
  1. D

    sydney policeman owned a RM 100rm suzuki as a boy dealt drugs to buy mark quirk

    stole it for herion ICAC? The police force has to shape up and have no friend out as there killing kids in australia the ICAC must have a commision to find the truth about knew recruits no favours given homo's or not stop ICAC .ICE estacy crack rip to pieces all bikers with patches including big...
  2. A

    The 7 NHL draft picks dealt at trade deadline that became significant players

    The Seven is an arbitrary list of randomly connected hockey subjects that will run every Thursday on Puck Daddy. Agree to disagree. For some teams, the NHL trade deadline is about building for the future. For others, it's about living in the moment. Hence, that latter group can be rather...
  3. E

    Has anyone ever dealt with Falcon Insurance or Falcon Bikes?

    This is an insurance broker in Rowley Regis. Whats your opinion of the company and how would you rate the: -Knowledge -Customer Service -Value for money -Efficiency -Would you recommend them to a friend? Thank you in advance for your feed back!
  4. S

    My puppy barking at strangers...never dealt with the flight response in dogs?

    He is 13 weeks now, my older Lab never barks at strangers randomly but if they yell she will growl or are scaring me/her in some way...she has kind of a fight response where if you trespass she isnt going to back down...yell and stomp all you want it just makes her lunge, throw her a
  5. I

    Have you ever dealt with this from your toddler? Laughing when I tell her... come here? My daughter is 2 yrs old and lately she's been doing this thing where if I ask her to come here or I try to change her diaper or change her clothes, she laughs like crazy, I mean hysterically. I will say calmly come here and we'll put your clothes on and she will squeal and...
  6. N

    how do you deal with a broken up bad relationship after you have dealt with bashing.?

    I was in a relationship that i loved my ex so much, spent 16yrs with him had exellent times together, but all got destroyed when he dicided to start bash me, but i still love him and know that i cant go back too him. suffered so much. what do do
  7. P

    Please all parent who have dealt with a 24 Hour Fitness Daycare could you please

    let me know what you think? Trying to figure out whether taking my 22 month old there is a good idea or not.
  8. J

    If cellphone spammers arent seriously dealt with are you willing to dump your

    cellphone? last time i got this warranty spam i threw my cellphone up against the wall....i can't even trust who's calling and then i get charged for the voicemail they leave...i'm ready to dump my cellphone until its seriously looked into by the phone companies...
  9. W

    Dealt with crybabies on the internet?

    Have any of you dealt with ( or dealing with now) a person on the internet who throws a temper tantrum when things don't go their way and claims that they are "mature", "tell it like it is", and talk crap about a person when the person in particular they don't care for is not in the chat but, as...
  10. H

    Celebrities who have dealt with any kind of abuse by men?bst answer for first?

    I need a list of well known achievers (women) who have gone through any type of violence and discrimination by men, and who have done great achievements no matter what.. anybody have good ideas (Not rihanna,Tina Turner etc) It can be a star though =P thxxxxx best answer for the first to give me...
  11. J

    Biggest idiot you have ever dealt with on the internet?

    Okay on this video on youtube the guy says "not many places I can live because he's from England" My comment to the video was Not many places he can live? What the **** is it with him? So this guy replies to my comment with this glaked23: "Not many...
  12. D

    Has anyone dealt with fish food molding or ick?

    So I have a 20 gallon fish tank with 6 neons and a betta. I have had them for a week and a half maybe and I've noticed most of my fish food falls to the bottom and starts molding. I have mold everywhere! I got some out only to notice I missed a lot of little peices in the plants and behind the...
  13. L

    Anyone heard of or dealt with Synergetic Communication? My husband had a debt from

    honda..and that company..? called us about being the debt collector..the payment has gone through for the full debt but they said i have to wait 30 days before I can get the paper stating that I paid long will it take to show with honda..I just want to know if this company is ok..I guess...
  14. J

    how have you dealt with nasty rumors?

    so long story short...something happened but it WASN'T WHAT IT SEEMED. people made false assumptions/allegations of a situation where i coudln't really explain myself for other reasons so now there's a really bad rumor and it seems like i can't do anything about it. has this happened to you...
  15. M

    Ever Dealt With Someone That Screams All The Time?

    My mother screams over everything. if you say one thing she doesn't agree with she loses her mind. Obviously, this isn't normal. Like tonight I called to tell her something. She screamed a blue streak and said I've already talked to you once today what do you want? this is nothing unusual...