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    Special New Canary Seed Ideal For Gluten-Free Diets

    A new variety of canary seeds bred specifically for human consumption qualifies as a gluten-free cereal that would be ideal for people with celiac disease (CD), scientists have confirmed in a study published in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Joyce Irene Boye and colleagues...
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    Vegetarian Diets Associated With Lower Risk Of Death

    Vegetarian diets are associated with reduced death rates in a study of more than 70,000 Seventh-day Adventists with more favorable results for men than women, according to a report published Online First by JAMA Internal Medicine, a JAMA Network publication. The possible relationship between...
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    International No Diet Day: The 10 Worst Fad Diets We’ve Ever Seen

    Happy International No Diet Day! Started in 1992 by an anorexia survivor, International No Diet Day aims to promote body positivity and self esteem, celebrate body diversity, and *to work for an end to size discrimination and fat phobia. We're not against all dieting, of course, but generally...
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    Ugh, Vegan Trainer Says Kids’ Sugary Diets Lead To School Shootings

    Vegan celebrity trainer John Pierre, who trains Ellen DeGeneres, sorta kinda told a room full of Capitol Hill staffers that Americans' poor diets are to blame for school shootings. Uh, whaaaa? More » Ugh, Vegan Trainer Says Kids’ Sugary Diets Lead To School Shootings is a post from Blisstree -...
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    Avoid Promoting Miracle Diets For New Year, British Lawmaker Urges Magazines

    Please do not promote "miracle diets" for the New Year, British Women and Equalities Minister, Jo Swinson has urged magazine editors. Every year throughout the world, magazines are awash with miracle cure diets that guarantee incredible results after weeks of overindulgence during the Christmas...
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    Dietitians Name 5 Worst Fad Diets Of 2012

    Each year, the*British Dietetic Association*sifts through recent*hyped up, nonsensical and*celebrity-endorsed eating plans to make a list of the year's five*worst fad diets (or the "top five dodgy celeb diets to avoid" next year, as the BDA puts it).*In 2011, the "blood-type diet" and the "baby...
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    The Long-Lasting Positive Effects Of Healthy Diets, Even With Partial Weight Regain

    Mediterranean and low-carbohydrate diets have lasting, healthy effects, even with partial weight regain, according to a follow-up study by researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and Israel's Nuclear Research Center. The results were published in a peer-reviewed letter in the...
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    Hey, Let’s Stop Putting Beloved Characters On Starvation Diets

    Over on our sister site, The Gloss, there's a series of images that Barneys commissioned for the holiday season, in which adored Disney characters like Minnie Mouse have been turned into "runway models." Translation: they have been stretched within an inch of their cartoon lives, and, it seems...
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    Olympic Runners All-Pasta Diets Is Just A Myth…Here’s What They Really Eat

    How many times have you been told before a marathon or other race that you must carbo-load? You know, stuffing your face with as much pasta as you can possibly consume in one sitting and then repeating for the next several days until you feel so bloated that you can't possibly fathom how you...
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    Communication Between Couples Is Key To Improving Men's Diets

    Married men will eat their peas to keep the peace, but many aren't happy about it, and may even binge on unhealthy foods away from home. "The key to married men adopting a healthier diet is for couples to discuss and negotiate the new, healthier menu changes as a team," said Derek Griffith...
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    Beyond Raw: Omega-3s Have Made Raw Food Pioneers Rethink Their Diets

    Victoria Boutenko is one of the pioneers of the modern raw foods movement. She's been a raw gourmet chef, and her books—like Raw Family, about her whole family's 1994 conversion to a 100% raw diet—have helped scores of people learn about raw foods. But in Boutenko's latest book, Raw & Beyond...
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    Diets Decoded: The Macrobiotic Diet

    Here's what I (thought I) knew about the macrobiotic diet: a) It's a lot like veganism, b) except you're supposed to avoid "nightshade" vegetables like potatoes and eggplant, and c) there's some sort of*philosophical*component to it. Turns out, however, that while the macrobiotic diet emphasizes...
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    More Exercise, Eating Less Fat And Weight Loss Programs Are In, Popular Diets Are Out

    Contrary to popular perception, a large proportion of obese Americans can and do lose weight, say researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. What's more, they say, the old tried and true methods of eating less fat and exercising are some of the most effective paths to weight loss...
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    Low-Energy-Density Diets For Weight Loss Supported By Strong And Consistent Evidence

    A new report published online in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics systematically reviews and updates the evidence underlying the recommendation in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 to consume a diet low in energy density (ED). The report addresses the growing body of...
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    Pescatarianism: The Red-Headed Step-Child Of Diets

    For decades, diets and styles of eating have come and gone. Labels boasting South Beach, low-carb, and most recently, gluten-free, have sailed in and out of restaurants and grocery stores, picking up followers and confusing other people. But few have annoyed and confounded so many as the label...
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    The 10 Most Dangerous, Bizarre & Disgusting Crash Diets Of All Time

    It's never a good idea to crash diet. ...But they're still popular, especially right around the holidays, when people are looking to ditch a few vanity pounds as quickly as possible. We're holding Crash Diet Week in honor of all the stupid, misguided things we've done to lose weight, but here's...
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    What are some jobs that deal with health, nutrition, diets, and/or cooking and

    baking? they don't have to all be in the same job :P any answers are appreciated!(: thanks
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    Any crash diets that actually work (for girls)?

    Okay before anyone goes crazy, I was just wondering if there were any crash diets that I could do for about 2 weeks just to lose a few pounds before halloween. I'm usually a very healthy person and i know that crash diets will only make me gain the weight back blahblahblah. But girls understand...
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    How Fatty Diets Cause Diabetes

    Newly diagnosed type 2 diabetics tend to have one thing in common: obesity. Exactly how diet and obesity trigger diabetes has long been the subject of intense scientific research. A new study led by Jamey D. Marth, Ph.D., director of the Center for Nanomedicine, a collaboration between the...
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    Why Diets Don't Work: Starved Brain Cells Eat Themselves

    A report in the August issue of the Cell Press journal Cell Metabolism might help to explain why it's so frustratingly difficult to stick to a diet. When we don't eat, hunger-inducing neurons in the brain start eating bits of themselves. That act of self-cannibalism turns up a hunger signal to...