
  1. T

    Revolutionary Techniques Could Help Harness Patients' Own Immune Cells To Fight Disea

    The human body contains immune cells programmed to fight cancer and viral infections, but they often have short lifespans and are not numerous enough to overcome attacks by particularly aggressive malignancies or invasions. Now researchers reporting in two separate papers in the January 4th...
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    How To Regulate Geo-Engineering Efforts To Fight Climate Change?

    With policymakers and political leaders increasingly unable to combat global climate change, more scientists are considering the use of manual manipulation of the environment to slow warming's damage to the planet. But a University of Iowa law professor believes the legal ramifications of this...
  3. Y

    Who would win in a fight, Superman or Goku?

    I already feel Goku would win. I just want to see a good argument for Superman being the victor. Keep in mind, this is the strongest version of Superman versus Goku at the end of GT.
  4. V

    Who would win the fight? James Bond, Ethan Hunt or Jason Bourne?

    The Spy Fight!
  5. kowalskil

    The fight for free religion

    The fight for free religion in America This PBS video, broadcasted on 12/18/2012, is worth watching and thinking about. Video: First Freedom: The Fight for Religious Liberty | Watch First Freedom Online | PBS Video It is full of topics worth debating, either here or elsewhere. Please share...
  6. J

    masane amaha dialogue in witchblade. during her fight?

    yeah. i am asking what is masane amaha dialogue. when she's on the fight.
  7. C

    Can someone name this baseball fight song?

    Hey can someone name the fight song that starts at 1:42 in this video? It's when they start saying Heeeey! Lol please someone help me that song has been stuck in my head. Link to video:
  8. L

    Who would win in a fight, Luke Skywalker or Paul Atreides?

    Well, who?
  9. X

    What can two teen girls fight over?

    Ok do in my story I have - Tina who is smart, Pete, sweet, and an excellent drawer. Dom who is hair-obsessed, strong, bad girl, funny, sleeps a lot, loves food. This is a HARRY POTTER NEXT GENERATION FANFIC so keep it in mind that this is at hogwarts. Bacically I need some small minor fight that...
  10. N

    Who is the hardest person to fight in UFC 3 as a submission specialist?

    The person that would give me the hardest time trying to fight in the Light Heavyweight divison as a submission/ground and pound player Give me the name, what he specializes in, and why you think he would give me a challenge
  11. A

    Study: Obesity Gene May Fight Depression; Media: Fat People Are Really Jolly!

    Reading the headlines of web articles about this obesity and depression study is like*witnessing a game of "telephone" between narcissists, idiots and sociopaths. Oof. A truly stunning*example of how health studies get distorted in the media. More » Study: Obesity Gene May Fight Depression...
  12. J

    MMA Fighters: How did you feel entering your very first cage fight?

    Were you nervous at all? Did you go into it thinking you're going to lose?
  13. A

    Robin Lehner gets ejected for goalie fight, Binghamton Senators blow 5-0 lead, lose i

    Binghamton Senators goaltender Robin Lehner is no stranger to dropping the blocker and the glove and scrapping with an opponent. His fiery temper has given us some memorable moments over the past few years. On Saturday night, Lehner added another fight to his belt taking on Riku Helenius of...
  14. G

    Dancing With the Stars Backstage Scoop: Bristol and Mark Talk First Fight, Plus Who H

    History repeating itself can sometimes be a good thing, just ask*Kelly Monaco*and*Val Chmerkovskiy or Melissa Rycroft*and*Tony Dovolani. Tonight we saw some of...
  15. A

    What exposure and aperture should I set my camera in a MMA fight event?

    Im going to a MMA fight tomorrow (MIXED martial arts) I have a canon t2i camera.I want to take really good pics of the event, its a indoor place, its kinda dark but the caged fight is on a stadium and there are alot of spotlights. but in the audience area the lights are very dim..Which exposure...
  16. T

    Defining Stable Sequences For Collagen Synthesis Could Help Fight Disease, Design Dru

    The human body is proficient at making collagen. And human laboratories are getting better at it all the time. In a development that could lead to better drug design and new treatments for disease, Rice University researchers have made a major step toward synthesizing custom collagen. Rice...
  17. H

    MMA Coach wants me to fight at 145 in a couple months, I feel it's impossible to...

    ...gain weight? I'm currently 135.. I've come along way, as I was only 117 when beginning my training 7 months ago. For the past couple months I've been trying to put on 10 more pounds. During the day I'll weight in around 136.. at night around 139 (I know I shouldn't be checking everyday, but...
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    Completely New Way To Fight Bacterial Infections Using 'Naked Darth Vader' Approach

    Rather than trying to kill bacteria outright with drugs, Universite de Montreal researchers have discovered a way to disarm bacteria that may allow the body's own defense mechanisms to destroy them. "To understand this strategy one could imagine harmful bacteria being like Darth Vader, and the...
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    Cell Evolution Employed In The Fight Against Cancer

    As the medical community continues to make positive strides in personalized cancer therapy, scientists know some dead ends are unavoidable. Drugs that target specific genes in cancerous cells are effective, but not all proteins are targetable. In fact, it has been estimated that as few as 10 to...
  20. A

    Watch this mic?d up fight between Chicago Blackhawks at prospects camp (VIDEO)

    On Day 3 of Chicago Blackhawks Development Camp, winger Garret Ross was wearing a live mic and was itching for a fight. The 2012 fifth-round pick finally found a dance partner in free-agent invitee Chris Martin, and the sights and sounds of their brawl were captured by the Blackhawks...