
  1. P

    why do guys complain about condoms?

    here is the deal. okay you have to wear a condom,but "I can't feel nothing" so he wears the condom only did he not satisfy me he skeet-ed immediately. I could have kicked myself in the a**.
  2. K

    Allergies to latex condoms?

    I didn't make the connection until now but I think I may be allergic to latex condoms. Over the past year, whenever I had sex (using a latex condom) I got sore and itchy afterward. I got tested for various STD's and was completely clean, tried using treatment for a yeast infection but it kept...
  3. E

    whats the point of using lambskin condoms if they dont protect against STIs?

    I just read that there are small pores in the condoms and STIs can still be passed. I got chlamidia a while ago and have been taking antibiotics to clear it up, so my boyfriend and I have been using those condoms to protect us while were healing. but basically, it was pointless because we were...
  4. L

    how old do you have to be to buy condoms ?

    well im 15 and i just want to try to be a little safe.and i live in texas so i don't know if their are any rules against it
  5. P

    Male answers appreciated.. I found an empty box of condoms.?

    Be blunt with me!! My boyfriend & I have had struggles. I caught him cheating on me a month and a half ago. I had messed up in the past once and so had he, so we decided to move forward. We have a child and have been together 5 years and thought it could be salvagable. 2 months ago, I found an...
  6. J

    Has anyone bought condoms online... and were they good and everything?

    undercover condoms, condom depot