
  1. C

    clear shield for env2?

    im trying to find a clear thin invisible shild for the front of the phone that covers the front screen as well as the buttons on the front of the phone
  2. L

    tough decision... sway or env2!?

    if only like the outside of the env then get the slide. u will like it more prob and it isnt so much of a brick
  3. M

    My Verizon Env2 received water damage?

    My Env2 fell in the water and i kinda waited a little but like no longer than 5 seconds to get out because i was shocked at what happened. I took at the battery and wiped everything with a paper towel and blow dryed it for about 10 seconds then placed by a heater. Do you think it will be ok...
  4. M

    does anyone know where i can get a cheap env2 charger and batter?

    i just got an env2 from my cousin but it needs a battery and charger. i dont have much money what so ever and i really need them. does anyone know where i can get them for really really cheap? thanks.
  5. H

    my env2 tells me when i get a txt msg who its from out loud!! how do i stop it?

    a long time ago i set my lg env2 that when i get a txt it says OUT LOUD who its from!! i have tried everything to try to stop it from saying my friends names!! ive looked in the manual, looked at settings on the messaging block, settings and tools, everything!! please help me to turn the...
  6. F

    samsung omnia verse env2?

    I want a cool phone but i also want a phone that works and does its job well, which is to call people. Which phone is better overall? why? im the main person on my plan so both phones are free for me, completely disregard price. the omnia has a 5.0 mg camera and also has a full qwerty keyboard...
  7. A

    Should I replace my enV2? Or get another phone?

    I've had my enV2 since June 13, 2008. And in the past months, there has been problems. My first problem was the screen was colorful but still the same screen like my wallpaper would be all different colors. I got another one though. And the problem with this phone is the External and Internal...
  8. M

    The Verizon Wireless LG EnV2?

    I Love This Phone...if You Love This Phone Too...tell Me About Yours And Your Experience With It...thanks!
  9. N

    pics from lg env2 to sd card...?

    own an lg env2 and have already taken lots of pictures on it. Just bought an sd card and want to transfer pictures from phone to the card... is that possible? if so how? Thanks so much guys!
  10. J

    LG enV and enV2.......?

    can you get the LG enV and enV2 in australia? if so were abouts?
  11. M

    Should I get a samsung glyde or a Lg enV2?

    my mom is leting me pick from the 2 for my birthday im turning 12.i want the glyde but i heard the touch screen sucks.And the env2 looks boring but cool please help
  12. A

    How come the original lg env is vx9900, while the env2 is vx9100, should n't the...

    ...numbers be going up? im so confused. And i have another question. Which is the best the vx9800, vx9900 (env) or the (supposed to be going up) vx9100 env2
  13. N

    Sketch mode for pictures on enV2 ?

    there is a picture mode that makes the pictures look like they are drawn. how do i make my pictures look like that? Thanks.
  14. D

    song files i send to my env2 via bluetooth end up in "my sounds". How can i make

    song files i send to my env2 via bluetooth end up in "my sounds". How can i make them go to "my music"? i have a verizon wireless env2 and i send .mp3 sound files. I and trying to send them to my "my music" section on my phone so i can play them with the media player. instead, the go to "my...
  15. R

    Applicationn for Facebook on enV2?

    is there an app. for the enV2 that is only facebook without buying the internet? or if not an app that has any social networking system?
  16. M

    Voyager or EnV2 for verizon?

    I am 14 and i think im getting a phone soon. Before i was looking at the EnV2, but now I'm thinking the Voyager. What do you guys think i should get?
  17. S

    Free Ringtones for Verizon enV2?

    What sites can I use to get free ringtones? I do have unlimited text messaging. But I do not have the internet on my phone. I was thinking about ventones but do you have to have internet access on your phone? because like previously stated, I do not lol. And I'm kinda confused on how to use the...
  18. C

    why does my env2 freeze when i prees the space button?

    my env2 freezes everytime i press the space button but only when im texting adding contacrs and things like that. is there anyway i can fisx it or do i need to dish out 50 dollors and get it fixed at the verizon store?
  19. M

    env2 help with putting music on it??????10 easy pts to the person who helps me!!?

    okay i just got the env2 today..and i want to transfer songs from my ipod to my phone..i know that u need an adapter or something but im not sure. i have a sanDisk adapter thats medium and a sandisk adapter thats bigger...what do i do with those..
  20. K

    How do you download songs onto an LG enV2 from I-Tunes?

    I recently got an LG enV2. I would like to put songs on it in the My Music section of the phone, but I can't. I don't have internet acces on my phone to buy songs, I can't go to V-Cast on my phone either and I do not have the subscription to Rhapsody to download songs. When I got the phone...