
  1. S

    How many republicans will be leaving America if Obama wins this election?

    I've read answers from people who say they are putting their money offshore, people who say they are joining the underground and fighting to take back their America and some who want to form a militia and march down Pennsylvania Avenue. Since republicans keep saying if the democrats win...
  2. B

    Who was John Bell's running mate of the Election of 1860?

    Just as the title says. Help is appreciated thanks!
  3. B

    will the fights in Libya affect the NSW election this weekend?

    like with no petrol from Libya how are they going to drive and deliver the ballot papers? please comment?
  4. M

    How do I win a student council election?

    I'm a Mexican 9th grader that knows people and now I wanna run.
  5. A

    The Election of Abraham Lincoln's effect on the Civil War.?

    I have the basic concept but I need detail. I need an A in this class not a C!
  6. Y

    Is Pelosi and the lame duck dems right about the recent election results:

    everyone wants a tax hike? http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703766704576009684148164872.html?mod=googlenews_wsj What a crew. Democrats on Capitol Hill have had two years to avoid this day of tax reckoning, yet they kicked the tough vote into a lame duck session. They proceeded to...
  7. L

    LIBS: WHY DO YOU RANT ABOUT COC ELECTION SPENDING, but don't say a word about...

    ...union dues being pissed away? on election spending? Wouldn't the money have been better spent by "union leadership" on health and welfare benefits for their rank and file - and perhaps shoring up the retirement bennies instead of demanding tax payers bail them out? (especially the gumbent...
  8. J

    Why do the Southerners see the election of Lincoln in 1860 as a telling

    prediction of the future? It happens right before they secede from the Union.
  9. P

    has a libertarian ever won an election ever LOL HAHAHAHA i bet not becuz they...

    ...are crazy and want to go back in? time to ancient times and live like paul revere and john hancock but i got news tor you it isnt the past it is NOW LOL
  10. D

    How Does A Ranting Kook Like Al Franken get away with election fraud and still

    It wasn't fraud. But as far as Franken staying a senator goes? Anybody who can't beat a brain-dead psychopath and right-wing looney-toons like Norm Coleman by at LEAST ten-to-one really should find another line of work. .
  11. S

    Does anyone else get nervous about the 2012 Election and those things they say

    about the Mayan Prophecy? It makes me kind of scared because there is all that silly talk about the Mayan prophecy of 2012 and how it is supposed to be the end of the world or something like that.. and it's also the year of the election. It makes me a little nervous, even though I know that is...
  12. A

    3 Billion election campaign in USA by those complaining about US economy?

    A candidate spent over 140 million in a campaign. Is that amount alone not enough for this person to spend all his life How much does a man need to live this finite life What percentage of Americans earn over a million a year. What percentage of Americans earn over $500000 a year Has the...
  13. W

    Do you ever read pre election prophecy?

    One I read was right on target so far was the following "If he is elected he will staff the US Government and its bureaus, committees and departments with 3,000 radical lefties such as Ayers & Wright; Acorn organizers; New Black Panther radicals, Raile Odinga surrogates and worse. And the next...
  14. T

    Blogs Comment On Gender Issues In Midterm Campaigns, Brazilian Election, Other Topics

    The following summarizes select women's health-related blog entries. ~ "Abortion Trauma: The Myth," Nada Logan Stotland, Huffington Post blogs: "Among the strategies employed by antiabortion forces is an effort, apparently quite a successful effort, to convince the public, as well as legislators...
  15. G

    Vote or Die: Piecing together a few thoughts about today's election ...

    ... mostly other people's thoughts. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  16. T

    2010 ANA-PAC Election Endorsements

    The American Nurses Association (ANA) and ANA's Political Action Committee (ANA-PAC) are working to ensure that nursing's perspective is considered in policy decisions made on Capitol Hill. Each election cycle, ANA-PAC endorses candidates who will best serve the interests of nurses and their...
  17. G

    So, as Election Day approaches, have the desperate D-rats resorted to outright lies?

    They are really trotting them out tonight. They're even talking about Clinton's non-existent fictional budget surplus that never materialized. How desperate can they get, in their final hours?
  18. H

    To run for president should your life be an open book before an election?

    after all people need to know what type of person is running dont they
  19. G

    Has Obamas election actually made it harder for black people to achieve the

    highest honour? I mean people said it was a great achievement to become the first but imagine how difficult it will be to become the second black president, without the push of creating history behind them. Been there done that, im sure next time the progressives will want to vote for a lesbian...
  20. G

    Has Obamas election actually made it harder for black people to achieve the

    highest honour? I mean people said it was a great achievement to become the first but imagine how difficult it will be to become the second black president, without the push of creating history behind them. Been there done that, im sure next time the progressives will want to vote for a lesbian...