
  1. T

    Kidney Expert Warns People Are 'In Denial' About Dehydration

    A leading surgeon is warning many people in the UK are "in denial" about the consequences of dehydration - resulting in thousands of new cases of kidney stones every year. Mr Bhaskar Somani, a consultant urological surgeon at Southampton General Hospital, said a lack of awareness around regular...
  2. A

    Coke In Serious Denial About Soda Ban…And Their Role In Obesity

    It's no surprise that Coca-Cola is pushing back against New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's controversial idea to ban super-sized sodas, but it is surprising that the world's largest sugary soft drink manufacturer takes absolutely no responsibility for America's obesity problem. More »Post from...
  3. T

    Response By Families To Environmental Disasters: Conflict, Denial, Silence

    Environmental disasters impact individuals and communities; they also affect how family members communicate with each other, sometimes in surprising ways, according to a paper published by a faculty member at the University at Buffalo in the Journal of Family Issues. The study is the first...
  4. G

    NCSE tackles climate change denial: The Movie!

    Why is NCSE Now Concerned with Climate Change? Press Release Book excerpt: "The Denial of Global Warming" (from "Merchants of Doubt") Read the comments on this post...
  5. A

    why are women so in denial about fitness related things?

    when they run on a treadmill and gain weight they assume is muscle mass when they gain ten pounds in 10 weeks and they have added curling 5 pound dumbells they assume is muscle mass then a few months later wonder why they havent gotten anywhere and still where they were not saying...
  6. P

    Cain's Tuesday afternoon press conference: Have you ever seen such dishonest denial?

    This is the same guy who thinks it's a plus that he was the head of a company that is responsible for giving the world the worst pizza ever known to man!
  7. J

    Ron Paul is so winning right now, makes me laugh at all the ones in denial,

    i love helping people? watch and learn : Ron Paul all the way!
  8. K

    Is the Denial of Book Promotional Rights the Same as Censorship?

    Case in Point: PERMANENT OBSCURITY: Or A Cautionary Tale of Two Girls & Their Misadventures with Drugs, Pornography & Death by Richard Perez RE: News Release Item New York Times Author Considers a Two Million Dollar Law Suit Against the ABA ... For Censorship Former New York Times...
  9. G

    Out of 100 so called lesbians, how many are in denial about being attracted to men?

    Everyone have a wonderful day.
  10. H

    Why are (Asian) parents always complain and are in denial?

    My sister and I feel very grateful for our parents and what they've done (and are doing) for us... although sometimes, now that we're older we feel as though they've spoiled us and it gets annoying when they still do it to us to this day! They would rather do everything for us than to let us be...
  11. L

    Why are Christians in complete denial of blatant contradictions in the BIble?

    The following 2 verses from the very same chapter in John are even in contradiction! These are words that Jesus said! Read it for yourself and try and explain this blatant contradiction!!! John 8:24 "...I am he..." John 8:23 "... I am not..." As you can see Jesus clearly states he is NOT in...
  12. A

    Is he Gay and in Denial, or Bi?

    I don't really believe a man can be truly bi, but I through that option in there just in case. Anyway, I recently met a very str8acting muscular man who has been in an ltr for a few years now with a woman. He described himself to me originally as Bi and closeted. He seems to be more macho and...
  13. K

    Is my friend a LESBIAN in denial?

    I'm a guy and I've become really good friends with a girl who started at work for two mnths now. She really confuses me, she talks about relationships and talks about how she wants a family, husband, children, etc. And then she she says things like 'why is it you can't be friends with a man, all...
  14. T

    Basketball section i will finally come out of denial and say kobe is best...

    ...player in the nba.? Besides lebron :)
  15. T

    guy keeps on calling others 'homo' in denial?

    I know this guy who has some sort of fetish or something with the word and concept of homo. He keeps on calling me a 'homo' for no reason and other stuff like that. He even sings songs about similar things. What is wrong with him? Is he maybe a homosexual himself? How do I stop this behavior. It...
  16. H

    could I be a lesbian in denial?

    I'm 16 years old currently, and I've always had crushes on guys. However, when I'm in a relationship with them, I quickly end it for one reason or another. I've never kissed a guy or a girl, so I don't have any way to base my sexuality off of that. Whenever I go out I try to picture myself being...
  17. P

    Is there a link between tobacco denial and global warming denial?

    (Be sure to click on the video in the first link)
  18. G

    Michael Specter: The danger of science denial

    Read the comments on this post... More...
  19. G

    Michael Specter: The danger of science denial

    Read the comments on this post... More...
  20. G

    Michael Specter: The danger of science denial

    Read the comments on this post... More...