
  1. M

    How to send email with attachments from my nokia e-63 mobile using...

    ...reliance netconnect? how to send email with attachments from my nokia e-63 mobile using reliance netconnect....when i try it i cannot attach any file with my email....i am using yahoo mobile ...the yahoo desktop website is not opening in my mobile as it shows error as not supporting explorer...
  2. R

    I am wondering what phone would be a better choice the Nokia C3 or Nokia E63?

    Those phones are with rogers prepaid and i am planning on getting the socialite 25 and that has unlimited internet and texting but I can't decide what phone is better.
  3. M

    How to send email with attachments from my nokia e-63 mobile using reliance

    netconnect? how to send email with attachments from my nokia e-63 mobile using reliance netconnect....when i try it i cannot attach any file with my email....i am using yahoo mobile ...the yahoo desktop website is not opening in my mobile as it shows error as not supporting explorer available in...
  4. A

    why doesnt my nokia e63 want to send sms?

    my nokia e62 doesnt want to send sms it says cannot send sms check network service but ive got all stripes on the connevtion bar what could be the proble??? help out please
  5. L

    how can i set up my nokia e63 for e-mails?

    it can show but i can not send e-mail
  6. P

    Is there any C compilers for my nokia E63 mobile (symbian)?

    Can i compile and write C programs directly on my phone?? please tell me if you are aware of any such compiler.......
  7. M

    how can i down load yahoo mengr to nokia e63?

    let me know yahoo menger is workng ,in e63,& voice calls can be used in e63 mobile r not, thankyou
  8. A

    Nokia e63 or Sony Ericsson Xperia X1?

    Can anyone help me choose which phone is better? I'm thinking of buying but can't seem to think which one would be good. I like Nokia e63 because Nokia phones are user-friendly. But the e63 is just too "businessy." Meanwhile, I like Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 because I've always like slide-out...
  9. A

    Change Nokia E63 IP address?

    How do i change Nokia E63-1 IP address?
  10. C

    my nokia e63 screen wont light up ?

    i put my nokia e63 in my pocket at school and i got a text and i took it out and my screen wouldnt light up, i cheacked the settings and they were all fine, can someone please help me i can still see what im doing its just really dark and makes it hard check *
  11. M

    Download lcg jukebox 2.72 and corecodec coreplayer 1.3.6 for my nokia E63?

    I want to download lcg jukebox 2.72 and corecodec coreplayer 1.3.6 for my nokia E63. Please tell me sites where I can find the either cracked versions or software with keygen.
  12. B

    Nokia e63 memory card problem?

    So i have a nokia e63 and its memory card recently became corrupted, i formated it and now it only shows 30mb of a 1gb memory card and keeps corrupting again anyone know how to fix this.
  13. B

    Nokia e63 memory card problem?

    So i have a nokia e63 and its memory card recently became corrupted, i formated it and now it only shows 30mb of a 1gb memory card and keeps corrupting again anyone know how to fix this.
  14. B

    Nokia e63 memory card problem?

    So i have a nokia e63 and its memory card recently became corrupted, i formated it and now it only shows 30mb of a 1gb memory card and keeps corrupting again anyone know how to fix this.
  15. B

    Nokia e63 memory card problem?

    So i have a nokia e63 and its memory card recently became corrupted, i formated it and now it only shows 30mb of a 1gb memory card and keeps corrupting again anyone know how to fix this.
  16. B

    Nokia e63 memory card problem?

    So i have a nokia e63 and its memory card recently became corrupted, i formated it and now it only shows 30mb of a 1gb memory card and keeps corrupting again anyone know how to fix this.
  17. B

    Nokia e63 memory card problem?

    So i have a nokia e63 and its memory card recently became corrupted, i formated it and now it only shows 30mb of a 1gb memory card and keeps corrupting again anyone know how to fix this.
  18. B

    Nokia e63 memory card problem?

    So i have a nokia e63 and its memory card recently became corrupted, i formated it and now it only shows 30mb of a 1gb memory card and keeps corrupting again anyone know how to fix this.
  19. B

    Nokia e63 memory card problem?

    So i have a nokia e63 and its memory card recently became corrupted, i formated it and now it only shows 30mb of a 1gb memory card and keeps corrupting again anyone know how to fix this.
  20. B

    Nokia e63 memory card problem?

    So i have a nokia e63 and its memory card recently became corrupted, i formated it and now it only shows 30mb of a 1gb memory card and keeps corrupting again anyone know how to fix this.