
  1. A

    Why do you seem to enjoy arguing religion?

    If people are so offended by God or find the idea so preposterous, then why do you waste so much time arguing about it. Why not just ignore it? If I truly thought people were that unreasonable I wouldn't waste my time or energy trying to reason with or insult them. That only works with an...
  2. A

    How to get anyone to enjoy sci-fi/fantasy movies.?

    I know that everyone is different, and that some people don't enjoy these types of movies or tv shows. I know someone like this, but i really want them to start watching these things and actually get them into it. I tried to show them Lord of the Rings .They got through the first one, and...
  3. A

    What sort of people enjoy black humor?

    I could not disagree more. Used to lessen stress in certain profession, that may be so, but I'm talking about people that literally have a sick sense of humor. They enjoy screwed up and disturbing things.
  4. P

    do you have a genderly sense of humour- what type of humour do you enjoy?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIEVqFB4WUo - Devo - Whip It (Video) i like musical comedy
  5. M

    How to enjoy Twitter?

    Even though I have a Twitter account as well as have some 70+ followers, I've never used it seriously. I've never got in contact with my followers or those who follow me. I sometimes tweet, but nobody game me any reply; while I have some friends on Facebook who give me some comments on my post...
  6. T

    Extraverted Gorillas Enjoy Longer Lives, Research Suggests

    An international team of researchers looked at the role of personality by studying 298 gorillas in North American zoos and sanctuaries for over 18 years. The gorillas' personalities were assessed by keepers, volunteers, researchers and caretakers who knew the gorillas well. Their personality was...
  7. P

    Do you enjoy contemporary Christian praise?

    My friends and I are starting a account to showcase some of the great songs that have been written in praise! The artists all shown are wonderful musicians! please give it a try! Our latest video is Starfields "Son of God" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtGIrV-axOA&hd=1 please and thank you...
  8. N

    I need some good fantasy large world books I enjoy the lotr series and Harry potter

    things of that nature? I did not enjoy the hunger games and twilight is not my thing
  9. S

    Girls, how would you enjoy weekends with your husband/boyfriend if he loves to...

    ...lounge in underwear? I mean, spending the weekends at the house lounging in a plain white v-neck undershirt with matching briefs? I think it would be a way to have fun together, especially watching movies and listening to music. I know I would have fun weekends doing that.
  10. A

    Women, do you enjoy "cruising in nice cars"?

    I love to cruise in my car, that's how I spend most of my weekend nights... sometimes I like to push the pedal to the metal when it's late at night and no one is around! :) Thanks for answering. Damn! - Holden VY SS Ute (Supercharged V8)... it looks exactly like this, mine is black as well...
  11. G

    Everything a Serious Stargazer Needs To Enjoy the Celestial Show [Toolkit]

    We've already brought you a beginner's guide to astronomy, and the heavens recently lined up for an impressive celestial peepshow. Now, it's time to take a look at the stargazing gear that will guarantee a fantastic front row seat to the heavens. More »
  12. V

    Enjoy a Burger Without the Heart Attack

    Recently, a diner feasting on a 6,000 calorie Triple Bypass Burger at the famous Heart Attack Grill made headlines when he literally experienced a heart attack, sending him to the hospital. We all enjoy a good burger now and then, and you don’t need to sacrifice your health to eat one. Ace...
  13. A

    the handcuffs of god enjoy the fun (rant)?

    ok i'll break it down for u the last time i went to jail for u to find god . OOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKK loser cops pulling me over with no probable cause aside this is the deal. first you must know things that i got from listening in this fashion to begin with. black = all or knowledge white = god red...
  14. A

    apoctalyptic rant enjoy the fun.?

    I was raised baptist but i have since converted to a religion of my own discovery as far as i know here is my personal view on the apocalypse.... The rapture is upon us heralded by every sound in existence the muse touches all as is she projected by all. Alright this is part of this code rapture...
  15. A

    atheists: what sci fi series or movie do you most enjoy?

    we all know that atheists tend to love science fiction. so recommend me a TV show or movie, idc if its live action or animated, so long that its good.
  16. K

    IAC - Sinitta was amazing, she's so funny! Did you enjoy it?

    I know she is going to be a brilliant contestant! She's really funny and I loved the story tonight in the cave and can't wait to see how it turned out! Are you looking forward to seeing her in the camp and what do you think she will be like?
  17. N

    Inthe book Il?ad-Homer, does priam enjoy his son's dead?

    Do you think Priam the father of Hector, liked his son's dead. I mean he talked about it a lot. He prod his son a lot. and there is no doubt that Hector died with full of honor. Do you think Priam take pleasure his son's dead?
  18. B

    How can i learn to actually enjoy this game?

    I love rpgs, been playing them since i was a kid, but the recent ones have been nothing but garbage. only thing that hasnt gone backwards when it comes to quality, is the graphics, which sadly makes all the kids today think that games now are more 'advanced' than they used to be, sad. The game...
  19. K

    4 jokes for u and enjoy......?

    1) Logical Thinking A Year 5 teacher was giving her Primary pupils a lesson in developing logical thinking. "This is the scene," said the teacher. "A man is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river, fishing. He loses his balance, falls in, and begins splashing and yelling for help...
  20. M

    Is it normal for a horse to not enjoy being outside?

    So Chevy has been allowed outside more and more lately, With and without horses, but either way he always just wants to come back in. He enjoys being in his stall, on cross ties, in the arena with someone, pretty much if he can't be with someone he would rather be in his stall. Is that normal...