
  1. G

    Does a Blu Ray Writer produce better results on DVD9 or DVD (DL) recordable

    media than a standard DVD+RW drive? Over the last decade, I've purchased more than a dozen internal DVD(RW) writers and none of them produce consistently good results when burning dual layer (DVD-DL) media. I've got the best software, downloaded and installed the most recent firmware, used...
  2. A

    My Dvdburner can burn Blue ray disc but can you use a dvd9 Dual layer with 8gb...

    ...for the blue ray thingy? What im really trying to figure out is if you can use a blank dvd to and use the blue ray burner to burn it into the dvd, Or do you actually need a burnable blue ray disc?
  3. G

    The Guy Game USA DVD9 XBOX-WoD

    Category: Console-XBox Size: 6.68 GB Files: 147 (18 pars) Group: a.b.games.xbox .NFO: View NFO Ext. Link: http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/244785.asp Posted: Sat December 18th 14:45:29 UTC Download NZB
  4. H

    LULU OG LEON DVD9 D1-MyBadBits

    Category: Movies-DVD Size: 8.20 GB Files: 93 (9 pars) Group: a.b.boneless .NFO: View NFO Ext. Link: http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/4828/47555617.jpg Posted: Tue December 14th 14:45:31 UTC Download NZB
  5. H

    LULU OG LEON DVD9 D2-MyBadBits

    Category: Movies-DVD Size: 8.19 GB Files: 92 (9 pars) Group: a.b.boneless .NFO: None Posted: Tue December 14th 15:32:21 UTC Download NZB
  6. H

    LULU OG LEON DVD9 D3-MyBadBits

    Category: Movies-DVD Size: 8.19 GB Files: 92 (9 pars) Group: a.b.boneless .NFO: None Posted: Tue December 14th 16:23:52 UTC Download NZB
  7. G

    College Hoops 2K6 DVD9 XBOX-ProjectX

    Category: Console-XBox Size: 4.46 GB Files: 102 (14 pars) Group: a.b.games.xbox .NFO: View NFO Posted: Tue December 7th 03:25:34 UTC Download NZB
  8. J

    How Many Movie (Blu-Ray DvD & DVD9) Do you Own?

    Bonus Questions Below : BQ1:Which ones your Favorite & Why? BQ2:Which one you Regret Buying? BQ3:How Many Music CD's do You Own? & BQ1&2
  9. M

    Can a laptop's dvd burner burn onto a DVD-9?

    I have Window's 7, and it comes with an burner already installed -- I'm going to put some videos onto a disc, but I'd rather use DVD9 than DVD5, just so I don't have to carry around eight discs. I know it's dual layer, so will the computer just roll with it, and burn it normally? Or would it...
  10. D

    will a dual layer dvd-9 disc play on any standard dvd player?

    Hi. Am looking at buying a large dvd collection which is said to be on discs referred to as dual layer dvd-9 format. I am unsure whether these will play on my basic dvd player or on my xbox 360 or whether only some players are compatible ? Thanks Further to Gummy Bears answer (thanks) - does...
  11. E

    Burning PS2 game to DVD-DL (DVD9)?

    So I downloaded a DVD9 PS2 game; MGS2 Substance, to be more specific. At first I thought I was f...cked because I believed my burner couldn't burn DVD-DL's. But then I applied Nero Info Tool and discovered that it can! How cool is that! Anyway, I've never burned to a DVD-DL before, so I'd like...
  12. M

    Phantom (1922) DVD9 (Silent)

    Name: Phantom (1922) DVD9 (Silent) Category: Movies: DVD Size: 7471.69MB Added: 2009-11-28 16:31:32
  13. M

    Finances of the Grand Duke (1924) DVD9 (Silent)

    Name: Finances of the Grand Duke (1924) DVD9 (Silent) Category: Movies: DVD Size: 5148.09MB Added: 2009-11-28 16:36:02
  14. M

    The Soloist (2009) DVD9 PASSWORD= ajNiFfh67x2g

    Name: The Soloist (2009) DVD9 PASSWORD= ajNiFfh67x2g Category: Movies: DVD Size: 6904.73MB Added: 2009-11-24 16:13:43
  15. M

    The Soloist (2009) DVD9 PASSWORD= ajNiFfh67x2g

    Name: The Soloist (2009) DVD9 PASSWORD= ajNiFfh67x2g Category: Movies: DVD Size: 6904.73MB Added: 2009-11-24 16:13:43
  16. M

    Blade Runner (1982) Disc 1: Final Cut DVD9

    Name: Blade Runner (1982) Disc 1: Final Cut DVD9 Category: Movies: DVD Size: 7904.19MB Added: 2009-11-23 17:27:56
  17. M

    Blade Runner (1982) Disc 2 Dangerous Days: Making Blade Runner DVD9

    Name: Blade Runner (1982) Disc 2 Dangerous Days: Making Blade Runner DVD9 Category: Documentaries: STD Size: 8791.60MB Added: 2009-11-23 17:30:40
  18. M

    Blade Runner (1982) Disc 3: Theatrical, International, Director's Versions DVD9

    Name: Blade Runner (1982) Disc 3: Theatrical, International, Director's Versions DVD9 Category: Movies: DVD Size: 7564.09MB Added: 2009-11-23 17:33:48
  19. M

    Blade Runner (1982) Disc 4: Enhancement Archive DVD9

    Name: Blade Runner (1982) Disc 4: Enhancement Archive DVD9 Category: Movies: DVD Size: 8942.53MB Added: 2009-11-23 17:35:34
  20. M

    Blade Runner (1982) Disc 5: Workprint Version DVD9

    Name: Blade Runner (1982) Disc 5: Workprint Version DVD9 Category: Movies: DVD Size: 8084.17MB Added: 2009-11-23 17:37:13