
  1. A

    Question about the so called Economic Crisis?

    Does anyone else see the connection between the current economic crisis and companies that are poorly managed? It seems to me that the only ones having problems are the mega-rich (Car companies and banks) and the rest of us have yet to be affected. There are still pages and pages of ad's in...
  2. B

    What do you think of the current economic crisis in CA?

    Or the rest of the nation for that matter....have we been dancing on the deck of the Titanic for the last few years or what????
  3. D

    What are the best blogs about the financial crisis?

    I'm looking for informative blogs writing about the current crisis
  4. S

    Why do people complain about obama, the crisis we're in, or anything for that matter?

    Have you ever heard don't complain if you don't have a solution? Idiots, you're only bringing down societies look on life when you do that and only inspire fear in others. If you don't like something then go try and fix it, and anything is possible just goes as far as how bad you want it.
  5. G

    Solve the Financial Crisis Using Technology [Photoshop Contest]

    We're in a mess. But no problem is too large for technology to solve, right? Right?! Let's see what we can do to fix this economy. For this week's Photoshop Contest, I want you to come up with some creative ways to solve the financial crisis using technology as your solution. Be it robots...
  6. F

    What do you think of Jimmy Carter's solution to the Middle East crisis? ?

    NEW YORK: Former President Jimmy Carter says that Israel will face a "catastrophe" unless it revives the Mideast peace process and allows the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. Carter pointed out in an interview with The Associated Press on Monday that Arabs will outnumber Jews...
  7. R

    Would I be able to get a wonderful lease deal at Honda due to the economic crisis?

    Thank you.
  8. G

    Should I Get 'Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII' or 'Daxter' On PSP? ?

    i want to know what game to get and these both seem equally good so what one should i get please? and could you just give me a straight answer please. thank you and please answer.
  9. R

    I am really confused with the reason for the Gaza Crisis.?

    We know terrorist group HAMAS started a war, use THEIR OWN WOMEN AND CHILDREN AS HUMAN SHIELDS and now are all over the web with propaganda trying to score points by lying. We know that the Paistinian people voted in Hamas We know Hamas brainwashes children and has used them as suicide bombers...
  10. O

    Middle East crisis Nostradamus and Mabus?

    Nostradamus mentions Hister (Hitler) as antichrist and Mabus. The name of the Mid East specialist is Ray Mabus. What do you think. We all have an idea that mid east crisis can become colossal. Could Mabus have anything to do with world war 3 or could his policies have anything to do with world...
  11. itguru5354

    Internet Burst! Real Estate Crisis! and More?

    We have two economy crisis within eight years. Do you think there will be more to come in the next 10, 15 or 20 years? I strongly think yes. How are you going to plan for the future? We all need money for retirement. I graduated from college during the Internet burst, and I was lucky to find...
  12. F

    incompetent or corrupt? how could chaney NOT see the financial crisis coming? ?

    It was pretty obvious to a large percentage of the population, how come our second in command can't read the writing on the wall? Are these people really that incompetent, or just that corrupt?
  13. R

    What do you know about "mid-life crisis?

    What exactly is it? How do you know when you going thru one? Is it the same for everyone? Women and men. Please explain?