
  1. A

    Doc Five: Reasons Johnny Manziel will win a second Heisman ? No. 5, voters won?t bloc

    This offseason we will count down various topics from Monday through Friday, bringing you the top five of the important and definitely some not so important issues in college football. It's the Doc Five, every week until we will thankfully have actual games to discuss. REASONS JOHNNY...
  2. V

    Doc Rivers to Nets? Not Going to Happen

    [No message]
  3. J

    I am quite healthy but after prostatectomy my doc suggested to take viagra or

    tadalafil.Is it safe? Can I always do it if I don't get back to normality?
  4. A

    Doc Five: Coaches who could probably use a big season ? No. 4, Gary Pinkel

    This offseason we will count down various topics from Monday through Friday, bringing you the top five of the important and definitely some not so important issues in college football. It's the Doc Five, every week until we will thankfully have actual games to discuss. COACHES WHO COULD...
  5. A

    Doc Five: Spring game revelations ? No. 2, Johnny Manziel is ready for his encore

    This offseason we will count down various topics from Monday through Friday, bringing you the top five of the important and definitely some not so important issues in college football. It's the Doc Five, every week until we will thankfully have actual games to discuss. SPRING GAME REVELATIONS...
  6. A

    Doc Five: Spring game revelations ? No. 3, Irish filling the Manti Te?o void with Gra

    This offseason we will count down various topics from Monday through Friday, bringing you the top five of the important and definitely some not so important issues in college football. It's the Doc Five, every week until we will thankfully have actual games to discuss. SPRING GAME...
  7. A

    Unacceptable Levels: Watch The Trailer For This New Doc About Our Constant Chemical E

    It might make you scared of everything you own (and put onto and into your body), but you've still got to watch the trailer for the new documentary, Unacceptable Levels. More » Unacceptable Levels: Watch The Trailer For This New Doc About Our Constant Chemical Exposure is a post from Blisstree...
  8. B

    Where can I buy pastel coloured doc martens?

    Hey, where can I buy ant of these doc martens: Thank you :)
  9. A

    Afternoon Links: Doc Group Recommends Advance Plan B For Teens

    • The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends doctors prescribing teens advance emergency contraception*(HuffPost Women) • Holiday cheer, indeed: Mint doesn’t just add flavor, it also soothes the stomach and calms cravings (Fit Sugar) • Makes sense? A study in the … More » Afternoon Links...
  10. A

    Toe-Slimming Surgery Is Super Hot, Says Doc Who Performs Toe-Slimming Surgery

    These are my actual toes. As you can see, they're not exactly slender. Or attractive. Actually, they're kind of gross. But you know, of all the things on my body I've ever felt self-conscious about, these little piggies have just never been on the list, because these feet work really hard to...
  11. A

    Spanish Doc Ordered To Pay Child Support After He Botched Abortion

    If you think some of the "wrongful birth" suits in the United States are strange/controversial, check out this case from Spain. After wrongly telling a pregnant woman her abortion procedure had been successful, a doctor has been ordered to pay for the child's upkeep—for the next 25 years. But is...
  12. A

    Study: IUDs Are Safer Than Your Doc Is Telling You

    For decades, the*intrauterine device*(IUD) was a dirty word when it came to contraceptive, thanks in large part to problematic early versions, which lead to bacterial infection, sepsis, and other gnarly and painful complications. But these days, scientists have pretty much got IUDs down pat...
  13. J

    I'm a future doc (still in med school) and my accountant sister is already...

    ...telling me she wants to do my taxes? Why in the world would I want my own sister to know how much I make yearly? Why is she trying to stick her fangs in me so early? She says she doesn't want me taking my business to somewhere else. Really? Is that all it is? Or does she just want to...
  14. G

    "Faked" Heartland Institute Doc is Authentic

    You know about the Heartland Strategy memo. It is one of several documents produced and used internally by the Heartland Institute, a minor Libertarian "Think" Tank, demonstrating some rather unsavory activities, which are now under preliminary investigation by the US Congress. The memo...
  15. P

    How do you send a word doc or PDF via yahoo email on iPad?

    I am unable to send resume (word or PDF ) using yahoo email on iPad .
  16. I

    I have high ALT and Cholesterol and doc wants a liver songram 5 months if not...

    ...lowered. Am I in danger? I have high ALT and cholesterol and doc wants a liver songram 5 months if not lowered. Am I in danger? How can I lower ALT and Cholesterol? Doc says I am overweight so he says I should just exercise...
  17. M

    ‘IndoctriNation’ Doc Argues Public Schools Are Hurting Christianity? You know Todd from Scrubs in Catholic!
  18. G

    InternetNZ presents NetVision 2011 Election Debate and Future: Digital discussion doc

    Complementary to NetVision 2011, InternetNZ has published Future: Digital – A discussion starter on priorities for a future Government.
  19. T

    my doc is in vacation now and i have a bad schedules?

    my doc asked me to take a 20 mg prozac in the morning and 15 mg remeron at night now my schedule is bad i sleep in the morning because of work and wake up at night can i take 20 mg prozac at 8 pm and take my 15 mg remron at 5;30 am before i sleep
  20. M

    Wait a minute, Doc: Nike sells "Back to the Future" shoes for charity

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