
  1. M

    Can an employer change the rules of vacation/personal/sick leave after employment?

    I was hired for this position in April 2010 and was told that there was a 90 day trial period for my employment. I specifically asked about vacation/sick/personal leave and was told to just tell my boss when I needed off and it would be okay. This is a relatively small company. Yesterday, just...
  2. X

    What is the contact number for the employment offices for DirecTV?

    I applied to be a systems installer about a week ago and I have looked everywhere but I can't find the number or e-mail that I am suppose to give a callback to. I was wondering should I go up to a DirecTV office or just give a callback. I really want this job it's a great job and I would love...
  3. T

    Specialization and trade can result in shifting employment patters.?

    a) what possibilities are available to people who lose their jobs due to changes in employment patters? b) what are the advantages and disadvantages of each possibility?
  4. S

    cost of living and employment in Amsterdam?

    My question is how costly living in Amsterdam is ? I am coming for PhD. Am I allowed to work more than 10 hours/week legally ? Is my wife allowed to work full time in Amsterdam as I will be on MVV and then get residence permit. We don't drink and fond of eating out in restaurants so will...
  5. B

    Best Employment website for Portugal (10 points)?

    Hello all. Can someone please give me links to the best employment websites in Portugal. I would prefer a site that covers all but if the best sites are based on region or industry, I am looking to move to Porto and work in the Science field. I will probably be moving through work, but I just...
  6. T

    Health Care Jobs Top Future Employment Opportunity List

    Health care jobs, especially in nursing, dominate the country's employment future in the next decade. NPR reports that "[m]ore than 3 million jobs in the health care industry will be created this decade, ranging from highly paid neurosurgeons to home health aids making barely above minimum wage...
  7. T

    Minority Elders Continue To Face Health Care, Employment Disparities

    The premiere issue of an aging-focused newsletter deals with two pressing societal concerns - the economic downturn and health care reform - from the perspective of older minority adults. WHAT'S HOT is the newest publication from The Gerontological Society of America (GSA), the country's largest...
  8. T

    Minority Elders Continue To Face Health Care, Employment Disparities

    The premiere issue of an aging-focused newsletter deals with two pressing societal concerns - the economic downturn and health care reform - from the perspective of older minority adults. WHAT'S HOT is the newest publication from The Gerontological Society of America (GSA), the country's largest...
  9. J

    Who Would I Complain to About a My Place of Employment for Unethical/Illegal...

    ...Practices? I work at a local restaurant and today the manager took $75 from two waitresses because she believed they did not deserve the money. She justified this by saying she would spread the money evenly through everyone that was working that night, but instead gave it to the head chef...
  10. H

    what are the employment trends in recuritment and selection process?

    It would be great help if each of the trends for the recruitment and selection is described in details. Thanks!!!!!!!!
  11. H

    what are the employment trends in recuritment and selection process?

    It would be great help if each of the trends for the recruitment and selection is described in details. Thanks!!!!!!!!
  12. A

    what is the right age of employment at a local rogers video, in canada?

    i want a job and im sixteen, but ive heard people say that you must be 18 to work at rogers. there is one around the corner from my house but i dont know if i'm old enough to work there.???
  13. A

    what is the right age of employment at a local rogers video, in canada?

    i want a job and im sixteen, but ive heard people say that you must be 18 to work at rogers. there is one around the corner from my house but i dont know if i'm old enough to work there.???
  14. P

    If tobacco is legal, will an employer disqualify you for employment if they

    find nicotine in your urine test? I have been smoking almost every day for the past several weeks and I'm probably getting a new job soon. The job I've applied for requires a urine sample test to look for "controlled substances." Will they disqualify me for employment if they find nicotine in my...
  15. E

    my company has already canceled my employment visa,how i can live here w/o a...

    ...job if i have a bank travel ban? i mean how can i survive here in uae w/o a job and i cannot go home because of bank travel ban
  16. L

    Vacation pay at separation of employment in D.C?

    I was terminated in D.C by Harris Teeter, I had 92 hours of unused vacation time. I know that D.C. has no law on vacation pay either way but North Carolina does. My old company is incorporated in NC so shouldn't they be bound by the laws of that state rather than misuse the law or lack of such...
  17. F

    Should the Uk seek this guys employment?

    PLEASE SOMEONE KIDNAP THIS GUY AND PUT HIM IN OFFICE IN THE UK!!!!!!! UK Need A Leader Like This! Prime Minister John Howard - Australia Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law Were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia ...
  18. J

    Difference between Employment drug test and Athletic steroid test?

    Employers check for drugs like marijuana,cocaine, etc.. but whats the difference or is there??? Can you fail an employment drug test if on steroids? Or does an employment drug test not detect that? What is the difference? I know employment test = Pea in a cup What about Athletic steriod test...
  19. M

    Im a former Cingular Wireless employee, i need proof of employment from them. What

    do i do? I worked for Cingular Wireless in 2005. I am now going through the process of getting a new job. They need me to prove i worked there during that time. I have no pay stubs or tax info. i need to get ahold of HR. What can i do?
  20. J

    I'am looking for people in need of employment in Maryland....I work for Toyota and

    need customer reps...asap? We are located in Clarksville Maryland and need two people whom have some understanding of Toyota's and the car business for some customer service and follow up work...pays hourly and commision...willing to train! contact me @ [email protected] if you would like...