
  1. A

    Fat Cats & Pouchy Pups May Be Cute, But They’re Also Doomed

    Why are all our pets so fat???? More » Fat Cats & Pouchy Pups May Be Cute, But They’re Also Doomed is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health food recipes. Advice & news on mental health & healthcare..
  2. C

    Muslims, did you know that your religion is false and you are doomed for Eternal...

    ...death? accept Christ and repent!
  3. A

    Pope Benedict XIV Resigns; Humanity Might Now Be Doomed To Marriage Equality

    Good riddance, Pope Benedict XVI! The resigning pope leaves behind a legacy of hatred and hyperbole toward marriage equality for same-sex couples. More » Pope Benedict XIV Resigns; Humanity Might Now Be Doomed To Marriage Equality is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work...
  4. G

    Les Misérables Doomed?! What We Learned About the Oscar Race From the New York Film C

    Zero Dark Thirty was named Best Picture. Daniel Day-Lewis and his Lincoln wife, Sally Field, won Best Actor and Best Supporting Actress, respectively. Matthew McConaughey earned Best Supporting...
  5. C

    What is the future of torrent websites? Are they really doomed? How will

    this affect the commonman? I have skeptical about the future of torrents because demonoid was taken down last month and this month the pirate bay is starting to fade away. What would happen to the destiny of manking(illegal downloaders especially) if the apocalypse of the torrent world is close...
  6. V

    Are Our Sons Doomed?

    There is bad news for boys in North America: they are being blown out of the water by girls in academic achievement, and psychologists say young men are becoming more socially awkward, making relationships with young women difficult. Sidney Gale, a medical doctor and author of Unto the Breach...
  7. H

    Is a religion ('chrisianity') that preaches all are doomed sinners unless you...

    ...sign up for the cruise with? a savior ('jesus') and put your money in the collection plate, anything other than a huge, money-making, and basically deceitful scam?
  8. H

    Is a religion ('chrisianity') that preaches all are doomed sinners unless you...

    ...sign up for the cruise with? a savior ('jesus') and put your money in the collection plate, anything other than a huge, money-making, and basically deceitful scam?
  9. T

    Am I doomed without Christ? Does he really love me?

    Well? It's been fun but I think asking this is a waste of time. I think I'll leave and never never never come back....until Olga summons me. Eian: I appreciate your kind concern...but not to worry, I take nothing, here, seriously. Regards! Earth: Bingo! Quite observant! :o) What does an atheist...
  10. T

    Va. 'Pro-Life' Pharmacy 'Doomed' By Competition, Inconvenience, Washington Post Colu

    Although the Divine Mercy Care Pharmacy in Northern Virginia "proudly and purposefully limited what it would stock on its shelves," it "turns out that no birth control pills, no condoms, no porn, no tobacco and even no makeup added up to one thing: No customers," Washington Post columnist Petula...
  11. G

    We are totally doomed

    It was already known that we were totally doomed, but now there is a new and exciting scenario. In this one, comets rain down on us from the Ooort Cloud, said comets loosened by contact and interaction with a star called Gliese 710. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this...
  12. M

    How many Christians actually feel sad about the doomed?

    Ok, up front, this question is to anyone who believes that billions of humans will spend eternity in some kind of suffering, whether it's the wimpy "separation from God" or the high-octane "literal flames burning you but you never get to die or get any relief". If that's not you, then if you're...
  13. E

    Is our relationship doomed for failure?

    When we first met, the attraction was intense. We live an hour apart, he came to meet me the first time and it was a nice date, then we talked a lot on the phone until I went to go visit him the next time. We both talked frankly about our very sexual natures (I have never slept around or had a...
  14. G

    Stray Google Street View Driver Doomed to Map Hell For All of Eternity [Street View]

    After careening into a wall outside of Rankin, PA, one Street View photographer has been trapped, and condemned to send dispatches from a horrifying hellscape, forever. This is the highly empirical theory that the internet, and I, am sticking with. As per the instructions by the gentleman on...
  15. G

    Told Ya Nokia Was Doomed [Cellphones]

    While most of Nokia's billion dollar loss—the first in a decade comes from its network equipment side, it's worth noting their marketshare has tumbled again, down to the 35 percent, from 41 percent last quarter. It used to be over 50. Anyone wanna guess where it's stopping? [Nokia]
  16. M

    now this is why the world is doomed to if you need a good

    laugh!!! kinda long but worth it!!!? 1. On a blanket from Taiwan - NOT TO BE USED AS PROTECTION FROM A TORNADO. 2. On a helmet mounted mirror used by US cyclists - REMEMBER, OBJECTS IN THE MIRROR ARE ACTUALLY BEHIND YOU. 3. On a Taiwanese shampoo - USE REPEATEDLY FOR SEVERE DAMAGE. 4. On the...
  17. R

    i'm so tired of hearing about our doomed economy. When are things likely to pick up?

    I just heard that a recovery isnt likely until 2012!!!!!!!!!!! Are there any great economists browsing these boards at the moment who would like to share their opinions on this matter?
  18. M

    Found a caterpillar in my bell pepper. Is it doomed?

    Since I ate its food and home? :( OK, long shot- how to I keep it alive long enough to have a pet butterfly??? lol
  19. J

    Why do some people think that love and relationships are doomed to fail?

    For example, someone is in love with another person but has convinced himself that relationships always die. What's up with this?
  20. R

    Is Mexico doomed to self destruction?

    will the U.S. be able to withstand the onslaught of illegal Mexicans if Mexico crashes.