
  1. V

    Will I get the EnV touch if I call the insurace beceuse my LG Voyager does not work?

    So I have the LG Voyager (this is the 2nd one I have & messes up!) This one I got it from the insurance company because my other one broke. If I call the insurance again, will they give me a different phone like the EnV touch? Because I really do not want a Voyager again.
  2. S

    Do i still need a data plan for the Samsung Rouge and the env touch?

    im getting a new phone this week and i was thinking of getting the rouge or the env touch. But i looked at some video reviews of the samsung rouge and they say i need to get a data plan. So do i still need to get data pan or is it optional and is it the something with the env? Thanks
  3. 3

    How do I get the stock ringtones off my LG enV Touch cell phone?

    I do not want to delete them; I want to send them to another phone.
  4. I

    Help with verizon EnV touch?

    ok, for anyone else who has this phone, does your t9 function memorize words that you use that arent already programmed into the phone? cuz mine sure won't remember anything
  5. A

    I just got an LG enV touch and i was wondering how do you import pictures and...

    ...ringtones with the USB cable? please explain in detail through computer
  6. S

    LG Voyager or enV touch?

    my birthday is a little bit away and my dad says he will get me a new phone, im trying to decide between the enV touch or voyager? can someone tell me the diffrences?
  7. K

    lg env touch, screen issues?

    i dropped my phone and the inside screen started doing something crazy. like spider webbing with colors and whatnot. it looks cracked but its not. its all internal. it's been fine for about a month. i didnt use the inside anyway so i didnt worry about it. today my phone worked fine all day till...
  8. B

    i have a lg env touch. do i have to have the adapter for the power mat to charge it?

    i have the lg env touch cell phone and im getting an ipod touch soon and i was looking at the powermat at the store and i noticed the adapter things were there by it. i was wanting to know if i have to have the adapter thing that goes on the back or are they just for certian phones or devices...
  9. H

    Any way to get a discount on a new enV touch with Verizon?

    I currently have an LG Dare with Verizon Wireless and I would really like to replace the phone with an enV touch. My Dare works fine but it constantly unlocks itself (the enV touch has a slide lock like the iPhone which would prevent the phone from pocket dialing like my Dare does) and I would...
  10. A

    Why is it that my lg env touch usb does not sync?

    I have an HP laptop 2007 which stays at my job, and it detects when i connect the usb from my verizon lg env touch. When i first connected it, it automatically installed the software. Now i have a desktop computer and it does not detect it at all. Do I still need a software for it for the...
  11. S

    LG enV Touch: how much is 25MB of Data?

    I'm getting an enV touch for christmas this year and i was at the store with my dad when we chose the plan and everything. the plan gives me 25 mb of data and i'm not sure how much internet time, video games, ring tones, etc. that is. so if someone could give me like an idea it'd be...
  12. D

    Phones simular to the lg env touch?

    i wanted the env touch but the data plans to much so ive gotta get a diff phone. what should i get. i have verizon, but i want a phone that's touch screen and has a good keyboard that's relatively new not a crappy phone, and has gotta have gooooood reviews, well it dont gotta be with both a key...
  13. E

    Motorola Droid vs LG Chocolate Touch vs EnV Touch?

    I am getting a new phone for Christmas and I am not sure which one to choose. I have a 2nd generation chocolate right now. I want a phone that i can text on, use the internet, have some apps and have tons of music. I don't really need any high tech stuff. So which one should i choose?
  14. E

    Will an unlocked LG enV Touch VX11000 work on Telus network?

    The LG enV Touch VX11000 runs on a 850/1900 frequency CDMA network. I have a phone from telus right now that works on that same frequency.
  15. D

    Verizon Lg Env Touch VX11000 cell phone?

    I just found a Verizon Lg Env Touch VX11000 cell phone anyone know anything about them? what they are worth and how old are they as of 2009? if you know anthing about this kinda phone please let me know.
  16. A

    My Verizon env touch is messing up, will it be free to get a new one?

    Okay so recently my phones been reseting its self (Like reseting my walpaper, calender events, Notes) And now it's also turning it's self off CONSTANTLY and it's annoying. I've also noticed that when i tried to type on WORD when texting on the exturnal display screen that it types in ABC when it...
  17. I

    how do you unlock a verizon lg env touch? also it needs to be free?

    i have a verizon env touch and i want to unlock it. how do i do this, for free?
  18. M

    How to put ringtones on the Env Touch?

    i have some ringtones on my computer and i downloaded them to my EnV Touch. Now when i looked for them on my phone they are in the music section. How do i get them into the ringtone or sounds section so i can set them as my tones???
  19. A

    How do you upload videos onto a LG EnV Touch phone?

    When I plug my phone into my computer, the phone doesn't come up in "My Computer." It only allows me to transfer music using Windows Media Player and syncing. It doesn't let me drag videos into the copy section so I can't put videos into my phone. Does anyone know how fix this? Thanks in advance!
  20. K

    Can i exchange my samsung rogue for an EnV Touch?

    I got the samsung rogue and it seemed okay for a while but it started to get really unresponsive and i was wondering if i could change it for another phone? I have had it for a little over a month now.