
  1. A

    My 17 year old boyfriend dreams about having sex with me?

    He doesn't want to have sex with me yet though (well he KINDA does but he doesn't wanna **** anything up because he loves me) but he says he doesn't want to pressure me into having sex with him because I'm not ready and he's okay with that, but he told me he has dreams about having sex with me...
  2. U

    what does it mean if an 11 year old has dreams about S3X?

    im 11 years old and it wasnt really sex it was more just humping n stuff and i was doing it with a guy even though im gay yeah i know im 11 and i know im gay ive known for 4 years now so f off
  3. T

    do dreams give any indication of reality? like could they be premonitions?

    Can you actually dream of anothers feelings, and whats going on with them? I dreamt that my ex was not in the best shape ever, tired, stressed, etc. now I dont speak to him but am quiet worried cause I still love him. Was it only just a dream or is my mind tuning in to his?
  4. A

    My 17 year old boyfriend dreams about having sex with me?

    He doesn't want to have sex with me yet though (well he KINDA does but he doesn't wanna **** anything up because he loves me) but he says he doesn't want to pressure me into having sex with him because I'm not ready and he's okay with that, but he told me he has dreams about having sex with me...
  5. A

    My 17 year old boyfriend dreams about having sex with me?

    He doesn't want to have sex with me yet though (well he KINDA does but he doesn't wanna **** anything up because he loves me) but he says he doesn't want to pressure me into having sex with him because I'm not ready and he's okay with that, but he told me he has dreams about having sex with me...
  6. S

    Why do we have interesting dreams but forget them as soon as we wake up?

    If you have a deep dream, no matter how much you're into the dream, and no matter how long you're into the dream, when you wake up you forget what the dream was all about in just three seconds... but you know it was about something interesting. Why do our minds do that sometimes!
  7. T

    What could these dreams mean?

    Please help interpret these dreams for me for the last two nights, my first dream was when i was somewhere in Romania with all the gardens and castles are around me. I found one dark mysterious looking castle. And i walked in and there was my dad with his black medieval looking suit laying on...
  8. C

    Dreams are our reality?

    Nobody knows if the reality, the way we see it, actually exists. It's that old René Descartes thing where we can only be sure of our own existence: "Cogito ergo sum", I think, therefore I am. But, just because we can't be 100% sure, doesn't mean it isn't our reality. There's really no compelling...
  9. P

    Why do I keep having dreams like this?

    So,I keep having this dream of the same issue,but not the same EXACT dream.It goes like this:It starts out that I find my "sorta of friend" Catherine,then a bunch of other people from my dream,but I never pay attention to what any of them are except sometimes I realize one of them is my old...
  10. S

    Help really weird dreams?

    Dream Me braking my moms fancy vase with my sister while playing soccer inside Weirdness I'm an only child I have no sister my mom doesn't have a vase and I hardly ever play soccer and especially not inside!!! Dream A plane accident including water crash fire and everyone dying and I know...
  11. H

    Is there any way to STOP having lucid dreams?

    I've always been able to control my dreams, as far as i can remember, but it was like once a week or so that i realized i was dreaming and it was fun then, but lately, (for the last 3 months) every single time i go to sleep, i am aware that i'm dreaming and i have this BIG exam for university...
  12. C

    Wierd dreams. Any one know what they mean?

    First of all, I wanna say hi to you all over here xD. Well then, lets get started. Last night I had a couple of wierd and troubling dreams. One involves my father. But before I get started maybe I should tell you that he and mom got divorced (4 years ago) because he ran off with my aunt ( wife...
  13. I

    Do you believe you can have premonitions in your dreams?

    I had a dream about a previous lover having sex one of my best friends friends. I had this dream two weeks after we stopped seeing each other. Later on i found out he really did have sex with her 3 days after we stopped seeing each other. A couple months later I dreamed he was seeing this...
  14. C

    I'm trying to concieve and hsving weird dreams?

    I keep dreaming I"m doing a urine preg test. 1st dream I had my period and did a preg test and it was positive n I was shocked (I had my period at the time in my dream n real life) 2nd I did a test n it was positive. Period finished in both. I know I'm not preg now but Does this mean anything ?
  15. N

    Dreams of Earth rotating super fast, the moon falling, gravity coming and

    going...an apocalyptic sign? Nah, I don't really believe I've been given visions of an upcoming apocalypse. But I found it weird that I've been having these dreams and then the earthquakes happened and I just discovered there's going to be a "supermoon" next week. (I keep dreaming about the moon...
  16. T

    I'am having weird dreams -_-?

    I've had two weird dreams that seem to boggle my mind. The first one, I was with this girl and to my surprise she was pregnant, we were walking and things seemed intimate, we were walking about my old elementary school.My dad had been talking about me getting a girl pregnant while still in...
  17. M

    How to deal with bad dreams.?

    I don't really know if this is to be considered a nightmare, but for the past few weeks I have been having bad dreams almost every night, if not every other night. I wake up almost in tears every time, but I'm not as shaken up as a nightmare would. Some of these may just seem odd but an example...
  18. K

    Premonitions and dreams and things.?

    Are there any websites out there where people can chat about their dreams or experiences with premonitions?
  19. A

    Do you believe dreams are our subconscious?

    I've heard "professional dream interpreters" tell me that, for a fact, dreams mean nothing. They are just a recollection of thoughts and emotions form memories of our past. I, however have a hard time believing this. It's one of those things where you just know they mean something more than...
  20. M

    What do Animal Dreams mean?

    So I had a weird dream that was very vivid and has been fixed into my head. I was swimming in a large body of calm water. Seals swam past me and I played with them for a little while. Then I swam a little more, feeling completely relaxed and calm. Then I came across a HUGE white turtle with a...