
  1. D

    how do i tell Mr. Toyada that i would try my best not to destroy the Lexus V.R.

    bubble and make it sound trust? I'm the C. of personality.
  2. G

    Destroy All Humans 2 XBOX-ProjectX

    Category: Console-XBox Size: 2.45 GB Files: 61 (11 pars) Group: .NFO: View NFO Posted: Tue December 7th 09:17:42 UTC Download NZB
  3. N

    Do video games destroy relationships?

    I saw the video of the girl who literally broke his bf's PS3, I dunno what happened, but I guess she left him? It'd be hard to believe someone would brake a PS3 which costs 300$ just for acting. That looked very real. I hope I'll never be that guy when I have my soul-mate, because I like my...
  4. E

    how easily can a malfunctioning or damaged VCR or DVD player destroy or damage...

    ...DVDs and VHS tapes? how can tell if your old VCR is damaging your VHS tapes or your old DVD player is damaging your DVDs? is there a way to tell? please explain what you can..and how common this is? one other question...why some DVDs from UK or Europe will not play on DVD or VHS players...
  5. B

    How do you destroy the enemy on the impossible quiz on your iPod touch?

    I've tried shaking my iPod,tapping my iPod,and even using the sliding feature. none of them work. it's the one right after you reach the checkpoint. thanks for all your help! :)
  6. H

    if Goku and Vegeta didn't stop kid buu would he destroy the universe?

    thats what my freind said....kid buu wasnt going full power and he still stomped goku and veteta like and egg Buuhan who giving it all and he did whiped the floors with goku and vegeta so kid buu is stronger since hwas only toying with them....goku only won because of dragon balls and spirit...
  7. H

    if Goku and Vegeta didn't stop kid buu would he destroy the universe?

    thats what my freind said....kid buu wasnt going full power and he still stomped goku and veteta like and egg Buuhan who giving it all and he did whiped the floors with goku and vegeta so kid buu is stronger since hwas only toying with them....goku only won because of dragon balls and spirit...
  8. A

    I have a torrent of minecraft, if I buy the real game, will it destroy my...

    ...existing world? I downloaded a torrent, used a friend's username and password once, and just play survival mode offline. I really like the game, and want to buy it, but I'm afraid that if I do, it will delete my existing world where i have diamond equipment, and a ready to go portal to...
  9. L

    Does Xbox 360 Slim destroy ur DVD if you move it while running?

    There was this video I saw recently where I guy made a major game-breaking scratch to his DVD when he moved the console. Just wondering is this for everyone console or just some random glitch on individual Xboxes. If you have a slim please put a stupid useless DvD and tell me if its real or...
  10. R

    k guys, will i destroy my sub woofer by doing this?

    i have a Sony 800 watt max 2 channel; amp, and a kicker Comp 4ohm 12 inch subwoofer. i have not hooked up anything. i was planning on running the sub with the amp in bridged mode, getting about 280 watts continuous, 800 max. i realized after i opened everything that the sub was rated for 150 rms...
  11. L

    Is there a nuclear bomb big enough to destroy the whole of Australia?

    need some info to prove a point
  12. P

    Did Christ come to destroy the law of Moses, annul the Torah and create a...

    ...whole new separate religious system? In Matt 5:17-19 Christ said: 17 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law...
  13. P

    Did Christ come to destroy the law of Moses, annul the Torah and create a...

    ...whole new separate religious system? In Matt 5:17-19 Christ said: 17 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law...
  14. M

    In the Book Thief, words have both the power to destroy and save lives. Discuss.?

    yes, you are probably right... i could have finished it by now. but i am a teenager, therefore, i get distracted
  15. T

    Why do people say Christianity never attempted to destroy all non christians?

    when there were events like the Inquisition(which was sanctioned by the Pope) and forced conversions(join us or die) in Northern Europe, the Nordic countries, and the Americas
  16. V

    New Atheists, why are you trying to destroy broadway?

    Assumption A: A defining feature of New Atheism is the attempt to rid the world of religion. Assumption B: Judaism is a religion. Result A: New Atheists seek to rid the world of Judaism. Assumption C: A Jew is a follower of the faith known as Judaism. Assumption D: According to Eric Idle...
  17. H

    As you say this word, you destroy it...riddle?

    One of my guests at the hotel I work at just gave me a riddle to try and figure out. I can't for the life of me think of it though. Can anyone solve this riddle for me?
  18. W

    Is Christ second coming to destroy those who destroy the earth and to stop... on earth from ending? Does this happen because of the chosen elect who are yet to be born during the millennium? Can you give me scripture to back up your statements. I can think of two or three scriptures for the judgment of those who are destroying the earth. How about the chossen...
  19. A

    How do I destroy my sport shoes?

    Get a pink elephant to stand on them Yes a pink elephant
  20. S

    is there any machine or gadget to destroy injections so that they cannot

    be used again? If any thing like that is there then who is its developer or inventor?