
  1. A

    Why did Christ refuse "mingled" drink offered?

    Hint: every tree + not every tree = oxy-moron Hint: grace + law = life + death = dead end Hint: blessed + cursed = accursed Hint: saved + destroyed = bad ending
  2. A

    Would "holiness with sobriety" be not even a sip of "mingled" drink Jesus...

    Would "holiness with sobriety" be not even a sip of "mingled" drink Jesus... ..."tasted", but Christ refused? since it was allegorically grace + law = life + death
  3. A

    What does it mean to mix "tar" with an alcoholic drink?

    A friend of mine recently drank a drink at a party that had "tar" mixed in and said it hit her pretty hard. Is it a drug, I have never heard of such a thing before.
  4. M

    do whales drink water?

    .......and if they do, salt water?
  5. J

    Standard drink recipes? help! Bartending a superbowl party tonight.?

    I am bartending a superbowl party and the host asked me to feel comfortable with vodka, tequila, rum and gin. What kind of drinks are expected of me? Could you include the names + recipes, if possible? Thank you so much, you're a life saver!
  6. M

    Sparkling drink recipes to ring in the New Year

    [No message]
  7. I

    Is It Bad To Only Drink Lemon Water For 24 Hours?

    I am trying to lose 20 lbs. before Christmas (New Year's at the latest). I found weight loss plans online and one included a cleansing system of only drinking water and nothing else for 24 hours. Supposedly you can lose a pound solely from that, then just go on a strict diet from there. I was...
  8. R

    What's the name of the alcoholic drink with nicotine in it?

    I've heard of an alcoholic drink that contains nicotine, and thus allows nicotine intake without any damage to respiratory organs unlike cigarette. Can anyone provide the name of this beverage plus the brands? Thanks in advance.
  9. A

    Holiday Cocktails: 10 Healthy Signature Drink Recipes

    'Tis the season for a lot of eggnog, punch, and hot-buttered cups of sugar and booze. We love it! But sugar crashes and rapid holiday weight gain aren't a fun way to pass our holiday parties. Thankfully, there are ways to lighten up signature drinks that are part and parcel of the holiday...
  10. E

    Can someone make a long list of funny or nasty drink names?

    Ex:Sex on the Beach, Limp Dick
  11. A

    Thanksgiving Cocktails: 10 Healthy Holiday Drink Recipes

    Holiday cocktails are often dairy-laden gut bombs, recipes for a sugar crash, or both. Not a fun or healthy way to kick off your Thanksgiving holiday. But if you want to offer a festive pre-dinner cocktail, there are plenty of low-sugar (but high-flavor) drink recipes to choose from. More »Post...
  12. A

    Drink To Your Health: 8 Herbal Tea Varieties To Give You A Boost

    Black and green teas are well-known and well-studied (there are countless studies affirming the metabolism- and brain-boosting effects of coffee's lesser-caffeinated rivals). But herbal teas on the other hand are still somewhat of a mystery. The truth is, they're not even technically considered...
  13. L

    Can I drink on a cruise ship?

    ok some im 20 and im going on a cruise with all my cousins(one of them is 21), my grandparents(they bought the cruise), and my aunts & uncles, and my parents, now ive heard of a waiver where you only have to be 18? however i know my parents wont sign that(they are hardcore bible thumpers) i know...
  14. C

    My ALT level is 154. Im healthy, dont drink much and have never taken drugs.?

    I have to go for a ultra sound scan in two weeks. There is obviously a problem with my liver so wanted to know if it is something bad and is my reading classed as very high?
  15. A

    Spilled drink on my laptop?

    I spilled my drink on my 4 month old laptop! It went all over the touchpad and a bit onto the keyboard (Only the space and alt buttons) I could use the touchpad (left and right only) before I turned the laptop off. I tried disassembling it but couldn't get to the touchpad itself (will try again...
  16. X

    Did Percy Jackson drink the poison in Son of Neptune?

    After he drank he got ill right away, he was in pain and he felt like his insides were on fire, his vision went black and he couldn't breath, but then it all stopped and Phineas fell down death and Percy was able to breath again, though he was very weak. Did he drink the poison and Gaia stopped...
  17. R

    I am a large smartphone company, drink a glass of water and find out my name.?

    What is it?
  18. A

    My ALT was at 113 What does that mean if I do not drink?

    I take Welbutrin for depression and Metformin for border line diabetes
  19. V

    Can you drink coffee the morning before a swim meet?

    I have a swim meet tomorrow at 5 pm im just wondering if it would hurt if i stopped by starbucks in the morning.
  20. E

    Are ingredients trends invovled in market trends of a sports drink?

    I'm researching market trends for a sports drink. I discovered "ingredient trends" online. I just want to know if ingredient trends are part of the market trends of a sports drink? sorry i meant "involved"