
  1. O

    Does the Conservative landslide victory in Spain over a pro-Obama Socialist...

    ...government serve as a premonition? The socialists campaigned on a platform of ‘taxing the rich.’ Meanwhile, the conservatives campaigned on a program to slash taxes, especially on businesses. Consequently, the conservatives won in an historic landslide...
  2. P

    Riddle: What do you call a Conservative with a Degree?

    Answer: A Moderate.
  3. L

    Why dont conservative businessmen got no values?

    Example: Herman Cain
  4. W

    Why do Conservative men?

    Have sex with their Sisters in their out house out back, after a hard night on Yahoo Answers?
  5. L

    Conservative that don't believe in evolution, how do you argues facts such as:?

    -We have 98% DNA in common with primate and that get less and less the farther back we go on the Evolutionary tree - We still have a tail bone - we still get goosebumps - all 42 ways of dating the earth date it to be about 4.5 Billion years old - The law of adaption - The law of variation -...
  6. U

    Is the vendetta that liberals have with conservative men and/or Christian

    caucasians getting old? What are your feeling about this ideological war? What motivates them, what are their goals? Is their such a thing as cultural diversity? Where is the scientific data/empirical evidence to support liberal hypocrisy? Is the problems associated with diversity rooted in...
  7. E

    What is Conservative Judaism?

    How does it differ from Orthodox and Reform Judaism? Thanks!
  8. C

    To set an example of a conservative woman should Michele Bachmann do...

    ...dishes, make sandwiches clean toilets and? do laundry if she is elected President of the US. I know she has a staff to do that but shouldn't she be setting an example for all women to follow?
  9. L

    What would the world be like if all the gloom & doom conservative predictions...

    ...came true? Muslims would occupy every position of political power Gays would be kicking down your door to sodomize you Roving bands of welfare recipients would forcibly take your money from your wallet Anything I missed?
  10. C

    Converting to Judaism - Orthodox vs. Conservative?

    So, I'm considering (and when I mean "considering," I mean I've been studying seriously and attending services for months, and I feel Judaism may be the right faith and lifestyle for me) conversion. I do take this very seriously, and I'm not rushing into anything, but if I do convert, my place...
  11. D

    Conservative Judaism?

    Where did it originate? What is the historical context? Holy days? Traditions? customs?
  12. K

    Conservative V.S. Liberal bias in the media?

    Do you think there is a conservative or liberal bias in the media? What are some examples that you have noticed to support your claim?
  13. C

    Is it a joke to consider Reagan a conservative after viewing his anything but...

    ...conservative policies? ...both domestic and foreign? Is he the reason neocons today don't have a clue about being a conservative?
  14. C

    When people complain about the liberal media or conservative propaganda?

    Are they basically recognizing that there is no free will, that we are a product of our environment and thus our thoughts are deterministic? If propaganda does not rely on the deterministic mind, then why the concern? Equality For All - No, a deterministic mind would come to the conclusion...
  15. R

    Conservative types, did we dodge a bullet in Obamas first 4 years?

    Considering their extreme radical agenda, control of the senate, house, and executive branch, I am surprised they didn't do more damage than they did. Just looked how they turned it on in the lame duck session. Correction - first 2 years
  16. P

    How do I refute this "gay agenda" nonsense to my conservative parents?

    I hate social ignorance. I am sure everyone on here knows what argument I am talking about, how do I prove to them that gays just want to be accepted for who they are and want equal rights. How does one refute the republikkkan "family" values people, it doesn't seem to matter what I say they...
  17. C

    What is the conservative Church of Christ? Is it a cult?

    Not the UNited the Conservative
  18. C

    Why is it every liberal that calls into a conservative radio show sound like...

    ...a high pitched whining child? and they NEVER have anything to back up their statements when asked for examples? Are liberals just emotional thinkers ?
  19. A

    Is there a contradiction between these two conservative talking points? Why, how so?

    Obama is just like Hitler and Obama is soft on defense??? If anyone can explain the logic behind those two statements of the American right I'd appreciate it a lot. Thank you in advance
  20. N

    How can I convert to conservative Judaism when the nearest synagogue and rabbi...

    ...are far from me? I have been Christian but I would rather be Jewish because I think it's more authentic than Christianity. Christians please don't take offense to this I love you no matter what you believe in. It's a matter of pondering and believing that this is what I really want to do. I...