
  1. G

    The X Factor Elimination: Who's Breaking Down Under the Pressure? (Hint: It's a Judge

    While we imagine that the X Factor contestants like finding out who's safe from elimination all at once, rather than having to wait through commercial breaks while a few at a time take a seat,...
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    Live at X Factor: Which Glee Stars Were in the House? And Whose Feelings Did Paula Ab

    The Gleeks are truly taking over! Glee's Kevin McHale and Damian McGinty were in the house at The X Factor's live performance show tonight and they were joined by a special...
  3. G

    Live at X Factor: Simon Cowell Speaks Out on the Stacy Francis and Dexter Haygood Con

    Reality shows and drama: they go together like peanut butter and jelly. The X Factor experienced its own bit of drama this week after reports surfaced attacking Stacy Francis for...
  4. E

    Who do you think will x factor?

    I love the show. It is leaps and bounds better than American Idol. The singers are better, the judges are better, and the prize is bigger. My favorite as of now is Josh, but there are many others that I think could win. Tell me what you think.
  5. A

    Macro environment factor that have affected the technology industry in 2011 and...

    ...may effect it in the future? im doing an essay on the macro environment factors that could effect the technology industry in 2011 and in the near future. i need to do a pestel analysis and a swot analysis. and i need to include as many factors as possible with references so if you know any...
  6. G

    Who's Off The X Factor Already?!

    There was a massive bloodletting on The X Factor tonight, with each judge having to shrink his or her team by one—and in Simon Cowell's case, two—acts before the viewers get to...
  7. V

    What model HTC cellphone does Nicole Scherzinger use on the X Factor (US 2011)? -...

    ...Video link included.? When she and the other judges are hearing what categories they will be mentoring she uses an HTC phone - does anyone know which model HTC it is? Video of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lixD29m56z0 at 0:51 for the back of the phone, same video at 1:50 onwards for...
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    The X Factor Recap: Rihanna, Pharrell Williams and Enrique Iglesias Join Contestants

    Forget the rain delay last night, talk about pressure! Tonight the 32 remaining acts went to the judges' homes where they will live and be mentored by this fierce foursome...That is,...
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    The X Factor Recap: The Good, the Bad and the Oh-So-Outta-Tune of Boot Camp's Round T

    "I know you're tired, but seriously, this is a five-million-dollar moment," warns Simon Cowell as the remaining 64 acts prepare to compete for the final 32 slots in the...
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    The X Factor Recap: Boot Camp Time! Who's Staying and Who's Going?

    "They better be on their game, because they will have only a moment to strut their stuff," L.A. Reid threatens on his way to the first day of boot camp. And boy, do they ever!...
  11. D

    On The X Factor U.S. What categories are the judges assigned to?

    I think that judges categories will be L.A. has the boys Paula has the girls Simon has the over 30's Nicole has the Groups Please Tell me if I'm right and if I'm wrong please tell me and correct it for me
  12. G

    The X Factor Recap: Wannabes Frighten More Than They Wow

    Talk about pressure! Nick Voss, 21, had to audition right after The X Factor decided that it was time to cut to a clip of Simon Cowell calling Miami "hopeless" and the entire...
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    The X Factor Premieres: Who's a Fan?!

    So, was it as big as Simon Cowell said it was going to be? The X Factor premiered tonight after months of hype, most of it centered on the return of Paula Abdul to Simon's side and...
  14. G

    Did Shirogane from Monochrome Factor died?

    Shirogane is my Favorite from Monochrome Factor, Did he died? I hope he hasn't died! :'(
  15. G

    What the Heck Exactly Is The X Factor?

    Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul are sitting at a table judging people. Sounds awfully familiar, doesn't it? No, American Idol isn't getting a spinoff; Simon and Paula are...
  16. T

    Low Vitamin D Linked To Earlier First Menstruation, A Risk Factor For Health Problems

    A study links low vitamin D in young girls with early menstruation, which is a risk factor for a host of health problems for teen girls as well as women later in life. Researchers from the University of Michigan School of Public Health measured the blood vitamin D levels in 242 girls ages 5-12...
  17. T

    A Risk Factor For Parkinson's Disease: REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder

    Patients suffering REM sleep behaviour disorders dream nightmares in which they are attacked and pursued, with the particularity that they express them by screaming, crying, punching and kicking while sleeping. Lancet Neurology has published the third consecutive work in five years about the...
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    'Hidden' Cancer Cells Not A Factor In Early-Stage Breast Cancer Survival Rates

    A new study shows that removing lymph nodes due to the presence of occult, or microscopic, cancer cells found in the sentinel lymph node the one closest to the tumor -- has no impact on survival outcomes of women with early-stage breast cancer. The principal investigator of the study is Armando...
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    Association Between Small Hippocampus And Depression In The Elderly: Risk Factor Or S

    Imaging studies have repeatedly found that people with depression have smaller hippocampal volumes than healthy individuals. The hippocampus is a brain region involved in learning and memory, spatial navigation, and the evaluation of complex life situations or "contexts". However, because in...
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    Mild Cognitive Impairment A Risk Factor For Retired NFL Players

    Retired NFL football players are at higher risk for mild cognitive impairment, which can be a precursor to Alzheimer's disease, a Loyola University Health System study has found. A screening survey of 513 retired players and their wives found that 35 percent of the players had scores suggesting...