
  1. A

    What drives better and more fun that BMW x5?

    I currently have an X5 2002 and i love it how it drives and the tight steering feel and how it handles. but i hate repairs cost on it, BMW = bring my wallet. IS there any other car which has higher reliability and drives same or even better and fun to drive ? i am looking for an SUV only,not sedans
  2. T

    How do i dual boot 2 separate hard drives with 2 different operating systems?

    I have Ubuntu installed on one of them and Windows XP on the other. I use Ubuntu for most things but i like XP for gaming. I want to be able to dual boot into either. How do i go about this?
  3. P

    My new gay crush drives a truck for Bud Light.... how much do you think he makes...?

    ... he looks really cute in his uniform too.... but I was wondering how much money do you think he makes, like per year?
  4. E

    My usb drives arent working help!!!?

    i have a compaq laptop purchased august 2007 with windows vista yesterday i tried to sync my ipod and it would not load then i would try to use my digital camera and it didnt detect it either i connected both of them to my ps3 and the ps3 found the but not my computer. can i do a system...
  5. K

    My computer will not recognise any CD or DVD drives. (read des.)?

    Im trying to wipe my computer with a disk, the only problem is that it will not recognize any drive, not only that it does not let me continue to windows to use system restore. ive tried changing boot priorities in BIOS but nothing works, any ideas?
  6. S

    Are flash drives best for saving business data that may be needed in the future and

    for possibly tax purposes? I just want to make sure that if our business is audited, we can bring up the data. Some have suggested an external drive but is this wise or practical to save for years and years? And seeing that computers are upgraded all the time, what will hold up best through...
  7. A

    Does a IBM Thinkpad T20 Laptop work with MP3 players and pen drives?

    I just bought an IBM Thinkpad T20 Laptop off the internet but then, when I was reading info on the web about it, someone said that it doesn't work with pen drives or MP3 players. Is that the same with all IBM Thinkpad T20 Laptops? HELP!!!
  8. B

    What can I do about a car that drives by my house a few times almost every day

    and lays on his horn? I have this problem with one of two cars that constantly drive by my house and lay on their horns. I recently had renters in here that were deadbeats and skipped payment one month. I haven't even sued them or done anything to make them upset. So, other than that, I don't...
  9. B

    In "Taken", the new thriller, what is the audi Bryan drives, car the step

    dad drives, and Bryan's cell phone? let me know soon
  10. M

    My DVD drives won't read discs. Any solutions?

    I was wondering if anyone could give me a solution that doesn't involve me taking my PC apart? Basically, I have 2 DVD drives that up until two days ago fully read all DVD ROMs and CD ROMs as expected, but then I had a shuffle around with my PC, and when I plugged everything back in, it refuses...
  11. D

    does anyone kno where i can get cheap internal hard drives!?

    times are hard!!
  12. S

    Would you be mad if a guy that drives a BMW took you on date to McDonalds?

    A guy that likes me asked me out on a date, he has a bmw paid off but took me to McDonald's. I got dressed up all nice anticipating a nice restaurant but he was wearing a raggy corona beer t shirt & shorts am i overreacting or would you be offended?
  13. D

    my husband has worked for this company for nearly ten years. He drives company...

    ~~It would be different from state to state. The best thing to do is go onto your state's website and search for labor laws. If you are unable to track down the info, call the state's help line and they will help get the answer for you.~~
  14. K

    how do you put more dvd drives in your p.c.?

    I have been upgrading my pc,and I wondered if it was possible to put two more dvd drives in my p.c? I already have two cd/dvd roms in my system and I really wanted to add a light scribe and a blue ray to the collection in my p.c. case. the IDE only holds two drives, how do you put two more in...
  15. L

    Changing hard drives on an t60 thinkpad?

    I need to switch hard drives from one t60 to another, because my screen is cracked. how do i do this? is it just putting it in? or is there a more complicated process, as well? normally, my dad would help me but he wants me to research and figure it out on my own this time, i guess.
  16. A

    can you watch DVD on DVD RW Drives on the Acer AOA110-AB?

    hi i need to know can you watch dvd and play cd on Internal DVD Re-Writer thank you :D
  17. K

    Girls: Do you think it's hot when a guy drives a big truck?

    My boyfriend drives a Nissan Titan with like 35' tires! I think it's so sexyyyyyy You guys are crazy! I think it's so sexy to know a guy can handle such a big truck! I hate guys with little cars. Pussy!!
  18. J

    Is it possible that my volvo drives better in warm weather?

    i have a volvo s60 and it drove well until winter came. during winter, the suspension what really loud and uncomfortable. also the acceleration/ turbo charger were not as fast/effective. Yesterday we had a very warm day in the 70s(i live in maryland so its been in the 20s and 30s) and it drove...
  19. E

    My 01 Honda Accord 4dr drives perfect. But whenever I brake at speeds of 40mph

    or more, the steering shakes. ? The steering as well as the car shakes. I recently changed my brakes and noticed the the front driver side pads wore unevenly. Any ideas?
  20. S

    I go through hard drives like crazy. I drive a truck and take my lap top with me....

    ...Gone thru 9 hardrives in 3? different computers. Why? What is happening? oh and thats 2 different trucks. What could possibly be causing them to crash?