
  1. G

    Bill Clinton at the Democratic National Convention: Celebs React to Teleprompter-Bust

    No celebrity was bigger than Bill Clinton tonight at the Democratic National Convention. "Bill, lookin good. #veganfox," tweeted Olivia Wilde, just one of the dozens of...
  2. G

    Michelle Obama Gives Top 10 Reasons to Watch Democratic National Convention

    As if*the stirring speeches from Kal Penn*and Bill Clinton*weren't enough reason for you to watch the Democratic National Convention, Michelle Obama*(who gave her own...
  3. T

    Road to Charlotte Pre Democratic convention - Sep 03,2012

    Check out sunday nights pre democratic conventions california guy show were we talk about obamas plans for the next 4 years OBAMA | CLINTON | republicans | CNN | DEMOCRATS More...
  4. S

    Whats the difference in constitutional monarchy and democratic parliamentary?

    I looked up Japans government and depending on the website I got these two answers. Are they the same thingor totally different?
  5. S

    Whats the difference in constitutional monarchy and democratic parliamentary?

    I looked up Japans government and depending on the website I got these two answers. Are they the same thingor totally different?
  6. G

    Should voting be compulsory in democratic society?

    Please state your reasons as support... Thanks :-)
  7. G

    Should voting be compulsory in democratic society?

    Please state your reasons as support... Thanks :-)
  8. G

    Should voting be compulsory in democratic society?

    Please state your reasons as support... Thanks :-)
  9. G

    Should voting be compulsory in democratic society?

    Please state your reasons as support... Thanks :-)
  10. G

    Should voting be compulsory in democratic society?

    Please state your reasons as support... Thanks :-)
  11. G

    Should voting be compulsory in democratic society?

    Please state your reasons as support... Thanks :-)
  12. G

    Should voting be compulsory in democratic society?

    Please state your reasons as support... Thanks :-)
  13. O

    The Liberal Democratic Governor and lifelong friend of (the) Obama(s) has...

    ...given up the hunt for birth cert.? and rather has decided to point to an obscure law of privacy as an excuse to call it quits, do you think he is lying through his teeth? (amazing how much privacy a well connected politician has when he desires it, especially when contrasted against the lack...
  14. J

    Can I get a tour of the National Democratic Headquarters?

    Hey I was wondering if it was possible for me to get a tour of the National Headquarters for the Democratic Party, and how much would said tour cost? What about a tour of my state's HQ? (Colorado)
  15. C

    I thought Joe Miller believed in the democratic process, how come he is...

    ...whining about the election? He got beat fair and square, and he earlier said that the people of Alaska have spoken when he beat Murkowski in the primary now he's whining about the election and the democratic process when the people of Alaska have clearly spoken against him. He needs to man up...
  16. C

    I thought Joe Miller believed in the democratic process, how come he is...

    ...whining about the election? He got beat fair and square, and he earlier said that the people of Alaska have spoken when he beat Murkowski in the primary now he's whining about the election and the democratic process when the people of Alaska have clearly spoken against him. He needs to man up...
  17. M

    introduction paragraph on the democratic party?

    im writing an essay and i don't know how to start my introduction, im writing about education, immigration and terrorism/war. can anybody help me?
  18. T

    Despite Democratic Party Losses, Public Still Opposes Repeal Of Health Care Reform

    Election returns yesterday resulted in substantial losses for Democrats at the congressional and gubernatorial levels. The following is the statement of Ron Pollack, Executive Director of the consumer health organization Families USA, concerning voter sentiments about Republican Party leaders'...
  19. G

    Teabagging Terrorists step up attacks on Latino progressive Democratic candidate

    This story has been more or less in the background for some time, as the receipts of envelopes containing swastikas, cat food, and shit sent by right wing extremists is fairly run of the mill. But the latest envelope from what appear to be white supremacist teabagging terrorists sent to...
  20. B

    Does anyone else think it is disgusting how the Democratic party try's to divide

    us by race and religion? I am sick of being told I need to vote for them because they are going to give me special treatment. Why do they have to do this ?