
  1. T

    Sad Music Might Help You Cope With Relationship Troubles

    Consumers experiencing relationship problems are more likely to prefer aesthetic experiences that reflect their negative mood, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. "Emotional experiences of aesthetic products are important to our happiness and well-being. Music, movies...
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    Metabolite Damage-Control: How Our Cells Cope With Toxic Small Molecules

    In this week's issue of the prestigious journal Nature Chemical Biology, scientists Carole Linster (University of Luxembourg), Emile Van Schaftingen (Louvain University), and Andrew D. Hanson (University of Florida, Gainesville) review an important, but so far neglected, part of metabolism...
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    Study Examines How Cells Exploit Gene Sequences To Cope With Toxic Stress

    Toxic chemicals wreak havoc on cells, damaging DNA and other critical molecules. A new study from researchers at MIT and the University at Albany reveals how a molecular emergency-response system shifts the cell into damage-control mode and helps it survive such attacks by rapidly producing...
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    How Do You Cope With 100 Hour Work Weeks? 10 Stressed Employees Tell Us The Truth

    Forget the 40-hour work week: for many working professionals, 80+ workweeks are not only common but expected and deeply entrenched into their companies’ culture. And, as anyone who’s ever run their own company or worked at a startup can tell you, it’s not just lawyers and investment bankers who...
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    look if anyone has experienced what I have to go through you will understand my stress and confusion, over the past couple months I've been thinking seriously whether or not to break up with my girlfriend, I love her to bits and she loves me, she means the world to me we've, been going out for a...
  6. C

    How do you cope with being dumped or cheated on or when someone has no more...

    ...interest in you? I want to prepare myself for this day as it has happend to me before in the past. The divorce rate is like 60-70 percent so I know the chances. What do I do when the pain is to unbarriable and and I find out we are no loger together?
  7. M

    My rabbit just died. I am so sad. How do I cope with this?

    i am feeling very depressed, He was so unique to us,
  8. A

    How to cope with annoying father in law coming for vacation?

    My husbands family and I dont get along it all started with my monster-in-law, i mean mother in law and ..well its a long story lets keep it short when i first met my husband he was kind of a "mommas-boy" if you know what i mean and his mother never got along with me or our daughter. So his...
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    Finnish Twin Study Yields New Information On How Fat Cells Cope With Obesity

    The mechanisms by which obesity leads towards metabolic co-morbidities, such as diabetes mellitus, are poorly understood and of great public health interest. A study led by Matej OreÅ¡iÄ? from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland suggests that adaptation of fat cell membranes to obesity may...
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    How do i cope while my pet is gone?

    Jill, my human, left for college awhile ago, and i miss her greatly. i wonder if she's doing well in her classes, made any friends in college, and getting along with her roommate. just to note, she had a different name, Jill is just what i called her. btw i'm completely serious about whole...
  11. J

    How to cope with post vacation depression?

    I was at this island resort with my family during the weekend and we came back this afternoon. But ever since then, I felt kind of depressed. I don't feel like doing anything like my mom wanted me to tell my dad a story about what happened to her at the beach and it's a very funny story. I'm...
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    Scots Cancer Patients Left To Cope Alone

    Scots cancer patients are not getting the support and information they need to help them cope with their illness after they leave hospital. A YouGov survey for leading charity Macmillan Cancer Support found that two thirds of cancer patients (66 per cent) in Scotland left hospital after initial...
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    Need ideas to help 3 year old cope while we are on vacation?

    My husband and I are planning a trip this summer for 5days. Our daughter will be with my mom and sister. I would like to do something special for her each day so she can count down the days, sort of like an advent calendar or something, I don't know Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions...
  14. K

    TRUE OR FALSE: If you can't cope, you shouldn't mope. Theres always hope, smoke

    dope or you should tie a rope? I don't support it.
  15. C

    How do I cope with flying when travelling?

    I like to travel and go to new places. But the one thing I hate about traveling is the flying. I live in Ireland and there's some places far away from me that I'd like to travel to like places around America, Canada and maybe Australia. But I'm more used to flights that only last two and a hlaf...
  16. B

    A question for counselors and psychologists: how to cope with people who want

    to complain and use you? I am an undergraduate student at a University who plans to apply to a graduate program for a Master's in Counseling, specializing in Marriage and Family Therapy. Right now I am coping with a girl who is in my major who I feel is taking advantage of me. She wants to...
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    Boyfriend forced to join the army, how to cope?

    Ukrainian army. How does an 18 year old girl cope with this?
  18. S

    Those who are in an interracial or interfaith relationship, how do you cope

    with racist parents? How do you cope with racist parents who are blinded by their prejudice, refuse to see past their opinions and would rather break up the union than talk things over or get to know the person? Did you just avoid them, cut them off or suffered in silence?
  19. M

    how did the people cope with dynamite fishing?

    •Dynamite fishing is illegal in Canadian and I have no doubt in the U.S. Dynamiting fish also kills other things in lakes or oceans. In other words it's a pure attempt at destroying the environment and it's balance
  20. C

    My parents argue often and are threatening to cope?

    My mom gets really stressed easily; in the morning, within five minutes of her waking up, she'll start ranting about how messy the house is and how my dad never does anything to help. My dad just ignores her and gets ready for work, goes on the computer, and leaves when it's time for him to go...