
  1. A

    Do labels actually listen to tapes sent in? (after filtering out the obvious crap of

    course)? I know that theres no way any recognizable label will listen to everything they get sent in, but do they take a look and just toss out everything they've seen a thousand times and take a look at anything they see that looks original. I know Eminem listened to Yelawolfs mixtape when he...
  2. D

    Jr.High stuff and venting about crap?

    there has just been a lot of drama at my school lately... 1. Kaelyn and I - Kaelyn was mad at me and called me wierd,mean and desperate. this started a huge fight between me, her, and Rebecca. But, after about 2 weeks, we made up 2. Nash and I- Kaelyn and Meghan told Nash i like him (i...
  3. NicholasJ

    Aren't prophecies a load of crap?

    Seriously, anyone can make a "prophecy" and it will eventually come true. The prophecies I hear coming true are the most broad of ideas, then people say that prophecy came true. Here's mine, A great wave will spew upon the shore of the coast. Praise me WHEN this comes true. Seriously though let...
  4. J

    Why is Bionic Commando 2 a stupid sidescrolling piece of crap?

    I didnt pay 400$ for a console to go back in time and play side scrollers. Seriously they need to take whatever nerds are looking forward to this crap out in the street and shoot them. A SIDESCROLLER? Seriously? And they are marketing it like people are actually looking forward to it? Like...
  5. K

    Did anyone else almost crap themselves from laughing so hard at this question/...

    ...the answers to it? It was just so untrue it was ridiculous. White men have it rougher then asian men when it comes to getting women? Why do people lie to themselves? @mellow- Sharing the laughs... You're welcome america.
  6. R

    WTF how do i use this xvid crap?

    So I'm on & EVERY movie I've tried to watch says "you have to download xvid codec to watch this movie". So i did.. & Now wtf i go back to the video and it says the same won't play. Idk how that works.. if you do please help because this sucks i can't watch movies on...
  7. R

    WTF how do i use this xvid crap?

    So I'm on & EVERY movie I've tried to watch says "you have to download xvid codec to watch this movie". So i did.. & Now wtf i go back to the video and it says the same won't play. Idk how that works.. if you do please help because this sucks i can't watch movies on...
  8. D

    can i just say your all crap at predictions ?

    i asked for blackburn .. wolves and gonners results and not one of you got them right ... ok one or two got a draw for the gonners but ffs the writing was on the wall for blackburn and wolves .. lmfao ..
  9. A

    what kind of crap is t-mobile ?

    i changed my unlimited minutes too only 500 minutes and the lady said it won't start till next month so i thought i was left wit ulimited mins for november and today i got a bill of 468$ charging all my calls for november and december ? my december bill expires the 13th of jan . do i upgrade my...
  10. K

    I feel like crap please make me laugh?

    anything i don't care what
  11. S

    Are 2000 mitsubishi mirage's good cars ? or are they crap ?

    I'm in very desperate need of a car, this will be my first car, i'm willing to spend up to 3,000 maybe a little bit more. Now i know with that amount of money I'm not going to get the best car out there, but I want something that i KNOW is reliable & won't break down on me after a short amount...
  12. M

    where can i get FREE ringtones without the crap hidden fees?

    I believe still works. Verizon has blocked it though.
  13. H

    How do you send a message on this new facebook crap when someone is online?

    How do you send a message on this new facebook crap when someone is online? it only says chat i dont want to chat i want to send a message
  14. A

    "Beauty and The Werewolf" I know its a crap story title but what do you think?

    "Beauty and The Werewolf" I know its a crap story title but what do you think? Well, the story is similar to Beauty and The Beast has werewolves. Here is the story. Tell me what you think, add suggestions that sort of thing but be nice about it, please. Ok, the story is set in a...
  15. M

    Is it just me or is the clinch game in UFC undisputed total bull crap?

    i would kill any stand up fighter or ground grappler in any difficulty setting. but as soon as i fight someone with clinch game its over. as soon as i get into the clinch i might as well drop the freakin controller or restart cause no matter what you do or press the guy will just tee off until...
  16. M

    Is it just me or is the clinch game in UFC undisputed total bull crap?

    i would kill any stand up fighter or ground grappler in any difficulty setting. but as soon as i fight someone with clinch game its over. as soon as i get into the clinch i might as well drop the freakin controller or restart cause no matter what you do or press the guy will just tee off until...
  17. G

    Holy Crap I'm in One of Those Taiwanese Animations About That Crazy Lightsaber Laser

    GOD, weird. So a while back I called WickedLasers' Spyder III a "real life lightsaber." (It wasn't quite that cool in practice). LucasFilm took issue and threw a fit. Here's the whole saga (and ME) immortalized in Taiwanese CGI. More »
  18. G

    Oh Crap, I forgot to vote!!!111!!1

    It was like a bad dream or something ... Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  19. B

    y do i sound like -crap on my phone t8920?

    y do i sound like -donald duck on my phone t8920
  20. L

    Holy Crap! Bleach manga chapter 423!?!?!?

    What do you guys think of chapter 423. My brother just pulled me out of school because he said the most epic thing happened with Bleach. And was it major. Is Ichigo going to forget Rukia? Will he get his powers back because Isshin lost his powers but got them back, and he didn't lose his...