
  1. A

    Where to Celebrate 2014 New Year eve?

    Wondering where people plan on celebrating new 2014 year? Personally, I will be celebrating at Toronto's popular club "The Guvernment" The Guvernment Entertainment Complex Toronto ? Magic NYE
  2. G

    Eve 6: Curtain

    Remember Eve 6? Those were the days. No, I'm not talking about "Here's To the Night" playing at some high school dance. I'm talking about "Inside Out," or the under appreciated never-a-single "How Much Longer." Turns out those guys are still kicking, and the relatively new single "Curtain" ain't...
  3. G

    Best of 2012: Kristen Stewart's Style, "Gangnam Style" and the Best of Absolutely Eve

    Best of 2012: Kristen Stewart's Style, "Gangnam Style" and the Best of Absolutely Eve 2012 was a big year for entertainment. There were big stories (Kristen Stewart*cheated on Robert Pattinson!), big songs ("Gangnam Style," anyone?), big changes (Miley Cyrus*got a...
  4. G

    The Godfather: Part II, When Harry Met Sally and More of Our Favorite New Year's Eve

    New Year's Eve is a time for celebrating with friends, sipping festive drinks and singing "Auld Lang Syne" off-key. But let's be honest: It's also about that midnight...
  5. A

    4 Awesome All Natural Red Lipsticks For New Year’s Eve

    Red lipstick is my thing. As I've gotten older, it's become my go-to beauty staple, the product I can throw on for any occasion and feel confident, classic, and beautiful. But I'm also increasingly cautious when buying beauty products: Many cosmetics, including lipstick, contain lead and other...
  6. I

    How to meet Santa on Christmas Eve ?

    Is he real and tell me how I can meet him
  7. O

    If it is wrong to have children out of wedlock, why were Adam and Eve not married?

    Same goes for the argument "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." Since Adam and Eve weren't married, how is this argument relevant?
  8. D

    Adam and eve belly button joke?

    I saw a picture of a dam and eve and they have belly buttons. And the caption is "you know what's funny? Pictures of adam and eve where they both have belly buttons. Think about it." Help me get it?
  9. L

    If god made Eve from Adam was that god's way of telling Adam to go _ _ _ _ himself?

    Love thy self. Why make man form dirt and women from a rib?
  10. M

    Who was singing Adam Levine's part of Stereo Hearts w/ GCH on New Years Eve?

    It wasn't Adam, obviously. But I can't figure out who it is. Maybe it's a random GCH member, I dunno
  11. M

    7 hangover-curing favors for your New Year's Eve party

    [No message]
  12. M

    Keep a clear head on New Year's Eve with these booze-free drinks

    [No message]
  13. B

    What are my chances of meeting someone on Thanksgiving Eve?

    I am very lonely and I am having trouble meeting people so tomorrow night, my friend and I were going to go out to the club and out to some bars in the area which should be jumping. I really wanted to meet some women and just have a good time at a Thanksgiving Eve party. How likely will this...
  14. P

    Tna stopped doing the christmas eve knockouts specials. did they release

    any dvd for the past ones they did? +? also why did tna stop having 3 hr specials? they used to have them once a month oh yeah and NO I am not tlaking about that reaction bullcrap. I mean 3 hrs of pro wrestling and limited promos and talking. thats how tna used to be.
  15. C

    So if Adam and Eve did exist were they actually the first people on the earth or...?

    Is the story of how they came about real?
  16. M

    My LG Eve (Android) was locked! (Too Many Pattern Attempt) help?

    What should I do? I tried entering my google acc. and password because it was asking for it but it only says "username or password invalid" what should i do? should i just do the factory reset (VOLUME DOWN+MENU(on the keyboard)+ CAMERA BUTTON) or the one with the code that will be entered on...
  17. T

    Men! What do the Adam and Eve packages that arrive in the mail look like? Does...

    ...the package look discreet? Please include picture of package if possible! Thanks!
  18. G

    New Year's Eve Trailer: Who Isn't in This Movie?

    Remember the movie Valentine's Day, where there were a bunch of A-listers playing different roles that told their story of that one special day and yet each person was connected to the other...
  19. T

    How much is my LG Eve worth?

    It's not even 1 year yet. Condition: 7/10
  20. T

    How much is my LG Eve worth?

    It's not even 1 year yet. Condition: 7/10