
  1. K

    Do people think its cruel I ride with a whip all the time?

    I hardly ever use it I mainly carry it for saftey? I carry it in the field aswell. I belive in useing your leg before jumping onto whips and that! Is it ok just to carry one?
  2. S

    Why would He say this cruel joke to me?

    I was talking to my boyfriend yesterday, and I was so excited to see him because last week there was no room in the Knap-sack making class, and then there was room so I was so happy I could enroll because all my girls from the Ferngully Dancers Squire were in it and I was so BOMBED to tell him...
  3. J

    Would you think it was cruel if your husband cooked lovely smelling bacon on a...

    ...morning when you? couldn't eat breakfast as you had to go for a fasting blood test?
  4. E

    Why do police agencies all across America train their rookies to be mean, cruel...

    ...haters of American Society,...? ...but trained to leave rich Wall Street creeps alone and allow their cancers to fester in every city and rural area of this nation? That's what has happened to America since the John Birch Society, then and Tea Party, now raised their respective evil heads! .
  5. I

    What if, as a cruel joke, you went to an isolated 3rd world country and started...

    ...spreading Christianity *but*..? ... but you used an altered version of the bible where the names "Jesus" and "Satan" are interchanged. The people thank "Satan" for dying on the cross for their sins and hate "Jesus" for tricking Adam and Eve and being the author of lies. Do you think they...
  6. M

    why do my dreams play cruel jokes on me?

    they taunt me... i have dreams that im living the social life i wanted, with the personality i wish i had... could it be that me mind is trying to cope with the fact that i've failed miserably,and is trying to keep me from going insane ? if these type of dreams happened a couple of times it...
  7. M

    Poll: Why are people ever so cruel? :c?

    They say the most hurtful things, and they mean it! Whatever happened to respect?
  8. M

    wow all of you are extremely cruel, I just want my puppy! Why is this my fault when

    I didnt know that doing? When Im helping out a friend while shes out of town. How is this my fault? and dont tell me this is not my dog because it is! so you can all take your opinions elsewhere, if your going to be rude about it dont answer! this is a serious question so go be a holes...
  9. L

    Is it cruel to keep one bird by it's self.?

    I have bought a canairy which sings beautifully, but I feel so guilty that it is all alone but really dont want any more birds. Will he be OK?
  10. C

    Is it cruel to touch a fly with a soldering iron?

    The iron is hot.
  11. N

    Is it cruel to let my hamster run around the lounge for my cat to chase?

    Uh, you won't be very happy if your cat eats your hamster. I would say it is cruel.
  12. Q

    Is it a cruel practical joke to glue a baby car seat to the roof of your... before driving around to see? what reaction you get from the public?
  13. S

    Is this funny? Or cruel?

    Or both? You decide -
  14. Z

    Lesbians, you owe me and every man an apology for cruel treatment on your part?

    not only for not letting us join in but for also flaunting it in our faces which is the ultimate cruilty
  15. C

    Is it cruel to have a collar on a cat at all times?

    I have two cats and I have collars on both of them with name tags and my name and phone number. My kitties like to bolt sometimes when I open the door, so I just want to make sure if they ran out someone would contact me if they found them. I feel like it's kind of mean though to make a cat...
  16. U

    Is this punishment too cruel?

    I am the proud owner of a male golden retriever, he is usually very well behaved but he acts up sometimes. I used to spray him with a squirt bottle when he misbehaves but that was soon ineffective. Now, I sometimes have to mix a little salt in with the water for it to be effective. Not a very...
  17. T

    My friend's being so unsupportive, jealousy is a cruel mistress! lol?

    Basically, this is going to sound really vain but you really need to know it to understand it. Well I suppose I'm quite popular with the boys at school and my other friends are constantly coming up to me in front of my best friend saying oh so and so was talking about you and thinks you're...
  18. S

    Who would spread such a cruel rumor?

    I going to invite best guy friend to my birthday but someone told him that I hated him & didn't want him to come. @ my Bday party he never arrived & I was sad. He left a present on my doorstep but never came in. He's now avoiding me whenever I try & visit him. Who would tell my friend I hated...
  19. S

    giving lemon to babies, is it cruel or funny?
  20. M

    was I cruel? (damn this 20 character minimum! lol)?

    my partner loves it when I go down on her but she hasnt gone down on me yet & we've been sexually active for 3 months! so tonight I refused - should i maintain my refusal or go give her licky licky??