
  1. T

    Have you ever considered the great gift that God gave to the world through...

    ...his Son, Christ the Lord? Jesus is the King of all mankind, the shining star of the human race. He walked in this sin torn world as we do, and he did so without sin. Jesus Christ walked perfect in God's eyes, and God anointed him our King and Saviour! By his sacrifice Jesus told and taught us...
  2. R

    Is a boat propeller considered a wheel and axle?

    other examples of a wheel adn axle are doornobs, wrenches, ferris wheels a wheel and axle is a simple machine conssisting of two circular objects of different sizes. this is the definition from my book. if a propeller isn't a wheel and axle then what else on a boat is?
  3. T

    Have you ever considered the great gift that God gave to the world through...

    ...his Son, Christ the Lord? Jesus is the King of all mankind, the shining star of the human race. He walked in this sin torn world as we do, and he did so without sin. Jesus Christ walked perfect in God's eyes, and God anointed him our King and Saviour! By his sacrifice Jesus told and taught us...
  4. L

    Would the rumor touch be considered a smartphone?

    I told my mom I was going to buy the virgin mobile rumor touch next month and she asked me if it was a smart phone? I really don't know.
  5. F

    Why's it considered "playing God" to have In Vitro Fertilization or abortion, but...

    Why's it considered "playing God" to have In Vitro Fertilization or abortion, but... ...not for making antibiotics..? Or even the vaccine, really?
  6. W

    Who would be considered a true celebrity hero?

    I am writing a comparative essay on comparing the courageous character(s) of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird to an individual or situation of real life which is post 1980, are there any TRUE celebrity heros who made a difference?
  7. J

    Is the Gettysburg Address by Abe Lincoln considered a non-partisan speech?

    given that he is the commander in chief of the Union army and that the soldiers who died belong to both the Union and the Conf. armies.
  8. A

    Out of an average of one hundred people - how many could be considered

    regular readers of fiction? I am interested in knowing how many people on average read novels regularly. I know I always have a novel on the go but I am wondering how many as a mean average as a percentage do the same.
  9. A

    Out of an average of one hundred people - how many could be considered

    regular readers of fiction? I am interested in knowing how many people on average read novels regularly. I know I always have a novel on the go but I am wondering how many as a mean average as a percentage do the same.
  10. W

    would a transsexual be considered hetro or homo?

    hey i was wondering this... if a person was born female but always felt they should be a male, including the liking of girls in a romantic way and in college had surgery and stuff to make them be a male and was then in a committed relationship with a female be consider hetrosexual because they...
  11. P

    If Judaism is religion, how can Jews be considered a race with higher IQ?

    Anybody can convert to Judaism but it does not mean his/her IQ will jump 10 points because of the conversion. I have met all kinds of Jews from all walks of life. So Jews being smarter than any other race is simply not true. Nadine, if I was racist, I would have married one.
  12. P

    Is there a place considered the muffin capital in america?

    Are there any places where there are muffin festivals or self claimed capitals of the world?
  13. L

    is laughing and smiling at a guy considered flirting ramdan?

    are these things flirting even if u have a pure heart and ur intention is not to attract guys smiling at them..just being polite laughing at a joke cuz it was funny wot other things would be considered flirting and how can this be avoided? salam also wot about sitting next to them if u r...
  14. K

    Is a DUI considered a criminal case or traffic case?

    Filling out an OP questionaire and it's asking if any of the parties have been involved in a criminal, civil, or divorce case. My hubby got a DUI in 2008 but was placed on court supervision, paid fines, and took classes. He is still on court supervision until Feb 2011. Is that considered a...
  15. S

    Survey: Have you ever wet your bed at an older age than what would be considered

    normal (like 5-6 years)? I used to wet the bed nightly for many years as a child, into my teens, due to a medical condition. It even still happens to me occasionally as an adult, although thankfully it is much more rare now! Just wondering how many others here have had this happen at an older...
  16. M

    In terms of vacations, would the winter holidays be considered "peak season"?

    In terms of vacations, would the winter holidays be considered "peak season"? when the kids are off school
  17. S

    Why is `Karaite` Judaism considered Orthodoxy?

    I am a `heterodox` Jew and I agree with the Karaite foundation in regards to following a path of Judaism. I only have a few differences between my personal belief and theres. Such as there keeping of a lunar sabbath. But I've noticed over the pass years. How they disagree with Rabbinical Jews...
  18. T

    Is it considered cheating if my girlfriend goes over to her ex's house and...

    ...cooks him and their son dinner? My girlfriend split up with her boyfriend of 25 years, whom she has a 14 yr old boy with that lives with him. She goes over to his house every now and then and cooks dinner for her ex and her son. Im usually at home just messing around in the garage. I think...
  19. O

    Is Blake Griffin considered a Rookie?

    since he was drafted 2 years ago...but this is his 1st year playing?
  20. C

    Is an I-pod considered a PDA?

    I'm doing this assignment for my computers class and I have to write an article about PDA 's. I was just wondering, is an I-pod considered a PDA? Thank you for answering!