
  1. O

    FOR BELIEVERS ONLY: Do you think Heaven exists within this universe, or...

    ...outside of it? Or...is it even possible that there might be as is stated in some ancient Hindu scriptures, Heavenly planets both within and outside of the universe as we know it? Please feel free to give your thoughts on this subject, and sorry atheists, since you choose not to believe in...
  2. B

    What is your proof God exists?

    READ BELOW: Religious folk: Tell me why you think God/s exists, and don't say "cuz it says so in this holy book" or "because of faith," Non-religious: Tell me reasons people have told you they think God/s exist. Do not say there is no proof. Thank u!! This is for a paper, thank u!
  3. M

    Whats a hilarious, and random name that actually exists.?

    I need a hilarious name for either a boy or a girl for my random and hilarious story. It needs to be real - because i dont want someone named Armpit or Noodle Brain for a name!
  4. A

    Do you really think that free will exists?

    Our will is built by neurons in the brain. The neurons are built by and react to fundamental chemical principles. Chemistry is built on the laws of physics. The laws of physics all adhere to and follow mathematics. So, to truly have free will and control what we think and do, do we not have...
  5. M

    Does any proof exists that Old Testament has been tampered with since it was...

    ...revealed? If there is any academically tested proof, please quote. And what is your personal opinion. Do you reconcile Torah with reason and wisdom?
  6. I

    Can God time travel? If you believe that God's "consciousness" exists at

    every time, everywhere, What..? would happen if he decided to kill your grandfather? Would you disappear from existence? Could God do this? This is assuming that you believe in a "personal god" as christians do.
  7. P

    Since nothing even really exists the way 99% of people see stuff, why waste

    time arguing religion? "Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves." -Maynard...
  8. P

    Since nothing even really exists the way 99% of people see stuff, why waste

    time arguing religion? "Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves." -Maynard...
  9. R

    So there is this Infinity, because God exists since infinity. But what is infinity?

    Why do you believe in Infinity?
  10. D

    does sunds really exists (Sudden Unexpected Nocturnal Death Syndrome)?

    i was just wondering if SUNDS "Sudden Unexpected Nocturnal Death Syndrome" really exists.
  11. R

    do all religions believe their is a Satan the Devil and his Demons exists?

    if yes? why do people blame the God Of Love for everything that goes wrong and also why don't the religions stand up and recognize in their speeches to the audience that Satan the Devil and his demons are the cause mankind's problems why don't the religions tell the people that the WORLD...
  12. E

    Did you hear the Skull and Bones is being sued? Oh wait....shhh...it only exists in

    conspiracy theories...? http://www.yaledailynews.com/articles/view/27775 Way to go Prescott Bush! @Karl k: Actually the 'theory' suggests that there is a 'conspiracy' amongst the members that they discuss and enact policy unbeknownst to the American people it affects. However, one can't...
  13. BZNK

    Is it Right? Evaluate the limit, if it exists : lim x-->infinity (5^x-3x)/(e^x+5x^2)?

    Is it Right? Evaluate the limit, if it exists : lim x-->infinity (5^x-3x)/(e^x+5x^2)? Evaluate the limit, if it exists : lim x-->infinity (5^x-3x)/(e^x+5x^2) lim x-->infinity (5^x-3x)/(e^x+5x^2) => Infinity/Infinity Since it is infinity/infinity , we can use L'Hospital's rule. So: lim...
  14. C

    Should Obama mark Lincoln's birthday by decrying slavery where it exists TODAY?

    Sudan still has slavery. Should he make its elimination a major cause? Another question: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AvTiTqag_mwxAWHrYylDpojsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090212022745AAJWQBo
  15. T

    What demand exists on state budgets that are inversely related to the

    education level of Texas politics? As the relative per capita education level decreases in the state, what are at least four areas that will be directly impacted negatively by this occurrence?
  16. H

    With the record cold temperatures, who here thinks that global warming exists?

    I personally think the whole climate change discussion is a farce, mainly because the equations being used by that community neglects factors such as the sun, as a contributor to the heating and cooling of the earth... they estimate it as a constant instead of putting in variables in its surface...
  17. O

    Does anyone know if there exists a way to block adult content (not

    exactly porn) on the internet? By adult content I mean girls posing in very provocative poses with almost no clothes at all. Ive seen some on You Tube that look like they came out of a Play Boy magazine. All u need is one video or picture, so that it can give you an infinity of options to look...
  18. A

    Do you believe the Mothman exists? ie the movie the Mothman Prophecies?

    I know this movie is older but it freaked the living S**T outta me! Especially given it was based on true events. I researched the sighting in Point Pleasent and it freaked me even more.AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!