
  1. K

    What should be the conflict in my story? What should the point of view... What kind of world should it be? The main character of my book is a man in his mid to late twenties. As a boy his father was a preacher. One day, the father brought him to one of the exorcisms he was doing, to show him. But the demon controlling the young girl was actually Abaddon (king...
  2. P

    Do you think Greenpeace has no conflict of interest?

    They never act for Lapindo
  3. E

    Conflict of interest with gay judge ruling on Prop 8?

    I've seen several sources confirming that Vaughn Walker is himself gay. Does anyone else see this as a highly probably bias for the judge deciding on the constitutionality of the gay marriage ban in California? Would the left really sit and take it if the judge were a Christian fundamentalist?
  4. M

    People in certain professions seems particularly susceptible to role conflict....

    ...Select a profession and discuss? People in certain professions seems particularly susceptible to role conflict. Select a profession and discuss the role conflict people in that profession might experience.
  5. B

    DVD ripping/conversion conflict... please help?

    Hi, OK I'm not exactly an expert in the DVD ripping/converting to avi or mp4 movie (and for personal use too I should add! :P:P:P ). I have been using DVD Decryptor, then AutoGK, now recently Handbrake. My problem is I have a DVD which is in Spanish but has English subtitles. I tried to convert...
  6. B

    Handbrake DVD ripping conflict! Help please?

    Hi, OK I'm not exactly an expert in the DVD ripping/converting to avi or mp4 movie (and for personal use too I should add! :P:P:P ). I have been using DVD Decryptor, then AutoGK, now recently Handbrake. My problem is I have a DVD which is in Spanish but has English subtitles. I tried to convert...
  7. D

    How do you make a movie with vampires, werewolves, supernatural conflict,

    and Alessa Gillespie? And turn it into some kind of high school love story? Stephanie Meyer, there's blood on your hands. The blood of awesomeness. You murdered awesomeness, Stephanie Meyer. YOU KILLED IT. YOU BLEW IT UP. YOU BLEW IT ALL TO HELL.
  8. P

    What do you do when Family and religion conflict?

    My grandmothers deathwish is for me to get baptized. I love her, and I respect her. But it's not for me. I would be disrespecting the ritual and myself. It would be literal blasphemy. But my dad who does not yet know about the refusal read the first draft of my college essay, where I...
  9. P

    What do you do when Family and religion conflict?

    My grandmothers deathwish is for me to get baptized. I love her, and I respect her. But it's not for me. I would be disrespecting the ritual and myself. It would be literal blasphemy. But my dad who does not yet know about the refusal read the first draft of my college essay, where I...
  10. L

    I have everything in need for my story BUT I'm missing the conflict! PLEASE help!?

    I know tons of people ask this question and I sound just like an uncreative school kid doing an assignment. But I LOVE writting, I was always prasied in school being told I'll grow up and be a writer, but lately I've been having lots of problems with finishing stories, and it's really depressing...
  11. G

    Religion has a major conflict with science, but does this conflict also exist within

    .... because your proof of your god is falsified by science. But that is not a problem that science has. It is a problem that you have. It is also not a problem that the Secular Public School System in the US has. Unless you make it so. This explored in a recent iNewp piece: Read the...
  12. J

    how come the word conflict of interest does not applies to the G-O-P....?

    Judges,halliburton and most of all this.... Kronickl..~i did not say that,if we had a real G-O-P party putting in the checks but do you really call this thing now THE G-O-P? French Fry Hunter~BUDDIES!!! YOU...
  13. J

    how come the word conflict of interest does not applies to the G-O-P....?

    Judges,halliburton and most of all this.... Kronickl..~i did not say that,if we had a real G-O-P party putting in the checks but do you really call this thing now THE G-O-P? French Fry Hunter~BUDDIES!!! YOU...
  14. P

    Is this a conflict of interest?

    Hypothetical situation. Lets say, you're a police officer, and your brother is a defense lawyer. Is it a conflict of interest for you to testify for/against his client? Thanks, xx PS: Sorry if this is in the wrong section, I wasn't sure where to put it. Thanks xx
  15. D

    conflict of interest?

    I have been research this one subject for a long tie know and I fgot the answer I was looking gfor. the answer on whether I can be more like a tom girl and be a guy. well the verdict is in and the answer is complex. on the one hand to be an authlet i'd have to gain muscle on the other hand to...
  16. J

    Conflict communication style,Can anyone Help?

    1) Possible modes for managing conflict include competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, and accommodating. Define and explain each one, showing how each is related to cultural dimensions and characteristics from a specific individualist culture such as Australia and a specific...
  17. P

    When someone dies in Gaza Israel conflict its drawn to International media

    highlights, why? And when in Pakistan, muslims kill other muslims and hundreds are dying almost everyday - but they dont get so much of international hatred or such higlights in international media. Why is that? Obviously the incidents in Pakistan , Iran, Iraq about bombings are coming in the...
  18. L

    Question about a potential for conflict of interest:?

    How is an officer writing a ticket not a conflict of interest? In most areas the officer is required to live with-in the community. Even if they do not live there they still collect pay from the city. Since cities have limited funds the officer has a vested interest in gaining more funds for the...
  19. J

    What is the central(or main) conflict in Maximum Ride the Angel Experiment?

    im doin a book report and i dont know the central or main conflict in the book cause there are so many conflicts ahhh help plz i need to find the most important conflict!!!
  20. H

    lol wat is the cause of the israel and palestine conflict? wat is palestine?

    i doing project on wars and conflict.. can help me look for links on the war.. and explain to me??!?