
  1. J

    Kindle Fire HD - DVD?

    I am attempting to convert my DVD's into MP4 format (or 3GP, VP8 (.webm) ). So far so good, the first one took a while, but I managed to get it to MP4 format, and got it onto my Kindle Fire HD 7". Only problem was, when I tapped it to play the movie, my kindle came up with an error message...
  2. A

    Does anyone know a tip on how to defeat the fire dog on the game Elphis in Ipad?

    I need to defeat him quick! I need a tip on how to defeat this boss monster! please! someone give me a tip
  3. M

    Problems transferring Pokemon Fire Red save file from my phone to computer?

    I've been playing pokemon fire red on my android phone using the vgba emulator. I wanted to play on my laptop instead so I installed Visual Boy Advanced and copied the save file over to my computer. VBA just doesn't see the save file. It starts the rom up like there's no saved games at all...
  4. S

    What's a oil for cooking that whont catch on fire?

    Like grease fires, I want to cook some mahi mahi this weekend and don't want fires. Will vegetable oil catch fire?
  5. A

    what is the theme for catching fire?

    i am doing a report on a book and i chose catching fire by suzanne collins. i have ti right the theme/main idea but i cant figure it out, it also has to be in a phrase. thanks to those who answer and if you can, please put it in a phrase. Thanks!
  6. L

    How do you clear photos out of your gallery on a Motorola Fire XT530 if there's... delete option there? They're some photos I had lying around on my computer that somehow got automatically added to my phone the first time I connected with my usb cable. I'm trying to delete them but there's no delete option. The only two options I see are "share" and "details". When I...
  7. B

    Kindle Fire HD or Ipad Mini? Which is better?

    I'm thinking about getting a tablet and I've narrowed my choices down to these 2 options. I've read reviews on both, but would appreciate any feedback if you have one of these and what are the pros and cons. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
  8. B

    Whats a realistic release date for the next A song of Ice and Fire novel?

    Martin writes incredibly assuming 2015 at the earlierst and 2017 by the latest... what do you think will be a realistic release time for the next book?
  9. S

    Why did the inside of my kindle fire blow up?

    Ok so I held my kindle fire today and it was fine. When I came home today one side was lifted up. It kinda looks like a bag had blowin up inside. Why did it do it and how do I fix it???? HELP!!!! :o
  10. T

    If a car catches on fire....?

    If there is a car accident where the car is too mangled to simply open the door and the car catches on fire, would the fire dept. use the jaws of life to cut the car if no one was inside? I'm asking because I just saw a really bad accident where the car caught fire, the gas tank blew andthe...
  11. B

    Sponge is on fire help?

    Well I head on the news that it's good to put your sponge in the microwave for two minutes to get rid of germs. But I guess I did it wrong because now it's on fire. The house really smells like smoke. What should I do?
  12. A

    NHL 3 Stars: Shutouts for Rinne, Price; Fehr on fire for Capitals

    Max Pacioretty and Shawn Matthias go head-to-head. No. 1 Star: Carey Price, Montreal Canadiens It was a goaltender's duel in the Sunshine State, and Price came out on top, stopping all 26 shots he faced in a 1-0 overtime win over the Florida Panthers. The lone goal came courtesy of Rene...
  13. C

    Why would a fire on a cruise ship disabled the toilets?

    The cruise ship Carnival Triumph was being towed to port in Alabama on Tuesday as passengers complained of sweltering heat and gut-wrenching odors from backed up toilets after a weekend engine fire left it adrift in the Gulf of Mexico.
  14. B

    What kind of hand held screen does the Fire Department use with their

    handheld FLIR Cameras? I just bought this FLIR Thermal Imager FLIR First Mate HM-224 Handheld Maritime Thermal Night Vision Camera, Black/Yellow and was told that the Fire Department uses a bigger screen, I think 6" wide, so...
  15. S

    How to stop books from returning after deleted on kindle fire HD?

    I have had my kindle fire hd for a few months and whenever I put it to charge after deleting books they all return and I have to delete them all over again. How to solve this problem?
  16. M

    I have a 85 chevrolet silverado 305 k20 and it turns over but no fire...

    ...what-so-ever What is wrong with it? I also have the timing set right too
  17. O

    What is the ranks structure for the UK's RAF fire and rescue service?

    I'm unsure whether the rank structure goes by the RAF rank system or the Fire and Rescue rank system.
  18. R

    What's the best Nintendo DS emulator for a Kindle Fire?

    There's a few, I know, but I'd like to get a decent one.
  19. S

    What is the theme of the book Catching Fire?

    I'm doing a book report on the second book of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. I'm really bad at analyzing books, so I was just wondering if you guys could help me and point out the theme(s) of the book?
  20. V

    Suns Fire Alvin Gentry

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