
  1. M

    Should WWE start hiring UFC or MMA women fighters to be Diva's in WWE.?

    People complain about Diva's not being able to wrestle but surely with a little bit of Training thses UFC girls could be great Diva's. They would get more money then UFC I think and would not get as much punishment. Which women UFC fighters would make good wwe diva's in your opinion.
  2. J

    The fighters of Brazil are the best in MMA ...?

    . . ?Anderson Silva ?Mauricio Shogun ?Jose Aldo ?Junior Cigano dos Santos Who can beat these guys ...? Brazil will have four belts in the UFC! . .
  3. S

    are MOST UFC FIGHTERS Bad-A**es out of the ring?

    being tough in a controlled environment is one thing, being tough on the streets is quite another
  4. Q

    Why are so many boxers and MMA fighters religious? (Especially Christian)?

    THEY GET HIT IN THE HEAD A LOT!!! LOLOLOL HAHAHAHAHAH (sarcasm) wow that is pretty funny guys. So original that only about 20 people said it in a row. Thanks you genius.
  5. H

    Girls what ufc fighters do you think are the hottest?

    in case you dont know any i put three up i hear alotta chick say. that guys roger huerta thats diego sanchez...
  6. T

    What is a boxer and mma fighters life like?

    When do you run? How much? What do u workout? How long? And if you could tell me some really killer ab work outs that would be great. Im 15 years old and want to start fighting but want to be in good shape when I start training. Thanks.
  7. R

    for some easy points, how would john bradhsaw layfield end up vs these mma fighters?

    1.shogun 2.dan hendo 3.fedor 4.overeem 5.carwin 6.belfort 7.iceman 8.bas rutten 9.crocop 10.minotauro
  8. W

    If MMA fighters were so tough how come they fled the ring while outlaw...

    ...rival bikie gangs had an all in brawl? In this video well trained martial arts ran like cowards when bikies started a fight have a look i same thing...
  9. K

    Would MMA fighters last a TLC match? like that
  10. L

    who are your favorite UFC fighters?

    i like: Clay "The Carpenter" Guida Dan "The Outlaw" Hardy Dane "Red Horse" Sayers Georges "Rush" St-Pierre Matt Hughes Forrest Griffin Roy "Big Country" Nelson Urijah "The California Kid" Faber
  11. J

    Is it true that Ninjitsu fighters are not allowed in the UFC?

    I heard that if you study Ninjitsu, you won't be allowed to fight in UFC, is this true?
  12. L

    do nascar drivers earn more money than UFC fighters?

    stupid question, just trying to prove a point to someone
  13. N

    Who are some pro boxers/ kick boxers/ mma fighters who started pretty late

    (in their 20's)? I know about Deontay Wilder (heavy weight boxer)
  14. B

    most overrated ufc fighters ever?

    well for one chuck liddell was great at one time but his been past his prime since 2007 and people we over rank him and now randy couture again couture use to be a great fighter but i think its time to put down the gloves his not a top ten fighter any more and ufc needs to realise this and i...
  15. R

    is there any real mma fighters on here that can help me?

    if so what kinda muscle building supplements you use and what kind of work outs that are affective
  16. 2

    Best French UFC Fighters?

    I have to do a project on french speaking people and someone is already doing gsp! So I wanted to know if anyone knew a good french ufc fighter?? Please Help!
  17. D

    What MMA fighters use Karate as their striking art?

    Any Shotokan besides Lyoto Machida?
  18. B

    Why the best MMA fighters have no tattoo's?

    Anderson Silva Loyoto Machida Josh Koscheck Matt Hughes (the first to beat GSP) Nick Diaz BJ Penn Rashad Evans aahha tattoos are for clowns :))
  19. S

    How many football players, UFC fighters, and pro wrestlers have been injured...

    ...between 2000 and 2010? I'm doing a report on my pro wrestler deserve more respect. I'm gonna compare the number of pro wrestling injures to the football injuries and UFC and injuries. I only want answers. I don't care if it's fake or not, I know it's fake, so you don't need to inform me. My...
  20. L

    Any female MMA fighters out there?

    I am a middleweight female MMA fighter, and I want a fight! right now I'm 0-0 I train with Preston Snook, a pro fighter out of Oklahoma. And I am ready to get the ball rolling here... Let's do this girls, who's brave?