
  1. G

    Gwyneth Paltrow "Embarrassed" to Be World's Most Beautiful Woman: "It's So Weird"

    Gwyneth Paltrow "Embarrassed" to Be World's Most Beautiful Woman: "It's So Weird" What does it feel like to be named People magazine's World's Most Beautiful Woman? Just ask Gwyneth Paltrow. "Oh, lord," the 40-year-old mom of two said at...
  2. G

    Reese Witherspoon Breaks Silence After Disorderly Conduct Arrest: "Deeply Embarrassed

    Reese Witherspoon Breaks Silence After Disorderly Conduct Arrest: "Deeply Embarrassed Reese Witherspoon has spoken out in the wake of her surprising Friday night arrest and brief jailing for disorderly conduct, releasing a contrite statement of apology for her uncharacteristic,...
  3. F

    I get embarrassed every time I go to the library. Help?

    I know this sounds corny but I like to check out books about different religions, spiritual relaxation techniques, motivational/self-help books, cookbooks, exercise books, and the likes. Having positive energy around me and maintaining balance in my life is very important, so I like to read up...
  4. A

    Football, I Love You, But This Sexist, Fat-Shaming Sign Makes Me Embarrassed To Be A

    Because I was born and raised in Eugene, Oregon, and because the woo-woo liberal arts college I attended didn't have a football team, the Oregon Ducks are my preferred college football team. But at their game against the University of Washington Huskies on Saturday night, I was...
  5. V

    Ten Yellow Cars We’re Not Embarrassed To Love

    Yellow cars can be a tough sell. The color has a strangely bimodal distribution in the (non-taxi) automotive world, in that it is often found on both the very least expensive, and the most sporting/exotic cars on the market. It can brighten up an otherwise staid design, or it can ruin the visage...
  6. C

    I am embarrassed to work at Taco Bell?

    So Im a 22 year old college student and I have been looking for a job everywhere!! I applied at the mall best buy,restaurants like Red Robins... JCP... YOUNKERS.. but no one has called me :( and I finally applyed at some fast food places and that was last night. I got a call today from Taco Bell...
  7. C

    If you're embarrassed to introduce ur bf to your fam shud u even be together?

    He makes me super happy and makes me feel like the best thing in the world but he's just not really the parent-approved type. Like he looks like a thug and doesn't get the best grades. He says I'm the one tho. What shud I do?
  8. A

    As a Christian,do you ever feel embarrassed about the many illogical Youtube

    rants against atheism & evolution? Why does it seem like it is always the most uninformed and illogical "Christians" among us who tend to represent "Biblical Christianity" on websites such as Youtube? ===================================================== OPTIONAL DETAILS: Even if I share...
  9. S

    Help! I am dating this woman but I am embarrassed to introduce her to my...

    ...parent because of her colour? We have been dating this woman for a couple of weeks and she said she wants to meet my parents. I said sure you can come to my place this this weekend, but the only problem is she is black and I don't know how my parents will react.
  10. C

    Gatsby seems uncomfortable and embarrassed when nick introduces him to whom?

    And why is he uncomfortable? Chapter 4
  11. N

    Should I be embarrassed by my outie belly button?

    I have an ugly belly button, that does go in a bit but sticks out around the top edge and a little on the side. All my friends have normal innies that don't stick out anywhere and I've never seen another belly button like mine. It feels like I'm the only one who has an ugly belly button and it...
  12. F

    Need to wear my glasses for everything but reading but am kind of embarrassed....

    ...How to introduce them? After a fairly large increase in my prescription my optician advised to wear the new glasses for all distance but not reading. Now I have them I realise that they make a huge improvement. One problem - I don't know anyone who went from just wearing glasses occasionally...
  13. P

    I am embarrassed for whoever is interested in me?

    When someone shows a sign of interest at me, i feel embarrassed for them for liking someone like me, i don't know what they like about me and i am embarrassed for them. When there are better girls out there?... but then they soon lose interest as expected. I knew it wont last long... and sad...
  14. L

    Do you think animals have a sense of humor and/or feel embarrassed?

    based on your opinions, experiences, or anything that you know for a fact about animals.
  15. M

    EMBARRASSED: Is it possible to learn to ride a bike completely alone?

    I attempted to ride a bike without training wheels as a child but failed. Now I'm well past the age where anyone else seeing me struggle to ride a bike would be to embarrassing to bear. So is it possible for me to learn to ride a bike without anyone helping me? Is it probable?
  16. A

    Religious people: do you ever feel embarrassed by the loud minority of...

    ...zealots in your religion? How does it make you feel? What do you wish were different? Thanks TheGreatSeeker: Please explain what you mean. That doesn't really make sense as an answer. Thanks! Drake: I don't know, why don't you ask that question yourself and have people answer it? Thanks.
  17. S

    Would you be embarrassed if you husband smoked tobacco pipes if he was younger?

    My hubby is 37, and he collects tobacco pipes and sometimes smokes them. It's a little embarrassing because when anyone sees him, they smirk or roll their eyes. Fortunately, no one says anything, but their reactions need no words. His grandfather smoked them all of his life, and it seems that he...
  18. F

    Did he lie because he was embarrassed.? How can I get him to talk about this

    sensitive issue.? (sex related)? My boyfriend and I decided that we were ready to have sex for the first time, but we had to keep quiet because my brothers were home. We could not do it on my bed because my bed squeaks so we decided to stand up. I bent over on a chair and he stayed standing then...
  19. C

    Hav you ever been embarrassed by the contents of your shopping trolley?

    I worked in a centre for asylum seekers. With HIV in mind, we were the first centre in the country to hand out condoms. I went to my local supermarket and, in my trolley I had a crate of beer, six bottles of wine, 400 cigarettes AND 36 condoms. The girl at the check out looked at me and then at...
  20. L

    Embarrassed (very) that I am drawn to Judaism?

    I don't know why I am so drawn to Judaism. I come from a small town, but seem to find myself living in communities with a large Jewish presence, even though I don't know this at the time of moving into the community. A few years back, I decided to approach a Rabbi about conversion. I was...