
  1. A

    Landon Donovan is feeling burned out

    At the end of October, Landon Donovan told ESPN that he needed some time away from the game. Those comments were soon overshadowed by the LA Galaxy reaching the MLS Cup final and David Beckham's surprise announcement that the match would be his last with the club. But in an interview with the LA...
  2. M

    Having the feeling that people are laughing at you?

    So my little sister (13) tells me that for years she's had this thing where a couple times a month, out of the blue she'll suddenly get this feeling that there are people laughing at everything she's doing. Even if she's alone she'll still feel like people are ridiculing her. She says that it...
  3. M

    Senior Citizens, what do you like to do for recreation if you're feeling up to it?

    I take 5 minute walks around this area. Also, if I go anywhere in the car, that's exercise for me since I walk 2 blocks to the car, get a cart to bring back what I bought then have to walk 2 blocks to put the cart back and 2 blks. back. So shopping wears me out. But got to burn up the...
  4. L

    Feeling guilty? SIDS? Premonitions?

    Prior to my child's death in April, I had a premonition while I was sitting in the chair rocking my son as he was asleep in my arms. I dreamed that my son was going to die. Toward the end of the month, the nightmare became real. I had fears even when I was pregnant. I didn't tell anyone about it...
  5. A

    Trent Richardson is apparently feeling much better

    Trent Richardson burned many of us last week, rushing for just eight yards on eight carries in a friendly match-up (at Indy), then sitting out the final two quarters. But he seems to have recovered sufficiently from his rib injury, because T-Rich is off to a tremendous start in Week 8...
  6. T

    You Are Feeling Sleepy... And We Can Tell

    The speed and degree to which the pupil of the eye responds is a standard test for alertness. It has also been used to assess how sleepy or exhausted a person is. Now, research to be published in the International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications suggests that measuring pupil...
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    4 Natural Ways to Combat Muscle Pain (And Stop Feeling Older Than You Really Are)

    Whether it’s from a challenging workout or overtime at the office, if you feel like you have been hit with a ton of bricks, you are probably looking to soothe those sore and aching muscles. Here are four of my favorite remedies to get rid of muscle pain, and back to being superwoman (or man) by...
  8. J

    I have been feeling wanting to have a friend that is a boy (lol IDK XD)?

    Hello if you guys are in a website called deviantart and maybe know me im Emeraldwolfs12 but i since have a new account its called Greenwolfs12 (yes its almost like the emerald xD) so ya could you help me with something and uh i know this but i have been feeling i have been liking boys alot and...
  9. J

    Had too much to drink 3 days later and I'm still not feeling well?

    Saturday night I had a too much to drink giving me a disgusting hang over on Sunday however it is now Wednesday and I am still not feeling well... haven't been eating right and throwing up. I never had a hang over last me this long. What can it be?
  10. T

    A premonition without actually knowing what's the future, but just a feeling that...

    ...something will happen...? that is to someone or even to something. I dont know what they call it but it happened many times now. How do i make it stop? or do you think, should i develop it? I know its going to be something big, i'm afraid of what might happen...
  11. A

    Should i get a burning feeling in my ear after using aqua ear?

    I have swimmers ear and lately after i use aqua ear there is a burning pain for a little while. Is this normal or is there something wrong?
  12. B

    Spiritual/ psychic/ intuitive people - what is this feeling?

    Last night and tonight I have had this weird feeling - it is right in m heart chakra. I cannot tell if it is good or bad - I was wondering if anyone could tell me what this could be?
  13. A

    ‘Smart Foods’ Could Trick The Brain Into Feeling Full

    A team of European scientists is working on developing 'smart foods' that could signal to the brain when you've had enough to eat. These foods would be fortified with substances that mimic our bodies' hunger-regulating hormones. More »Post from: Blisstree
  14. A

    Feeling Lazy? New Weight Loss Surgery Is Perfect Excuse To Skip Exercise

    Good news if you're tired of all those boring salads and hours on the elliptical. Just in time for the much-hyped bikini season, there is a new surgical weight-loss procedure just for women who want to drop 25 to 50 pounds. If it sounds too good to be true, it's not. Although it has all the...
  15. T

    Feeling Strong Emotions Makes Peoples' Brains 'Tick Together'

    Research team at Aalto University and Turku PET Centre has revealed how experiencing strong emotions synchronizes brain activity across individuals. Human emotions are highly contagious. Seeing others' emotional expressions such as smiles triggers often the corresponding emotional response in...
  16. D

    I have a feeling that some religious fellowship are nothing but a fellowship...

    ...of gossip using religious books? Does anyone else feel the same way?
  17. L

    Don't you hate the feeling you get after watching the end of a great anime...

    ...series? =(? I just finished watching Yu Yu Hakusho for the first time in years and when it ended I felt like it took some of my happiness along with it. It's the same depressed feeling I got after watching the end of Inuyasha the final act, Hanasakeru Seishounen, Avatar TLA and many others...
  18. G

    Live at American Idol: The Top Nine Dish on Emotional Show! Plus, Who Is Feeling Unde

    To paraphrase a song covered on last night's American Idol, Jesus took the wheel for many of the top nine contestants! Sure, Hollie Cavanaugh covered the Carrie Underwood hit, but...
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    Jujitsu Newbie - Feeling Intimidated and Overwhelmed?

    I have just started taking up jujitsu. I really like it and don't mind that it is very physical. But I'm very short & thin, so I feel really intimidated and overwhelmed because I'm not used to this activity and don't have the stamina...and obviously I still haven't developed in technique. Any...
  20. R

    I Want to have the MP3 of this??- Black Eyed Peas I Gotta Feeling (Remix Clean)?

    what i have is MPG- movie file of Black Eyed Peas I Gotta Feeling (Remix Clean).. this was so good but i want it on MP3 format.. does anyone has this?? please share. Thank you