
  1. S

    Lets try this excercise, shall we?

    Since it's one of those Mondays where you've done nothing but physics and watch a crazy domestic violence thriller in health class, I decided to spice up the week a bit. What I'm asking is if you could give me your best short manga. Something impressionable. A hidden gem, diamond in the rough...
  2. V

    I have ulcers in stomach but I want to excercise?

    I have stomach ulcers and whenever I do heavy weights i get to have black stools. But I am too overweight. Trying treadmill for almost a month but of no use. I want to tone my body. What all excercises can i do without having internal bleeding?
  3. V

    I have ulcers in stomach but I want to excercise?

    I have stomach ulcers and whenever I do heavy weights i get to have black stools. But I am too overweight. Trying treadmill for almost a month but of no use. I want to tone my body. What all excercises can i do without having internal bleeding?
  4. L

    Does anyone have the program Calorie King Nutrition and Excercise Manager?

    I just downloaded this program on my computer and have the free 7 day trial and was wondering if anyone had a registration code to give me full access to the program after the 7 days are up? Thank You, T. Reed
  5. L

    Online Excercise Dvd?

    Does anybody know of any websites with good free online excercise dvds?
  6. M

    should i still excercise during my period?

    and should i give into my cravings? cos im on it right now and i have cramps and heavy flow and i just dont kno if i should still excercise...plus im craving some cake right now and idk if i eat it if i will gain weight cos im trying to lose 10 lbs...im 124 at 5'4", age 16
  7. F

    Can 45mins a day on a excercise bike help you lose weight?

    I am 21years old and about 150 pounds. I am trying to get back down to 125-130pounds. I just joined the gym. I want to know if 45mins a day on the excercise bike would help me lose weight and tone up? also do the excercise bike work for your stomach?
  8. F

    Can 45mins a day on a excercise bike help you lose weight?

    I am 21years old and about 150 pounds. I am trying to get back down to 125-130pounds. I just joined the gym. I want to know if 45mins a day on the excercise bike would help me lose weight and tone up? also do the excercise bike work for your stomach?
  9. S

    Any recomended excercise dvd's?

    looking to loose a bit of weight for the summer doing a bit of excercise and eating a healthy diet. Any recomended excercise dvd's for effective weightloss? I've been told the katie price one is good. thank you for any useful answers i really appreciate it :) x
  10. S

    how many k's will i have to ride on the excercise bike to equal 3km running which

    takes me roughly 10min? sorry not 10min -15min
  11. K

    how do fitness / excercise and diet affect metabolism?

    i need 2 sources for a bibliograpgy
  12. X

    What sport gives you the most excercise ?

    i'm almost thirteen,and i bike ten miles or more each day,and swim alot as well. i'm 5'3 and 100lbs. i wanna do soccer and tumbling, but i was just wondering which sport gives you the most excercise ?
  13. M

    Excercise bike is painful!!?

    I spent nearly $400 on an exercise bike at Sports Authority two weeks ago. I even paid to have them come and put it together for me. I was torn between getting that or a treadmill, but I opted for the exercise bike because it didn't have to be plugged in since it ran off of batteries. I am...
  14. C

    can i excercise with weight plates for my BICEPS?

    can i excercise with weight plates for my bicep(iam male 20 years) I HAVE only weight plates of 2 each 5 pound,AND THEY ARE PRETTY small 4inch dimeter so can I do any exercise for bicep,for mass and def.if u think about dumbell I don't got it ,for some reason I can't buy but what I ask give me...
  15. B

    Advice on diet and excercise needed please?

    I went to the gym on Sunday, I managed 20 mins on a cross trainer and had to stop there before i died but I figure, if i can do an extra 5/10 mins every time i go then it will get easier. I don't necessarily need to lose weight but i need to tone up! i have given up smoking for 2 months now so i...
  16. Q

    why cant i lose weight although i eat healthy and excercise daily (jog on

    treadmill for 30minutes)? i dont eat carbs after 12pm either
  17. M

    if i were to eat healthy for the next three days and excercise three times a...

    No, honey, it takes more than three days of proper nutrition and exercise to get toned... But good luck with that.
  18. S

    How can I reduce my weight without doing any excercise?

    And without quitting my eating habits?
  19. R

    is there an excercise to get rid of love handles?

    i have big love handles and i would like to get rid nof them please? any tips?
  20. J

    Is there a breast excercise stick where tension can be adjusted?

    at one time i saw this breast excercise peice on tv that looked just like a stick but had a tension level adjustment i the middle and basically u held if end of the stick and then u would push it in then pull it out and that worked your peck muscles now i cant find it any ideas?