
  1. B

    Which 5 countries of the world do you admire (or love) the most?

    FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE NOT PARTICIPATED YET! :D Here are the rules: You can include your own country (if you want to). You can also briefly explain WHY you chose this country (if you want to). A list of top 5 countries which YOU personally admire and/or love: My list: 1. USA (no...
  2. E

    Why is it that when someone talks about poor countries, people always bring up...

    ...Africa and the Middle East? Not only that is offensive (especially for those living in the Middle East), but it's also ignorant and stereotypical. It baffles me how no one brings up Europe, when most of it is quite poor. Seriously, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia, Croatia, Russia (I know...
  3. S

    introduce website to me :I want to make friends from English speaking countries?

    this is my MSN: [email protected]
  4. P

    Is homo sex comman in western countries?

    how comman gay lesbian sex in western countires? can any one have sex with any one? even if you married doesn't it affect marriage life?
  5. E

    What is a good job to handle relationships with other countries?

    Im confused about ambassadors and diplomats. I want to work with another country as a job.
  6. T

    why does greenpeace decide to set up offices in the countries where they set up

    offices in? maybe for convenience? Because there's more pollution there? Or is it because those countries are more mainstream?
  7. T

    why does greenpeace decide to set up offices in the countries where they set up

    offices in? maybe for convenience? Because there's more pollution there? Or is it because those countries are more mainstream?
  8. G

    publishing a book in usa and other english speaking countries?

    i have written a book , from my real life experince - HOW JESUS TAUGHT ME TO FORGIVE & LOVE . Book is available to read through People from 44 countries visited How can i get a good publisher in usa , europe & other english speaking countries.( i...
  9. B

    Which countries can I visit without a visa on a Taiwan passport?

    Which countries can I visit without a visa on a Taiwan passport? What are the durations? Please provide links when possible.
  10. C

    how does one use google to search another countries data base. please help!?

    Doing a project where I need resorces that can only be found in other countries
  11. C

    how does one use google to search another countries data base. please help!?

    Doing a project where I need resorces that can only be found in other countries
  12. C

    how does one use google to search another countries data base. please help!?

    Doing a project where I need resorces that can only be found in other countries
  13. Y

    If you were to visit 5 countries in latin america what would they be and why?

    5 countries people! A vacation you were going and tell me what attracted you to that country.
  14. N

    do we have a cruise sailing from Eastern india to countries like Singapore,...

    ...Malaysia, etc? I have been searching for Cruise Ships to travel from Chennai or eastern India to countries like Singapore..
  15. M

    The new global Kindle will work in 100 countries, but not in Canada

    [No message]
  16. T

    name all the countries which have the snowmobile?

    Help pleaseeee
  17. E

    Google Search results differ on the same site in different countries?

    We would like to be able to get the same search results from a Google search in Italy, that we do in South Africa? So for example we would be chatting to our Italian affiliates in Italy, and comparing search results on our side? The problem is that we are both comparing different results on the...
  18. P

    How do I set up a bank account overseas in that countries currency? Do I have to

    travel there to do this? What is the best option to start a savings account overseas?
  19. Y

    I just wanted to know if I could join another countries army?

    I just wanted to know if I could join another countries army? I Joined the Israeli army when I was 17 I was in the (IDF) for 7 and half years. Before I joined I was living in Canada with my family I hold Citizenship with both countries. Now I would like to know if I would be able to join the...
  20. Y

    Could I join the Canadian Army? If I was in another countries army?

    I just wanted to know if I could join another countries army? I Joined the Israeli army when I was 17 I was in the (IDF) for 7 and half years. Before I joined I was living in Canada with my family I hold Citizenship with both countries. Now I would like to know if I would be able to join the...