
  1. T

    should i fill in the cencus form?

    i like to stay private
  2. I

    Goodbye Kazaa,,,,,hello (fill in the blank)?

    Now that Kazaa is gone, where else "safely" can I go for my music downloads?? Free? With minimal hassles?? I understand that TNSTAAFL, but somewhere out there must be a good place for downloading tunes.
  3. C

    How do I make this gadget fill 100% of the page width?

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Module> <ModulePrefs title="CVTradingPost" directory_title="CVTradingPost's Feed Reader" description="Smarter feed reader" author="CVTradingPost" author_email="[email protected]"...
  4. C

    How do I make this gadget fill 100% of the page width?

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Module> <ModulePrefs title="CVTradingPost" directory_title="CVTradingPost's Feed Reader" description="Smarter feed reader" author="CVTradingPost" author_email="[email protected]"...
  5. C

    How do I make this gadget fill 100% of the page width?

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Module> <ModulePrefs title="CVTradingPost" directory_title="CVTradingPost's Feed Reader" description="Smarter feed reader" author="CVTradingPost" author_email="[email protected]"...
  6. C

    How do I make this gadget fill 100% of the page width?

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Module> <ModulePrefs title="CVTradingPost" directory_title="CVTradingPost's Feed Reader" description="Smarter feed reader" author="CVTradingPost" author_email="[email protected]"...
  7. C

    How do I make this gadget fill 100% of the page width?

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Module> <ModulePrefs title="CVTradingPost" directory_title="CVTradingPost's Feed Reader" description="Smarter feed reader" author="CVTradingPost" author_email="[email protected]"...
  8. C

    How do I make this gadget fill 100% of the page width?

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Module> <ModulePrefs title="CVTradingPost" directory_title="CVTradingPost's Feed Reader" description="Smarter feed reader" author="CVTradingPost" author_email="[email protected]"...
  9. M

    PARENTS please take a moment to fill out my survey, it would greatly help me!!!?

    PARENTS please take a moment to fill out my survey, it would greatly help me!!!? IF YOU FEEL IT IS TOO LONG THAN PLEASE JUST ANSWER AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE :) Children learn best when they are happy and secure. Home child care and school age program environments are safe and nurturing. I seek to...
  10. L

    Are these the drain and fill plugs on front differential, 2001 Toyota Tacoma 2.7L?

    I removed the skid plate under the differential. I see 2 hex head fittings, maybe 10mm. One is at the bottom, and one is on the drivers side. Are these the plugs? There is not much height difference between them.
  11. B

    How many hippos would fill the empire state building?

    I am doing an expos for debate on random facts. Please help me find the answer.
  12. G

    Ask Me a Question about Human Universals and Get Your Fill of Kissing

    These two things are only indirectly connected: What this all means: On Friday the 4th, Skeptically Speaking will have a pre-recorded interview with Sheril. On that same show, I'll do a pre-recored installment of "Everything...". You can go to the link and click on "ask a question", but do...
  13. J

    how can u watch a movie without askn you to fill out a survey and to download !!

    what is a good website? what is a good website ?
  14. D

    Survey: What is the easiest/quickest tax forms online to fill out?

    I mean like easy to understand and do,I have always had mine done professionally-but cannot afford it this time-so I thought there are a few I have seen on the net that are free to use and was wondering what all of u on here felt was best,thank you in advance!! ~~oh yeah do all of them have to...
  15. T

    Kansas Health Secretary Says Providers Must Fill Out More Detailed Reports Of Abortio

    Kansas Department of Health and Environment Secretary Robert Moser said Monday that his office will more strictly enforce a requirement under a 1998 law that abortion providers fill out detailed reports about any abortions they perform after 21 weeks of pregnancy, the AP/Kansas City Star...
  16. J

    So i have to fill out this questionair, and i want it to be funny....?

    It is for my highschool assembly. so if you can think of any funny ways to answer these questions please lets me know. 1. What are your plans after highschool? 2. What is your dream car, and who would be sitting next to you? 3. If you could be a Nintedo character, who would you be? 4.If you...
  17. E

    Bisexual survey for you to fill out?

    Name (optional): Grade/Occupation: 1. How would you define bisexuality? 2. Do you believe it exists (please explain why or why not)? 3. Have you seen or heard of any mistreatment of bisexuals in school? 4. What opinion do you have about...
  18. I

    How do I fill the travel information in DS 160 US visa application if I am going

    for a course (Training)? The options in the list of purpose of travel are really miss-leading, I am only going for a course and I am not able to find what is to choose. please answer if you have filled this application before for the sane purpose of travel. Thank you,
  19. C

    how many quarts do I need to drain and fill a 05 nissan maxima transmission oil?

    how much of the nissan k-matic do I need?
  20. C

    how many quarts do I need to drain and fill a 05 nissan maxima transmission oil?

    how much of the nissan k-matic do I need?