
  1. J

    What type of data the 'annual sales' is.? discrete or continuous?

    annual sales might be 500 pounds 6.99456793 pence (not sure). Is it continuous? I'm so confused!
  2. S

    big difference between 100 continuous pushups and ten sets of ten pushups?

    I do 5 sets of ten pushups in the morning and five in the evening? Will this help me develop shoulder and chest muscles/
  3. B

    The difference between the Present Continuous tense and the Future?

    Please explain the difference between: 1. Present Continuous: My sister is going to Paris :? 2. Future Simple with going to: my sister s going to Paris ?
  4. C

    Prove If lim_(n->infinity) a_n = L and the function f is continuous at L,

    Look at the former rather than the latter part of this equation.
  5. T

    In the square root function f is continuous on [0, infinity) but is not

    continuous at 0? How can this be? Can you explain it to me? Thank you very much!
  6. R

    Does the Canon PowerShot SX 110 IS do continuous shooting?

    I'm looking into buying a Canon PowerShot SX 110 IS so I can take quick pictures. I do a lot of bike dirt jumping and I'm sick of taking a lot of pics and hoping 1 is good. DOES THE CANON POWERSHOT 110 IS do good continuous shooting to capture the high point of a bike jump and trick??
  7. C

    For what value of k will the function f be continuous on (-infinity,infinity)?

    For what value of k will the function f be continuous on (-infinity,infinity)? f(x) = { x^2-100 if x not equal to -10 { k if x equal to -10 thanks for your help!
  8. C

    For what value of k will the function f be continuous on (-infinity,infinity)?

    For what value of k will the function f be continuous on (-infinity,infinity)? f(x) = { x^2-100 if x not equal to -10 { k if x equal to -10 thanks for your help!
  9. V

    For what value of the constant c is the function f continuous on (-infinity,...

    ...infinity)? what does c=? I got the answer c=2.5566667. But it's incorrect. I set the equation to equal to each other and then substituted x = 2.9 and x = 3. What should i do?
  10. S

    What to do about a continuous fever?

    I have had a fever on and off for the alt 5 days. I am already on medication for a tonsil infection. I started the medication a week ago today but the fever came a few days after I started it. I have been taking advil to lower the fever but any other suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!