
  1. H

    Doesn't the existence of spies between two nations mean they're in a state of war?

    Everyday we hear of an American spy in Russia. How come the USA and Russia still? Why is such a thing taken very lightly? It's like the two countries mutually agree of having spies, unless they get caught.
  2. Dude

    Why do books arguing against the existence of God sell far better than books

    arguing for the existence of God? There have been many books written in response to "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. A lot of them were pretty weak. But perhaps the best one was the one written by the philosopher Keith Ward called "Why There Almost Certainly is a God", which absolutely...
  3. H

    three reason for the existence of non-legal unions in the caribbean?

    Give three reason for the existence of non-legal unions in the caribbean
  4. S

    If someone believed in the existence of a god that destroys all empirical...

    ...evidence for its existence? Then asking for empirical evidence for that type of god would be a funny joke. Maybe not as funny as everyone believing in a spaghetti monster that does the same. Letting your world view be controlled or at least effected by emotions seems human if you ask me...
  5. T

    Isn't it a more sane and healthy existence if we are in fact a Free Nation . . . ?

    ..to have the Freedom to succeed or the Freedom to fail, rather than allowing the Government to decide which group they choose for us to be in ? Are we Pawns or People ?
  6. U

    When discussing the existence of God, why do Christian apologists use arguments

    as evidence? Evidence by definition increases the likelihood that the event in question actually happens. In this circumstance, evidence means that which increases the likelihood that God exists (since it is not established a priori). When in the history of the universe has logic ever been...
  7. J

    how do atheists argue against the cosmological argument for Gods existence?

    or the ontological or any of the others? If the cosmological argument has flaws and holes in it please point them out. Thank you for helping me.
  8. L

    Why is existence so spongy?

    It's kind of damp right now too. Flexing slowly and sloshing.
  9. L

    It is now necessary to ask something interesting about existence. How's your...

    ...existence currently feel? I am feeling a sort of determined lull in energy. The world seems to be begging for silence. An incessant pounding of heavy rain. There is no noise in the background except an occasional pipe rattling or car going by in the distance. There isn't much motion, or...
  10. S

    What future technologies, not currently in existence, do you foresee being...

    ...used to further communication, part? What future technologies, not currently in existence, do you foresee being used to further communication, particularly in interview and interrogation situations?-300
  11. P

    Why do we bother arguing about God's existence on here?

    I am a Catholic but I'm well aware nothing I type will convert an atheist, (not that i want to, I have no right to try it) just as nothing they type will shake my belief in God. We all just go around in circles on here, but does anyone actually know why? I was just wondering that's all.
  12. E

    what greek god was the first in existence, not the titans the actual greek gods...

    ...as in zues, athena, ares, etc? i already know the answer im just gonna see how many people do too. its not hestia good guess though and zues was the youngest of the three brothers and of the children from rhea and cronus and ill give you a hint its not who you'd think it was and hades yes he...
  13. T

    Do christians who still have no certainty of god's existence go to hell?

    I've recently joined a church and as I went there for the first time; they told me to pray with them. I had to repeat what the pastor tells me to say word by word. look, I don't believe or disbelieve in god; if you ask me a simple question of whether or not he exists; the most sincere answer I...
  14. T

    Do christians who still have no certainty of god's existence go to hell?

    I've recently joined a church and as I went there for the first time; they told me to pray with them. I had to repeat what the pastor tells me to say word by word. look, I don't believe or disbelieve in god; if you ask me a simple question of whether or not he exists; the most sincere answer I...
  15. S

    There is more evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ than there is for the

    existence of Julius Caesar? True or False
  16. M

    Can it be argued that simply having sensory perception proves the existence of time?

    I've read a couple arguments concerning our sensory experience, and I agree with the ones that say that sensory perception is merely a representation of reality, that the mind must receive input from our sense to construct an understanding of reality. Yet, the sensory perception would ONLY be a...
  17. X

    The existence of a God/Religions....?

    Alright so I have a pretty good argument/question that I am curious to see responses to. Religious believers claim that there is a God. Non believers claim that there isn't. They ask why would God only appear to certain people and not the entire world to make His existence known. Believers...
  18. T

    Hinduism - Explain the desire for liberation from earthly existence.?

    Hi everyone, I have to write a paper for my religion class on Hinduism. There is one question I do not understand what its asking for. I just need some clarification pls. - Explain the desire for liberation from earthly existence
  19. R

    does the discovery of homo floresiensis proved the existence of dwarf ?

    asians mostly believe in existence of fairies and dwarves. Legend tells in Sumatra about little people stealing children..are they correlated with the discoveries ?
  20. P

    Why Can't Any Single Religion, Not Even 1, Give Proof of God's Existence?

    It's been thousands of years now. There is no such thing as "believing" in proof. I don't "believe" in my parents. vince200... you are so wrong. I know you think you made sense just now. Holi Caliber: you've been reading the exact same book you're entire life. I only had to read Angels &...