
  1. T

    Can anyone explain to me in dumb language what exactly a low pass filter...

    ...does, how do i use it for best sound? i know it filters out frequencies but whats the best settings and stuff
  2. R

    Heres a dumb riddle for you people?

    Whats always coming but never arrives lol i knew it was dumb but im in class now so im kinda bored lol
  3. R

    Warning: If you're an easily offended bleeding heart, don't read my dumb...

    ...joke.What do you call a gay dinosaur? Haha! Thanks for the female version. I only knew about the Mega sore a@$.
  4. I

    JOKE TIME!!! --- Who's More Dumb?? ---?

    One day, Joey and Mark are talking to each other. Joey: Did you know, Mark, our houseboy Peter is very dumb? Mark: I tell you, our houseboy John is more dumb!! They argued about it... Joey: Ok!! I'll show you how dumb he is! Watch This, Peter!! come here.. Peter: Yes sir! What can I do to...
  5. C

    Leaving job with current economy to travel ....dumb move?

    Basically sick of my current job, early 30's, and thinking of leaving the company to go travel. Just nervous about how hard it's going to be to find a job upon arrival back to the states in 10 months or so.
  6. T

    May seem like a dumb question but I don't know how to take off & add music to...

    ...my I-Pod without using I-Tunes? My I-Pod is full and I haven't a clue how to add and delete from it without using I-Tunes or I-Tunes popping up and interfering? Can someone please help? I-Tunes is on my PC but not on my laptop so methinks using the laptop may be easier? Also, for some god...
  7. I

    Who's actually tried smoking something "Dumb" as a kid?

    By dumb I mean like tree leaves, Banana skins etc all that stuff.. I remember when I was 13 (A year ago lmfao) Me and my m8 were like bored and wondered how it was like to smoke so he got some paper, tape, leaves, blueberry sweets and some wool, and we smoked it rofl, it was a funny thing we...
  8. T

    Do you guys have any simple or dumb jokes?

    Like the muffin joke... 2 muffins are in an oven. One says to the other, "Man, it's hot in here!" The other freaks out and says, "Holy crap, a talking muffin!" I love dumb jokes... One more from me... 2 goldfish are in thier tank. One says to the other, "You man the guns, I'll drive"...
  9. sarahkate

    In Dumb and Dumber, is the chip on Lloyd's tooth real?

    Is it just blacked out or is it a real chip off his tooth?
  10. H

    Jokes??? I need some dumb jokes to tell...?

    Some dumb jokes to tell? Thanks
  11. W

    Who in your opinion is a dumb celebrity?

    And please don't say anyone from Britney and company, those are just too obvious. Please, think deeply about this most important question. The survival of our species may depend upon it. Seriously, if I hear anything more about those bimbos I'll set everyone in town on fire. Guys, when I said...
  12. H

    This may seem dumb, but why is it bad to buy a bike without a clear title...

    ...if you don't plan on reselling it? Anything smart ass will just get a thrmbs down I really want to know. Okay, a title you have since you would own the bike but it says like "salvaged" etc. on it. I would be paying cash for it. You can still register it though right...why would you have to...
  13. P

    okay so why would this dumb girl put a picture of my dauighter on the internet....?

    I broke up with child's father because he lies and I saw on this girls profile.....http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=339030694 this girl put up a picture of my daughter, my child's father and her and on the bottom..she put "I wonder how many people can I...
  14. A

    Do you believe that society is impacted more and more by dumb celebrities?

    Personally, I can let it go right that Paris Hilton got famous by way of a sex tape and because her family is highly affluent. On the other hand, I believe that this has gone too far with stupid women getting fame for doing NOTHING. I ask myself where have the really talented gone? Sure we love...
  15. D

    POLL: Why is it that even though I've trademarked the KIA™ name, some dumb?

    broads still try to steal it? MINE Seniority October 2006 its actually K.I.A. not to be confused with the KIA pieceoshit cars
  16. J

    What can you use to replace dumb bells?

    I am starting a new exercise program (if you want to check it go to http://www.mensworkoutguide.com) any way, i have no exercise equipment (besides bands) and i want to know a house hold item that i can use in place of a dumb bell. Please and thank you!!
  17. W

    My cellphone is dumb?

    Like a loggy?
  18. H

    What is better for strength: barbells or dumb bells?

    I would like to become a lot stronger. What is more useful for strength: barbells or dumb bells?
  19. L

    what are the funniest dumb blonde jokes you've heard?

    i have a bunch of friends and we all hang out together all the time. and like the whole school knows that us 12 are a group. were always having sleep over and shopping together. anways there are only 3 of us that are brunettes and a red head the other 8 are always making fun of us. so the 4 of...