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    Research reveals low exposure of excellent work by female scientists

    Scientists at the University of Sheffield have found that high quality science by female academics is underrepresented in comparison to that of their male counterparts. The researchers analysed the genders of invited speakers at the most prestigious gatherings of evolutionary biologists in...
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    Exposure To Dry-Cleaning Solvent And Degreaser TCE Linked To Increased Risk Of Some C

    Trichloroethylene (TCE) exposure has possible links to increased liver cancer risk, and the relationship between TCE exposure and risks of cancers of low incidence and those with confounding by lifestyle and other factors need further study, according to a study published in the Journal of the...
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    Dietary Exposure To Certain Plastics May Play A Hidden Role In Epidemic Increases In

    Plastic additives known as phthalates (pronounced THAL-ates) are odorless, colorless and just about everywhere: They turn up in flooring, plastic cups, beach balls, plastic wrap, intravenous tubing and - according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - the bodies of most Americans...
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    UK Food Advertising Regulations Have Done Little To Address Exposure Of Children To U

    Regulations brought in by the UK to reduce the volume of television advertising of unhealthy foods to children appear to have little impact on the advertising around programmes children actually watch, according to research presented at the European Congress on Obesity in Liverpool, UK. The...
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    New Data On Impact Of Daylight Exposure On Eye Development

    Two new studies add to the growing evidence that spending time outdoors may help prevent or minimize nearsightedness in children. A study conducted in Taiwan, which is the first to use an educational policy as a public vision health intervention, finds that when children are required to spend...
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    Cigarettes That May Reduce Smokers' Exposure To Toxicants

    We have shown in our first clinical study of our novel prototype cigarettes that it is possible to reduce smokers' exposure to certain smoke toxicants. The only way to be certain of avoiding the risks of smoking is not to smoke. And reducing the health risks of smoking has been the overriding...
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    Childhood Asthma Linked To BPA Exposure

    Children who are exposed to the chemical bisphenol A, or BPA, are at an increased risk for asthma, according to a new study published in Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. A group of researchers at the Columbia Center for Children's Environment Health at the Mailman School of Public...
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    The Good Ol' Fashioned Way to Calculate Exposure Time

    Forget auto-exposure, or even light meters. Back in the day this booklet and some mental arithmetic was all that was required to achieve the perfect exposure when taking photographs. More »
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    Long Exposure Photographs Reveal How Lovers Sleep

    I'm such a wild sleeper than sometimes I wake up in the most awkward of positions. Face planted, facing the wrong direction, diagonal, on the completely other side—you name it, I've woken up in it. I was always wanted to know my movement patterns. Photographer Paul Schneggenburger created a...
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    Brain Structure Affected By Fetal Alcohol Exposure

    Children exposed to alcohol during fetal development exhibit changes in brain structure and metabolism that are visible using various imaging techniques, according to a new study presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). Alcohol use by expectant mothers...
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    Emergency Departments Rarely Perform Pregnancy Testing Of Teens Before Exposure To Ra

    Few adolescent females undergo pregnancy testing in the hospital emergency department (ED), even when they complain of lower abdominal pain, or before they are exposed to radiation for tests or examinations, according to an abstract presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National...
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    Asthma And Exposure To Nicotine In Utero

    Currently, there are approximately 25 million people in the United States who suffer from the lifelong effects of asthma - wheezing, breathlessness, tightness in the chest, coughing - and the numbers are rising each year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the...
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    Microbial Exposure Is Crucial To Regulating The Immune System But It Must Be The 'Rig

    A new scientific report from the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene (IFH) dismantles the myth that the epidemic rise in allergies in recent years has happened because we're living in sterile homes and overdoing hygiene. But far from saying microbial exposure is not important, the...
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    Studies Confirm That Sun Exposure Makes Skin Weak; Causes Cancer

    Conventional wisdom (and that horrific sun exposure truck driver meme) has long held that you need to stay out of the sun or use a high SPF to keep your skin healthy and avoid jacking up your skin cancer risk. But a surprisingly large number of people either ignore the advice, or remain...
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    Risk Of Choanal Atresia, A Rare Congenital Abnormality, Likely Increased By Exposure

    A common herbicide used in the United States may be linked to an increased risk of a congenital abnormality of the nasal cavity known as choanal atresia, say researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and other Texas institutions. The study by Dr. Philip Lupo, assistant professor of pediatrics -...
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    What exposure and aperture should I set my camera in a MMA fight event?

    Im going to a MMA fight tomorrow (MIXED martial arts) I have a canon t2i camera.I want to take really good pics of the event, its a indoor place, its kinda dark but the caged fight is on a stadium and there are alot of spotlights. but in the audience area the lights are very dim..Which exposure...
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    Asthma Symptoms May Increase Following Exposure To Common Toxic Substances

    Children who are exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which were commonly used in a range of industrial products, could be at risk of an increase in asthma symptoms, according to new research. The study was presented in a poster discussion at the European Respiratory Society's Annual...
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    Household Items Leading To Chemical Exposure In The Womb May Contribute To Obesity

    Pregnant women who are highly exposed to common environmental chemicals - polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) - have babies that are smaller at birth and larger at 20 months of age, according to a study from Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health published online in Environmental Health...
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    Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Studied Through To 9 Years Of Age

    Although studies of alcohol's effects on fetal growth have consistently demonstrated deficits that persist through infancy, the data on long-term postnatal growth from human studies have been inconsistent. A new study of the effects of heavy prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) on growth and body...
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    Molecular Link Between Arsenic Exposure And Lung Cancer

    Arsenic is a natural element in the environment, sometimes found in air, soil and water. Arsenic contaminated water is a global threat, currently affecting more than 100 million people. Both genetic and epigenetic changes drive arsenic-induced carcinogenesis and lung cancer is one of the main...