this be avoided? salam also wot about sitting next to them if u r...
  11. W

    Does making jokes, smiling a lot, and slightly flirting with women?

    make me a bad person? Like if people think I'm interested in them when really I just want to be friends is that really my fault or a bad thing on my part?
  12. K

    is it just flirting or is he interested?

    so there is this other guy brendon in my math class and he is a softmore and im a freshman but he dosent care and we are kinda friends and he is always VERY touchy feeling all up on me all the time in class and he always plays with my hair and stuff like that .... so i was thinking he might like...
  13. C

    How to explain that impatience to meet a girl you're flirting is ok or at

    least not bad? Well i'm impatient to meet her to have dinner with her etc. I am trying to find a reason to explain (if needed) that this is not bad, that it shows my interest for her etc Does anyone have an good explanation ? and i really mean it that it not bad
  14. A

    LGBT: Is he flirting with me or joking around?

    I am a bi 16 year old guy, and I have a crush on my friend. The best part is that I think he is flirting with me. He doesnt know im bi, and im not sure if he is gay or bi. He seems to take every chance he has to hug me, he touched my ear and smiled at me, he called me cute, and he turned around...
  15. S

    Was this girl at Taco Bell flirting with me?

    Place: Taco Bell Mission: Tacos Trip 1: I gave the girl my debit card and she says, "hey, how you do you pronounce your last name?" She was super nice. Trip 2: At the drive thru she said, "hey, I think I've seen you before. Oh yeah, I remember you." Then she came over to the window asking how...
  16. S

    Was this girl at Taco Bell flirting with me?

    Place: Taco Bell Mission: Tacos Trip 1: I gave the girl my debit card and she says, "hey, how you do you pronounce your last name?" She was super nice. Trip 2: At the drive thru she said, "hey, I think I've seen you before. Oh yeah, I remember you." Then she came over to the window asking how...
  17. S

    Was this girl at Taco Bell flirting with me?

    Place: Taco Bell Mission: Tacos Trip 1: I gave the girl my debit card and she says, "hey, how you do you pronounce your last name?" She was super nice. Trip 2: At the drive thru she said, "hey, I think I've seen you before. Oh yeah, I remember you." Then she came over to the window asking how...
  18. S

    Was this girl at Taco Bell flirting with me?

    Place: Taco Bell Mission: Tacos Trip 1: I gave the girl my debit card and she says, "hey, how you do you pronounce your last name?" She was super nice. Trip 2: At the drive thru she said, "hey, I think I've seen you before. Oh yeah, I remember you." Then she came over to the window asking how...
  19. S

    Was this girl at Taco Bell flirting with me?

    Place: Taco Bell Mission: Tacos Trip 1: I gave the girl my debit card and she says, "hey, how you do you pronounce your last name?" She was super nice. Trip 2: At the drive thru she said, "hey, I think I've seen you before. Oh yeah, I remember you." Then she came over to the window asking how...
  20. S

    Was this girl at Taco Bell flirting with me?

    Place: Taco Bell Mission: Tacos Trip 1: I gave the girl my debit card and she says, "hey, how you do you pronounce your last name?" She was super nice. Trip 2: At the drive thru she said, "hey, I think I've seen you before. Oh yeah, I remember you." Then she came over to the window asking how...