
  1. T

    Do people understand Congress can give a bill a catchy name like the...

    ..."child nutrition bill" that nothing to do? with the title. Yes Congress passed a so-called child nutrition bill. Why we need that is beyond me, but it sounds warm and fuzzy so it passes, even though there is so much other junk in it that it really is an earmark/pork bill...
  2. T

    Congress Called Upon To Eliminate Restriction On Use Of Flexible Spending Accounts Fo

    Unless Congress takes action during the upcoming lame duck session, Americans will be prohibited from using their pre-tax flexible spending account (FSA) contributions to purchase over-the-counter (OTC) medications like Claritin and Tylenol without a doctor's prescription beginning on January 1...
  3. B

    With all the work Congress needs to do, why is a stupid dem whining about hats? Freedom fries, that was so dumb I laughed for a week.
  4. T

    Should somebody in congress introduce a bill that outlaws government bailouts?

    By bailout I mean the government buying failing businesses or loaning money to them.
  5. T

    Abortion-Rights Supporters Face 'Most Hostile Congress' In Decades, The Nation's Poll

    Because of numerous Republican victories in the midterm elections, abortion-rights advocates are "looking at the most hostile Congress since abortion was legalized in 1973," with at least 53 new antiabortion-rights members in the House and five in the Senate, columnist Katha Pollitt writes in...
  6. B

    Will Congress pass a law forcing Government Officials, Employees, at all...

    ...levels, to abide by the same laws as? every other citizen in this country? No 'full salary pension' for the rest of their lives when they only held the seat in Congress for two terms and are only 50 years old? no special Health Care Insurance? Will this new Congress even introduce a bill that...
  7. W

    Why have their been more recessions when Democrats have controlled Congress

    than with Republicans? Recession of 1960 the Dems controlled the house and senate Recession 1969 Democrats again controlled House and Senate Recession of 1973-1975 Dem control Recession of 1980 Democrats again controlled House and Senate Early 90s Recession Democrats controlled House and Senate...
  8. W

    Why have their been more recessions when Democrats have controlled Congress

    than with Republicans? Recession of 1960 the Dems controlled the house and senate Recession 1969 Democrats again controlled House and Senate Recession of 1973-1975 Dem control Recession of 1980 Democrats again controlled House and Senate Early 90s Recession Democrats controlled House and Senate...
  9. L

    Should we develop our Congress pass a law that bans the use of handheld cell...

    ...phones in cars? And then they can send a rebate so people can buy the bluetooth headsets or something. This could cost a few tens of millions of dollars. Or should we just wait it out and see what happens? What do you think should be done?
  10. T

    What do you think will happened if Congress doesn't extend the Bush tax cuts?

    What will happen and how will it effect the American people? You may refer to politics as well as economics.
  11. M

    What is the humor in Winston Churchill's statement to the US Congress?

    "In his first address to a joint session of the United States Congress, on 26 December 1941, he teased the assembled Senators and Representatives with the suggestion, "If my father had been American and my mother British, instead of the other way 'round, I might have got here on my own!""...
  12. T

    ANA Ready To Work With New Congress

    The American Nurses Association (ANA) is eager to work with the incoming Congress to advance issues of importance to nurses and patients. ANA was pleased to see the significant role played by nurses in this election, as candidates and on campaigns. ANA's Nurses Campaign Activity Night (Nurses...
  13. D

    what roles do both houses of congress play in the introduction of a new bill?

    (A) they may rewrite or stop a bill that was pased by other houses (B) they may work together to approve the bill (C) they may vote to poass a vetoed bill (D) all of the above
  14. F

    What do you think of politicians arguing "it is not a tax" in Congress and

    then "it is a tax" in the courts? From the article linked above: "Congress should not be permitted to secure and cast politically difficult votes on controversial legislation by deliberately calling something one thing, after which the...
  15. J

    Why do republicans love big business taking over Congress and manipulating

    and exploiting people? Funny not how many big corporations pay 0 dollar a year in taxation. While an average household is paying lets say 20-25% tax? Mmm...something seems wrong here.
  16. W

    Will Rogers on Congress. Did you ever see this? Some things do not change to much. These fit as well today as they did then. Hey Beaver it is a shame we have never had anyone else as good as Will.
  17. G

    Stephen Colbert Pwns Congress

    Frankly, I'm not sure what I think about this. Read the comments on this post... More...
  18. G

    So what is Congress cooking up since they decided to grace the populace with their

    return to capital hill? repairing the infrastructure would be nice, but from what I read nobody is left working to sit in the traffic jams to notice.
  19. T

    Paris Will Host The 14th International Thyroid Congress From September 11th To 16th,

    Held every five year, the International Thyroid Congress is a key worldwide event for healthcare professionals around the world. Over 2,500 people are expected: endocrinologists, nuclear medicine physicians, oncologists, ENT specialists, surgeons, researchers, GPs, caregivers, biologists, etc...
  20. P

    If Roger "Rocket" Clemens is going on trial for lying to Congress, then why not

    If Roger "Rocket" Clemens is going on trial for lying to Congress, then why not George W. Bush? He lied to get his Iraq Oil War, so why not try him, too? Seriously? Jimmy is exactly right! Clinton was IMPEACHED by Republicans for lying...