
  1. M

    Can I feed my snake yet?

    She's a baby Boa Constrictor (Red Tail) and shes eating Fuzzys I fed her last Thursday but she hasn't pooped yet Should I still feed her or should I wait another week?
  2. D

    shall I try and feed the donkey from a flat hand. Donkey is nice but bitey and pushy?

    will he take my hand off? he is a biter. he bites my clothes and mouthes at my hand. He gives me a shove in the leg now for more treats.
  3. E

    How many times a day should I feed my fish ?

    In a 20 gallon tank I have 3 tiger barbs, 4 serpae tetra, 3 rosy barbs, 1 phantom tetra, 1 lemon tetra, 1 pleco and a rainbow shark. For the first time - there is finally some harmony in the tank. How many times a day should i be feeding them ? also -how often should i be changing the water...
  4. A

    How much should I feed my fish a day?

    I have a chinese fighting fish, I usually feed him 3 pellets before I leave for school, 2 when I come home for lunch (which isn't everyday) 2 when I get home and 2 before I go to bed. I've had him for about a year, I don't want to kill him by feeding him too much so I was wondering if that's too...
  5. M

    Got a fully-loaded cheeseburger you wanna feed to a food-starved celebrity?

    Feed it to 'em here! I'll go first. PLZ...PLZ...give a bacon double-cheeseburger to Victoria Beckham!
  6. M

    How often should I feed my betta?

    I recently bought a female betta fish and the man at the store told me to feed her 3 to 4 pellets once a day but the package says 3 to 4 twice daily. What should I do? This is the food I have: http://pet.imageg.net/graphics/product_images/pPETS-3759676t400.jpg Also the kit I have came with...
  7. B

    Should I feed my dog if she has diarrhea?

    My dog has diarrhea...it's time to feed her again but I don't want to upset her belly...any advice? Thanks!
  8. D

    What do I feed my venus fly trap?

    I just bought a fly trap without thinking that it is still winter in Alberta and we wont have flies or bugs for at least a month (stupid me I know). Is there anything else I can feed it? The tag said not to feed it meat, but other than insects it didnt say what I can feed it. Also it is really...
  9. X

    my gerbils teeth have fallen out what can i feed him?

    his top teeth have fallen out any food you can suggest that i can feed him?? please help!
  10. N

    What should I feed these newborn bunnies?

    My dog dug up a rabbits nest, and killed the mother. We had to bring the babies in before they got hurt too. We have cows milk, and condensed sweetened milk. Are either of those okay to feed them? My parents didnt want to go out and buy anything.
  11. B

    how often do i have to feed mice.?

    can i refil its bowl once a week
  12. L

    How many pounds of tomato sauce can feed 20 people?

    I really need this info as soon as possible and if you know how many pounds of spaghetti can feed 20 people that would be helpful as well
  13. A

    Will a Sky plus box work for me with only ONE satellite cable feed from

    the dish. Im not bothered about....? ...recording a different channel whilst watching recording another etc. However I am interested in the HDD in the unit without having to spend on a HDD DVD.
  14. E

    how do I feed the code into the in-car audio cd/radio? Mazda 323F?

    How do I feed in the code into the in-car audio cd of a 53reg Mazda 323F. Panel is flashing CODE after the battery went flat. I have the code.
  15. A

    Will a Sky plus box work for me with only ONE satellite cable feed from the...

    ...dish. Im not bothered about....? ...recording a different channel whilst watching recording another etc. However I am interested in the HDD in the unit without having to spend on a HDD DVD.
  16. E

    how do I feed the code into the in-car audio cd/radio? Mazda 323F?

    How do I feed in the code into the in-car audio cd of a 53reg Mazda 323F. Panel is flashing CODE after the battery went flat. I have the code.
  17. R

    i just bought a laptop and was wondering how to set up a live feed...

    ...internet site from my webcam? i watch one tree hill a lot and was wondering if anyone knows how to do live stearm video on the internet like payton did
  18. N

    can i feed my fired belly toad anything else than crickets ?

    please help me
  19. A

    How do I get my yahoo to be my default rss feed using flock as my internet provider.?

    How do I get my yahoo to be my default rss feed using flock as my internet provider.
  20. L

    can i drive in my bmw and feed me baby breasts at the same time if he is...

    ...hungry and screming? I cannot be drivin in my car with all that racket I will damage the car. So I take him out shake him a lil bit and pop a brest in and I get in truble for that why come?