
  1. T

    Heart Disease Study Highlights Scottish Ethnic Groups Most At Risk

    Scots of Pakistani origin are 50 per cent more likely to be admitted to hospital with chest pain and angina than those of Indian ethnicity, a study has found. Scots of Indian and Pakistani origin also have much greater levels of hospital admissions for both conditions than people of white...
  2. B

    Ethnic minorities don't really complain about us flying our flag, do they?

    I've heard several times on here that ethnic minorities never complain about us flying our flag, and it's just a myth made up by the far right to cause trouble. Please watch this short clip. Yes you did here right, he wants to know...
  3. I

    what's your favorite ethnic dish?

    i love peking duck (chinese) and chicken maafe over rice (west africa). the restaurant in china we went to set the sliced duck over hot alcohol, is was sooooo good.
  4. R

    Does Judaism have an ethnic component?

    I always thought of it as a religion, that people accept and sometimes convert to. Somebody I know tried to argue that it was a race and then talked about how they have distinct features (black curly hair, olive skin, big ears and noses). I thought this was ridiculous since the American Jews...
  5. I

    how to make some easy ethnic dishes and rice and beans?

    what are some great ethnic casseroles or crock pot recipes that i can try? also does anyone know how to make rice and beans? please just chicken, turkey and sea food recipes. thank you in advance.
  6. A

    What ancient ethnic groups were said to be able to tell the future?

    I would really appreciate a list. I don't really want glass balls and what not, just premonitions and stuff. Thanks.
  7. T

    Racial And Ethnic Disparities Impact Care For Children With Frequent Ear Infections

    Racial and ethnic disparities among children with frequent ear infections (FEI) significantly influence access to affordable healthcare, according to new research published in the November 2010 issue of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. Ear infections are one of the most common health...
  8. N

    Wanted: Non messy interactive ethnic doll?

    Hello! Christmas 2010 is coming up and I have an almost 3 year old who wants a baby doll. I have been researching doll brands (Little Mommy, Baby Alive, Corolle, etc...) but I haven't found one that is interactive & non messy like baby alive brands. I prefer a hispanic doll only because they...
  9. M

    Ethnic origin surveys?

    On the last few questionnaires ive had to do that have asked about ethnic origins, it seems that almost all of them would give loads of options like black- african, black- caribbean, indian- bangladeshi, etc. (just a few examples from a ucas form i saw today), but when it comes to me, it only...
  10. M

    What is an easy and yummy ethnic dish to make?

    I'm a college student with access to a grocery store. I like cooking so thats not a problem. What's something easy to make that doesnt have beef in it? Pork, chicken, ground turkey, crab, shrimp, fish is all fine. I usually like Indian, Thai, Mexican, Cuban, Filipino, Ethiopian, and Moroccan...
  11. G

    Persistent ethnic differences in test performance may be entirely an artifact of the

    It is well established among those who carry out, analyze, and report pre-employment performance testing that slope-based bias in those tests is rare. Why is this important? Look at the following three graphs from a recent study by Aguinis, Culpepper and Pierce (2010): Read the rest of this...
  12. T

    Ethnic Issues In Endoscopy: ASGE Issues Guideline

    The American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) has issued guidelines addressing ethnicity, gastrointestinal diseases and endoscopic procedures. The guideline suggests that colorectal cancer screening should begin at age 45 for average risk African-American men and women, and that it...
  13. B

    Who are the original ethnic Britons and where did they come from?

    There is not much information before the "Angles"
  14. M

    What are your favorite ethnic food dishes?

    I want to know your favorites, not the dishes you "just like." I want to try them all if I get the chances. Preferably nothing European because they're expensive and pretentious. Example format like this (not mine): Chinese: fried rice, hai nan chicken rice Indian: falooda, lassi Mexican...
  15. R

    Did Desiree Rogers get criticized becuase of her ethnic background?

    If that was a white woman, the media wouldn't have criticized her the way they did to Rogers.
  16. J

    Why do white people complain about ethnic immigrants?

    They say immigrants bring trouble to this country and without them, Australia would be a much peaceful place, WHEN (quite funny), it is MOSTLY white Australians that murder and rape people here. Yep, watch the news. I mean, not only they look white/Caucasian, but they have the classic white...
  17. L

    Are W allowed to Talk About the Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine?

    Israel depends on deception and manipulation. They are ethnically cleansing Palestinians (Christians and Muslims) while they are claiming to be the victim. The Jews (?) are racing from all over the world to the holy land (?) and in a very unholy way ethnically cleansing the local population by...
  18. C

    Judaism-Just a religion or an ethnic group?

    Explain? I have had friends at work who tell me "Judaism is JUST a religion", I say it is much more--it is a culture. What is your take?
  19. A

    What is the ethnic background of Ray Thomas, formerly of the Moody Blues?

    He was born in England but he looks like he may be Greek, Turkish, etc. That's what I mean by ETHNIC background. He was born in England but he looks like he may be Greek, Turkish, etc. That's what I mean by ETHNIC background.
  20. A

    What is the ethnic background of Ray Thomas, formerly of the Moody Blues?

    He was born in England but he looks like he may be Greek, Turkish, etc. That's what I mean by ETHNIC background. He was born in England but he looks like he may be Greek, Turkish, etc. That's what I mean by ETHNIC background.