
  1. G

    Tender issued for Tasman Global Access cable construction

    Tender issued for Tasman Global Access cable construction Posted on 13-Jun-2013 09:51. | Filed under: News :*Broadband. The three telecommunications companies (Telecom, Telstra, Vodafone) that intend to co-invest in a new submarine cable between New Zealand and Australia have issued a...
  2. C

    Story dialogue construction comma help?

    I am having some doubts about comma and period usage when working around dialogue in writing. So here are some examples with different versions of each. Tell me which appear correct please? EXAMPLE 1: words words words, "more words here," she/he said. words words words "more words here"...
  3. M

    What is the best construction of 18/10 stainless cookware for cooking...

    ...performance and cleanup? There appear to be any number of layer materials and numbers
  4. T

    Higher Workers' Comp Settlements Awarded To White Construction Workers In Illinois

    White non-Hispanic construction workers are awarded higher workers' compensation settlements in Illinois than Hispanic or black construction workers with similar injuries and disabilities, according to researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health... More...
  5. T

    Weekend Home Repair Warriors And Construction Workers Travel Long Distances For Commo

    Wrist, hand and finger trauma are the most common injuries presenting to emergency departments nationwide, yet only 7 percent of Tennessee hospitals have a hand specialist on call 24/7 to treat these patients, according to a Vanderbilt study published online today in the Annals of Plastic...
  6. S

    can i come into construction company, as i have lot of interest in roaming...

    ...around, doing field work.? I have mechanical background and now started my career with manufacturing company as GET... pls help me. i cant work behind the desk job.. i require on field work... pls help
  7. R

    Are there and games like X construction for the iPhone?

    My friend has a droid with a game called X construction. Does anyone know of a game like it for the iPhone? Or a another game like "Army of Darkness"?
  8. V

    Construction Restarts At Circuit Of The Americas

    Workers have returned to the Circuit Of The Americas after a weeks-long delay, according to the Austin American-Statesman. Questions about the pace of the construction have been raised for over a month, as conflicting reports came in on the progress of America’s first purpose-built Formula 1...
  9. S

    Itouch construction game help!?

    I can't remember what it's called but there is this game were the campaign just has you like put cogs in the right place or conveyor belts. And there's another section where you can use all the tools and create anything you want. Can someone please help me I've been trying too figure this out...
  10. T

    DNA Construction Software Saves Time, Resources And Money

    DNA construction, also known as DNA cloning or recombinant DNA technology - among a host of other terms - is one of the principal tools of modern biotechnology, used for a wide variety of purposes, including genetic studies, medical research, and the development of advanced biofuels. A number of...
  11. J

    Discuss Genealogical construction?

    Discuss why genealogical and origin constructions of white, English speaking southern Appalachians claiming various northern European heritages are cultural constructs rooted in the use of language rather than actual, biological (and therefore scientific) truths. Consider the role of gender...
  12. D

    Homework Question in English......Interesting Construction of a Sentence?

    My university professor assigned a homework asking me to write "up to 250 words detailing a time when you have come up with an ingenious or original solution to a problem-issue." What do YOU understand from the way my professor formulated the question? Does he want me to (i) detail a TIME...
  13. H

    Discuss the importance of having a construction programme and a cash flow

    forecast for a Construction project? I need this information immediately.
  14. C

    What is a good way to promote construction trades/skills for side jobs?

    I just started doing drywall patches for sidework from my main job and was wondering if anybody had any good ideas on how to promote this?
  15. S

    No homo, but why is it when i see Lebron in a yellow hard hat and construction... and i mean JUST a hard hat and boots....i get the urge for "sexual healing"?
  16. M

    Imam Khan of proposed NY mosque says $100 million for construction will...

    ...come from a bond. Is the INTEREST....? .....that the Islamic group will pay on such a bond allowed by the Quran under the beliefs of all or only SOME Muslims? Or is it only the RECEIVING of interest wrong for a Muslim? Or would the construction bond be some sort of zero-interest bond or...
  17. M

    Imam Khan of proposed NY mosque says $100 million for construction will...

    ...come from a bond. Is the INTEREST....? .....that the Islamic group will pay on such a bond allowed by the Quran under the beliefs of all or only SOME Muslims? Or is it only the RECEIVING of interest wrong for a Muslim? Or would the construction bond be some sort of zero-interest bond or...
  18. M

    Construction zone speed limits - B.C(/Vancouver-region)?

    I'm taking my N test today and I realized I still had to look up one thing... and I can't seem to find it. In the town I'm taking my N test in there is major construction going on downtown. I was told that I most likely wouldn't be going down it, but "if the examiner is ruthless/mean, they...
  19. M

    Construction zone speed limits - B.C(/Vancouver-region)?

    I'm taking my N test today and I realized I still had to look up one thing... and I can't seem to find it. In the town I'm taking my N test in there is major construction going on downtown. I was told that I most likely wouldn't be going down it, but "if the examiner is ruthless/mean, they...
  20. V

    a rock fell off a construction truck and hit my windshield?

    there is a nasty crack in my front windshield now. how should I go about getting this repaired? Should I just call up my insurance peeps or contact the company of the truck and try and explained to them what happened? The driver of the truck was obliviously to what happened btw, but I still took...