
  1. X

    Is there any actual evidence that the early parts of the Soviet space program

    were riddled with horrifying? deaths?
  2. P

    Is there any biblical evidence for making a deal with the devil? Or is it folklore?

    Before everyone starts getting pissy with me, I have no intention of trying this! I have to write an essay on it. So is there any evidence/scripture in Christianity, Judaism or Islam that says this is part of the Religious ideology? Or is it from literature and stories? Do people actually think...
  3. T

    What kind of evidence do you think Austin Ares will have next week?

    maybe a transcript of Ray and Brooke chatting on Twitter or Facebook? Can they get that magic camera that can read minds to expose what Bully Ray is really thinking? Maybe some iphone video of the two of them riding Space Mountain? where are the TNA fans to defend this trash? oh yeah they...
  4. T

    Evidence Strengthened That Pancreatic Cancer Is Dependent On ROR

    Kancera reports results from a collaboration with Professor Hakan Mellstedts research group at Karolinska Institute showing that the survival of an aggressive type of human cancer cells from pancreatic cancer is ROR-1 dependent. The results provide further support for the Kancera ROR project...
  5. T

    Evidence Suggests That Meditation Should Be Included In Government-Sponsored Health P

    More people still die from cardiovascular disease than any other illness. Dubbed the number one killer and the silent killer, modern medicine has been researching and incorporating complementary and alternative approaches to help treat and in some cases reverse and hopefully prevent this health...
  6. G

    Science keeps on searching, and then finding evidence. What is religion doing.?

    Science is always progressing, we are always finding new evidence for how Earth and its entities developed. What is religion doing? And what evidence is there, apart from "faith". If your going to quote crap from your holy books, don't bother.
  7. J

    Why don't people who deny evolution understand the mountains of evidence that...

    ...they're arguing against? Don't they know they appear ignorant?
  8. Y

    y'all i have intangible, non-credible, non-verifiable evidence that you have...

    ...Won a brand new My Little Pony? do you want to cash in or what?
  9. DrDeanCrosby

    Scientific Evidence That Most Christians Are A Bunch Of Hypocrites

    Why is the principal complaint against Christians,that they are hypocrites,so popularly wide-spread among non-Christians?Now a scientifically conducted study has given us a definitive answer to that question.Ready? BECAUSE IT'S TRUE ! At the very heart of Jesus' teachings lies love and...
  10. T

    Additional Evidence That Eating Together As A Family Improves Health

    "Come and get it!" A phrase historically proclaiming that the communal meal is ready, is heard all too infrequently among contemporary American households, especially as children get older. Indeed, over 40% of the typical American food budget is spent on eating out, with family meals often being...
  11. T

    New Evidence Is Helping Explain Additional Health Benefits Of Aspirin

    Researchers in Canada, Scotland and Australia have discovered that salicylate, the active ingredient in aspirin, directly increases the activity of the protein AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase), a key player in regulating cell growth and metabolism. AMPK which is considered a cellular...
  12. M

    Christians, with this evidence, how do you hold to Bible?

    It is fact that things were added and taken from the writings that make up the NT to support the agendas of those controlling its production. Not only that, but the meanings were also lost accidentally through translation after translation. There are stories found in the gospels that are not...
  13. T

    New Evidence Could Tip The Balance In Aspirin Cancer Prevention Care

    A new report by American Cancer Society scientists says new data showing aspirin's potential role in reducing the risk of cancer death bring us considerably closer to the time when cancer prevention can be included in clinical guidelines for the use of aspirin in preventative care. The report...
  14. T

    Evidence Of Banned Antibiotics Found In Poultry Products

    In a joint study, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Arizona State University found evidence suggesting that a class of antibiotics previously banned by the U.S. government for poultry production is still in use. Results of the study were published in...
  15. C

    Why does evidence of mankind level off to about less than 6,000 years ago?

    I'm talking about honestly dated artifacts, writings, archaeological findings etc etc. Is it possible that the billions of years of earth's supposed history are just made up and not actually true? It's so widely accepted that no one even steps back to question it anymore because they've been...
  16. T

    Low-Energy-Density Diets For Weight Loss Supported By Strong And Consistent Evidence

    A new report published online in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics systematically reviews and updates the evidence underlying the recommendation in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 to consume a diet low in energy density (ED). The report addresses the growing body of...
  17. T

    New Evidence Strengthens Link Between Opioids And Cancer Growth

    Opioid drugs used to relieve pain in postoperative and chronic cancer patients may stimulate the growth and spread of tumors, according to two studies and a commentary in the 2012 annual Journal Symposium issue of Anesthesiology, the academic journal of the American Society of...
  18. T

    Aspirin And Cancer - More Evidence Of Prevention And Treatment Benefits

    Three new studies published in The Lancet bolster the mounting evidence that for people in middle age, taking a low dose of aspirin every day can help prevent cancer, particularly if they are at increased risk of the disease. The researchers also suggest this benefit kicks in after two to...
  19. R

    Stuff stolen from House, Evidence points to girl, what to do?

    Without going too detailed, as that would take too long, my roommate had some friends over and they brought some friends who were druggies. One of them was a 16 year old girl who was/is addicted to heroin. Anyway, $300, $50 of change, my roommates debit card, my ps2, and most importantly, my...
  20. Z

    Isn't there enough evidence to show that marijuana is safer than tobacco and alcohol?

    There have been extensive studies and reaserch in marijuana recently, they have found that it does not cause any type of permanent damage to the brain, a 20 year study in Canada (atleast I believe it was in Canada) showed that it does not do any permanent damage to lungs. The only reported case...