
  1. M

    Travelling to Wijchen in February?

    I'll be travelling to Wijchen in February on business. I'm going to have some free time. I am not familiar with the area at all and I'm looking for tourist information. What are some must see locations in the area? What kind of weather can I expect? If I have a weekend, is it better to head...
  2. H

    when is the best time to buy vacation packages for february 2011?

    my gf and i are looking to go on a vacation to a beach somewhere in february of next year. we are thinking caribbean or maybe hawaii. we've looked at a few deals and it seems like a lot of deals now are for oct-dec. there are some deals for january-march, but are they good prices to buy now...
  3. M

    good idea to go on a cruise in february (weather wise)?

    im planning a cruise to go to the Bahamas in early February. i was wondering what the weathers like down there, and if its even worth going at that time. i don't want to pay all this money, and freeze down there, when i can freeze here in Michigan. i know it'll be a lot warmer than it would be...
  4. T

    how many DAYS passed from december 26, 1989 - February 22, 2006? COUNTING

    THE both dates.? you can't just add 365 days a year from it can you?
  5. A

    Can I bring K2 on a cruise in February?

    Would I have any issues with bringing it on the cruise? It is to The Bahamas and Grand Turk Island.
  6. O

    Are these interesting topics for a February 1982 interview?

    Military base, broadcasting, radio, soul music, singers, racism, drugs, politics (reagan and his attempted assasination), crack babies, wars, bob marley's death, social issues,
  7. R

    What is the Model Name On The Fitness Magazine February 2010 - Front Cover?

    She is gorgeous I know someone knows who she is......
  8. D

    What were the prizes for the 22nd February (series 13 episode 4) episode of The

    Gadget Show? My dad believes he won, as he received a text, deleted it thinking it was spam and then realised it was from the Gadget Show. probably didn't win anyway, but we're just wanting to know what the prizes were. Thanks Spent hours looking. the video on their site wont work
  9. R

    Who can help me with "Country Music Trivia" for US99 & 106.1 for February 27, 2010?

    Who can help me with "Country Music Trivia" for US99 & 106.1 for February 27, 2010? Good Evening and Morning! February Birthday’s & Anniversarys: Chuck 8th (Marty’s husband hope she is okay?) rxtech & Andrew’s 8th, Janey Delany 9th, (one away from the big 50),Bobsbabe 10th , sasha 10th, Lynn...
  10. D

    Please help me with the US99 Nascar & radio trivia for February 24, 2010?

    thanks in advance!
  11. O

    Acoolsoft PPT to Video is to be Given Away on February 23th

    Acoolsoft is going to giveaway its product PPT to Video Free at Giveaway of the Day on Feb. 23th. Visitors can then get it with full technical support and save big money to upgrade to Acoolsoft PPT to Video Pro and Acoolsoft PPT to DVD Pro. Key Features of Acoolsoft PPT to Video Free::) -...
  12. D

    Can you please help me with the artist & radio trivia for February 22, 2010?

    thanks in advance!
  13. I

    Why does February only have 28 days?

    Where's the other days at?
  14. T

    Health On The Hill - February 16, 2010

    Kaiser Health News staff writer Mary Agnes Carey and Eric Pianin of the Fiscal Times talk with the Kaiser Family Foundation's Jackie Judd about recent events on Capitol Hill. For instance, President Obama has scheduled a bipartisan summit for Feb. 25 to discuss ways to pass health care overhaul...
  15. V

    Lenovo UK: Discount Codes for February 2010

    UK only: Lenovo is offering discount codes for this month, so take a look and see what interests you. The following promos last until this February 28, 2010, so start shopping now!10% off any SL series EXCEPT special offerThe ThinkPad every business can afford, the ThinkPad SL Series offers...
  16. G

    February Wikio Science Blog Toplist Rankings

    Below you will find links to the top 20 "Science Blogs" listed by Wikio. Some time ago, Wikio asked me to help them with making sure that this list maintained a certain degree of integrity, avoiding creationist or denialist blogs for instance. This process ... vetting blogs ... is something...
  17. G

    VA - X-Mix Radioactive Urban Radio February 2010-2010-ATRium

    Category: Music-MP3 (R&b) Size: 115.97 MB Files: 30 (6 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Tue February 2nd 08:24:33 UTC Download NZB
  18. G

    A New Windows Mobile Is Coming in February, But Which? [Windows Phone]

    It's clear that Microsoft will bring something to Mobile World Congress. This is inevitable, and necessary. But yesterday's report that it'll be Windows Mobile 6.6 has been met with another saying it'll be Windows Mobile 7. So which is it? The conservative choice would seem to be Windows...
  19. C

    What's the hiking like in colorado in mid february?

    I'm planning a trip to Colorado in mid February and I'm most interested in hiking. But I'm not sure if the weather will permit. If someone could give me an idea on average temps and weather conditions that'd be great.
  20. S

    What famous people were born on February 12?

    I know of Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin. Who else was born two days before Valentine's Day?