
  1. T

    Chest Pain Reduction Effects Of Ranolazine Most Pronounced In Diabetic Patients With

    A commonly used anti-anginal drug reduces chest pain in patients with type 2 diabetes and appears to have a more pronounced effect in those with poorer glucose control, according to research presented at the American College of Cardiology's 62nd Annual Scientific Session. Ranolazine is approved...
  2. T

    The Protective Effect Of Diabetic Medication Against Developing Heart Failure

    A class of medications commonly prescribed to lower blood sugar in diabetic patients appears to protect them from developing heart failure, according to a study at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. "People with diabetes are at risk for developing heart failure," says Henry Ford researcher and...
  3. T

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Helps To Treat Diabetic Neuropathies

    Researchers at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) and VA Boston Healthcare System (VA BHS) have found that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help relieve pain for people with painful diabetic neuropathies. The study, which is the first of its kind to examine this treatment for...
  4. T

    Higher Prevalence Of Hearing Impairment In Diabetic Patients Independent Of Aging Or

    Patients with diabetes have a significantly higher prevalence of hearing impairment than patients without diabetes, according to a recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM). Study authors note that the finding is likely...
  5. T

    Molecule That Prevents Heart Damage is Also Proving Its Worth In Diabetic Patients

    ACE2, a molecule that has been shown to prevent damage in the heart, is now proving to be protective of the major organs that are often damaged in diabetic patients. Gavin Oudit, a researcher with the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, and his colleagues at the University of Florida, found that...
  6. T

    Diabetic Amputations Reduced By Autologous Bone Marrow-Derived Mononuclear Cell Trans

    Autologous (self-donated) mononuclear cells derived from bone marrow (BMMNCs) have been found to significantly induce vascular growth when transplanted into patients with diabetes who are suffering from critical limb ischemia caused by peripheral artery disease (PAD), a complication of diabetes...
  7. A

    I am Type2 diabetic. Does cooking salt affect the blood sugar levels?

    I have read the article given by Sri Kunvar Singh Ji I am very grateful to Yahoo and its community. I am type2 diabetic. in the month of August-2011 my three months average was 5.5. But recently from the past 2months the Fast value is at little higher. When the post lunch value is 180 (by gluco...
  8. J

    Can a diabetic join the President's Own (marine band)?

    I'm possibly thinking in joining the President's Own band but I'm a type 1 diabetic. I think that, like other parts of the military, they probably don't allow diabetics but I need to hear the answer straight up CAN A DIABETIC JOIN THE PRESIDENT'S OWN. Note that I am very much in control of it...
  9. T

    Using Diabetic Patients' Own Stem Cells Can Overcome Shortage Of Insulin-producing Ce

    Researchers in Japan have discovered how a patient's neural stem cells could be used as an alternative source of the beta cells needed for a regenerative treatment for diabetes. The research, published in EMBO Molecular Medicine, reveals how harvesting stem cells could overcome a lack of beta...
  10. K

    I am Diabetic type one and i have Bipolar 2 disorder. Is it safe for me to have

    children? My Fiance has 2 children from a previous relationship. They live with us as their mother committed suicide. They are 5 and 3. I want to have my own child one day but I am afraid of what might happen to me if I do. I am now the mother of 2 small girls who have already last one...
  11. C

    What are some dishes i can make for my diabetic mom?

    my mom is diabetic and i want to make a big dinner for her, treats and everything. can you help out with some recipies orr websites? thanks
  12. T

    Biomaterials May Prove Key To Healing Chronic Wounds In Diabetic Patients

    Biomaterials may prove key to healing chronic wounds in Diabetic patients, delegates will hear today at the 24th European Conference on Biomaterials. Over 950 delegates are at the event in Dublin, which is jointly hosted by NUI Galway's Network of Excellence for Functional Biomaterials and the...
  13. T

    Diabetic? Erectile Dysfunction? Lose Weight And Win Study Reports

    New studies support the fact that men with type 2 diabetes suffering from erectile function problems tend to be obese, but by losing a few pounds, patients can recover and be winning again in the bedroom. Gary Wittert, MBBch, MD, FRACP, FRCP, of the University of Adelaide in Australia...
  14. T

    Increased Nerve Fiber Density In Diabetic Neuropathy Patients After Dietary Managemen

    Pamlab L.L.C., announced today the results of a study measuring epidermal nerve fiber density (ENFD) in patients with Diabetic Neuropathy (DN). This study was published in the second quarter 2011 issue of Review in Neurological Diseases. Patients with diabetes tend to have both small and large...
  15. J

    sir iam a diabetic since 12 yrs and taking " GLYNASE M F AND EUGLUCON" WITH

  16. S

    Can diabetic people with their sugar level controlled learn Martial Arts and Judo?

    like everyone else
  17. R

    Good tasting diabetic recipes?

    My dad just got diagnosed with diabetes two days ago. He has been told to not eat alot of things that we usually eat. so the whole family is going to eat like we are diabetics to get more healtier and not letting my dad feel out of eating yummies. so Does anybody have links or recipes on mind...
  18. B

    Can you make any recipe safe for diabetic family members?

    I make plates of treats for family and friends every holiday. This holiday I'm hoping to make treats also for my family members that can't have sweet treats. But instead of changing what I'm making, can I just make some batches with sugar substitues. Or are there other ingridients I need to...
  19. R

    Which martial arts are best for a diabetic to learn?

    I was thinking something like boxing or kickboxing for fitness and weight control and tai chi or yoga or kung fu for stress and sugar reduction
  20. R

    Which martial arts are best for a diabetic to learn?

    I was thinking something like boxing or kickboxing for fitness and weight control and tai chi or yoga or kung fu for stress and sugar reduction