
  1. A

    Whooping Cough Is Making A Comeback: Here’s What You Need To Know

    Haven't you heard? Just like canning, making your own clothes, and*artisanal cheese, whooping cough, or pertussis,*is back in a big way. But seriously, it's actually*really concerning for the CDC, who are cautioning that the disease is rising at unprecedented rates, and for individuals, who may...
  2. D

    am getting cough while laughing is there any problem?

    i was suffering with cough lat month and sputum was high but sputum is less,while laughing am getting cough i have got x-ray and esr,esr was normal..x-ray was representing the mark which i hve got tb couple of years said check for xray after 6 mnths again..any serious problem??
  3. A

    Why does my mom cough after laughing?

    As long as I can remember my mom coughs after she laughs, why does this happen?
  4. T

    Cough will not leave?

    I got a sore throat about a month ago which developed into a cold, and the cough stopped for a couple days, but now it seems to have come back. It's not a deep, bad cough, just an occasional cough. It is really annoying though, did I catch another cold after my last one? Or is this all one...
  5. S

    Stomach hurts when I sneeze or cough or laugh?

    So when i was sleeping with my babybrother he went on my stomach and the next morning I woke up and when I got up i sneezed and my stomach hurted
  6. A

    Season’s Best: Natural Cough Drops Made With More Than Just Sugar

    Last week, I bought some Honee's cough drops without really looking at the ingredients. The package said they were made with real honey and enhanced with B vitamins—great, right? But today I took a look at the ingredient list—oh my: Sugar, followed by corn syrup. Like so many cough drops—how...
  7. J

    When I laugh I cough why?

    Every since I had bronchitis when I was like 18 I cough very hard when I laugh. I'm 22 now and don't smoke its there any way to fix this. Know one in my family has breathing problems
  8. H

    why do i get a cough after every cold?

    After I get a cold /flu (which isn't really that often) I get a cough (nearly always!). I've had it since I was a baby. It's not really a big deal as I just go to the doctors and they give me some inhalers and that usually solves things but they've never really explained WHY this happens. I'm...
  9. B

    Its a good sign for a smoker to cough up tar?

    I smoke cigarettes and marijuana for 5 years now and every morning after a few hours of being awake and having my morning smoke ritual, I cough up hella tar. It's not directly after I smoke but 30 mins or so. I think it's a good sign, I know lots of smokers who never cough up anything and never...
  10. C

    why does my my chest bone hurt when i cough or laugh?

    i've been sneezing and had a sore i'm finding that i've got a fever and it hurts when i laugh or cough..I do smoke
  11. T

    why do my sides hurt whenever I laugh or cough?

    is it just because they were sore from shoveling snow two days ago?
  12. L

    When bump starting my bike, my exhaust cough's ?

    i cant kick it because it not work so i try to bump start it and my exhaust like, sounds like its coughing, / spitting out air in small bursts. The Story = Before this happend, i started it up and my bike sounded very different to how it usually does, i drove it down the street (less than half...
  13. G

    My vagina/uterus hurts whenever I cough?

    No, I'm not a freaking troll. I'm trying to hold in my cough but whenever I don't it feels like there's a basketcall trying to escape. I'm 15.
  14. A

    why does e-cigarette make me cough?

    I just switched to e-ciggarettes and my cough is still bad after 2 weeks
  15. T

    Whooping Cough In Oklahoma Worst In 50 Years

    Health authorities in Oklahoma are urging its citizens to get vaccinated as it reports the worst whooping cough outbreak in the state in 50 years. At least 66 people so far have developed the disease, officials say. Neighboring state Texas has over 2,229 reported cases. On the west coast...
  16. T

    Child Emergency Department Visits Linked To Cough And Cold Medicines Drop Dramaticall

    Since taking cough and cold medicines for children under 4 off the shelves, the numbers being taken to emergency departments because of overdoses from these medications have fallen considerably, researchers from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) report in the medical journal...
  17. N

    Question About Kennel Cough?

    i got this dog from a shelter and he has got rabbies vaccination and other shots but he licked my mouth and i dont know why i been coughin cuz of that or because of the constant weather changing..what could it be??
  18. N

    Question About Kennel Cough?

    i got this dog from a shelter and he has got rabbies vaccination and other shots but he licked my mouth and i dont know why i been coughin cuz of that or because of the constant weather changing..what could it be??
  19. T

    Whooping Cough Claims Tenth Fatality In California, 6-Week Old Baby

    Ten people have now died so far this year in California from pertussis (whooping cough), all of them babies, in what may well become the worst whooping cough year in the state's history. So far, 5,978 of confirmed, probable and suspected cases have been reported to authorities, the highest...
  20. C

    What cough syrup/medication is best to use for recreation?

    Tonight I'm going to try it with a couple of friends– they want triple C, but I heard that those are THE worst for your body. I want one that has DXM as the only active ingredient. Also how much should i take if I am 6" and 180 pounds?