
  1. G

    Gizmodo Gets Name Dropped in Court on The Good Wife [Video]

    In last weekend's episode of The Good Wife, Julianna Margulies' character interrogates a girl about her voice recognition software and cites our favorite technology website (that would be us, Gizmodo) as saying that the software was fantastic. More »
  2. A

    Court Awards $2.7 Million To Man Who Got ‘Popcorn Lung’ From Microwave Popcorn

    Buttery microwave popcorn was never known for being a super-healthy treat, but a federal court's decision to award $2.7 million to a Colorado man who suffers "popcorn lung," caused by a chemical found in buttery flavoring, makes it seem like a full-blown health threat. The extra sodium and fat...
  3. G

    Court Decides Warrantless Wiretapping Is OK [Surveillance]

    A US federal appeals court has given the green light for warrantless wiretapping. That means federal government can now spy on communications between America citizens without any warrants—and without fear of being sued, either. More »
  4. A

    Personhood Nonsense Could Be Headed To U.S. Supreme Court

    You see that thing to the left that looks kind of like radioactive hushpuppy rolled in hair? Surprise! It's actually a human being! Or would be, anyway, if Personhood USA gets its way. The group responsible for getting personhood initiatives on the ballots in several states is now, for the first...
  5. V

    Pictures: James Holmes in Court

    Mass murderer James Holmes was in court today — his first appearance after killing all those people in Colorado. It was obvious when he went on his rampage that not all of his marbles were in their right places. After seeing these James Holmes in court pictures, you can tell the dude is just...
  6. T

    Importance Of Exercise In Health Plans Upheld By Supreme Court Decision

    According to scientists and medical experts, even though the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) anticipated much speculation while putting plans into effect, it still does not change one important thing they are sure of. Leaders of the American College of Sports...
  7. T

    Affordable Care Act Supreme Court Decision Welcomed By American Medical Association

    Jeremy A. Lazarus, MD, President of the American Medical Association (AMA), said that the AMA is pleased with the ruling by the Supreme Court to uphold health reform. Dr. Lazarus added that the AMA has always supported health insurance coverage for all US citizens. The decision means that...
  8. A

    Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare As A Tax; Here’s What It Means In Plain English

    The Supreme Court upheld Obamacare in a five to four vote, ruling that the individual mandate (requiring that Americans buy insurance or pay a fine) is constitutional as a tax. The court's opinions were divided (outlined in-depth here)—they also stipulated that states can't be penalized for not...
  9. L

    Is it legal for to post your mugshot online before you go to court for t

    i need help because my friend is in trouble
  10. J

    Can you be issued a FTA warrant for not attending a civil court date?

    I'm being sued by a debt collector (they hired a lawyer to take me to court) and it looks like I have a court date next month. I'm debating whether it's worth fighting or not. Suppose I don't go, is that illegal? I've never had any kind of court dates and this is all new to me. Can you get...
  11. J

    Can you be issued a FTA warrent for not attending a civil court date?

    I'm being sued by a debt collector (they hired a lawyer to take me to court) and it looks like I have a court date next month. I'm debating whether it's worth fighting or not. Suppose I don't go, is that illegal? I've never had any kind of court dates and this is all new to me. Can you get...
  12. A

    Second Federal Court Tells Texas It Can’t Defund Planned Parenthood (Yet)

    In the continuing saga of Texas v. Planned Parenthood, a second federal court has told Gov. Rick Perry et al. that they can't play political football with women's health care access, at least for the time being. More »Post from: Blisstree
  13. M

    Is it better to pay a speeding ticket off without going to court or going to court ?

    I got a speeding tickets for 76 n 65.. I had a history of tickets but only two on my record its not mandatory to go to court and its not a wreckless is it best to just pay it or fight it
  14. A

    Court Report: Bleak outlooks for waiver saviors Nikola Pekovic, Jeremy Lin

    Nikola Pekovic, J.J. Barea, and Michael Beasley are all out for the Timberwolves on Friday and all are out for at least a few more games. Barea said he also expects to miss the team's Sunday/Monday back-to-back and is aiming to return on Wednesday. That would mean two games for h2h owners, at...
  15. A

    Kentucky and Louisville players are rivals on the court, close friends off of it

    NEW ORLEANS — It might surprise Kentucky and Louisville fans where two of their teams' top players were 48 hours before the most important matchup in the history of one of college basketball's most vicious rivalries. Kentucky's Doron Lamb and Louisville's Russ Smith were chatting over dinner...
  16. A

    Why The Supreme Court Said ‘Broccoli’ 8 Times In Healthcare Hearings

    The*"broccoli goes to the Supreme Court" mashup—of justices and lawyers saying the word broccoli eight times—from today's Brian Lehrer*show is fairly entertaining, but it's also a good starting point for understanding what's happening in this week's healthcare hearings. In what many believe was...
  17. B

    I dont know where to go on the court in basketball.?

    Ive been playing basketball a lot lately at the gym for cardio purposes, plus its fun. i used to play it a lot with my friends in high school but stopped playing casually for years. Lately ive been loving basketball, its the only sport i watch, the only video game i play is nba2k, and i love...
  18. B

    I dont know where to go on the court in basketball.?

    Ive been playing basketball a lot lately at the gym for cardio purposes, plus its fun. i used to play it a lot with my friends in high school but stopped playing casually for years. Lately ive been loving basketball, its the only sport i watch, the only video game i play is nba2k, and i love...
  19. A

    Court Report: J.R. Smith to the Knicks?

    J.R. Smith appears to be close to signing with the Knicks, according to reports. It's not possible to project starter's minutes for Smith in New York as long as everyone is healthy, with Carmelo Anthony owning the small forward spot and competition at shooting guard coming from Landry Fields...
  20. D

    How can I look up any court case for any state?

    I need a website or something to look up old cases and current cases in the court systems. I use to know and have a website for it but cant remember.